breseq  version 0.35.4  revision f352f80f4bc9
mutation predictions | marginal predictions | summary statistics | genome diff | command line log

Predicted mutations
evidence position mutation freq annotation gene description
RA 393,383 C→T 100% A19V (GCG→GTG)  yaiW → putative lipoprotein
RA 427,459:1 +T 100% coding (11/885 nt) tsx ← nucleoside channel, receptor of phage T6 and colicin K
RA 451,541 C→T 100% A318V (GCT→GTT)  tig → peptidyl‑prolyl cis/trans isomerase (trigger factor)
RA 481,297 Δ1 bp 100% coding (81/648 nt) acrR → transcriptional repressor
RA 663,969 C→T 100% R68H (CGC→CAC)  rlmH ← 23S rRNA m(3)Psi1915 pseudouridine methyltransferase, SAM‑dependent
JC 670,239 +GGCAGC 100% coding (1/2583 nt) leuS ← leucyl‑tRNA synthetase
RA 804,210 G→A 100% Y168Y (TAC→TAT bioA ← 7,8‑diaminopelargonic acid synthase, PLP‑dependent
RA 858,969 G→C 7.8% intergenic (‑2/‑129) ybiY ← / → fsaA putative pyruvate formate lyase activating enzyme/fructose‑6‑phosphate aldolase 1
RA 982,211 Δ1 bp 100% coding (228/1089 nt) ompF ← outer membrane porin 1a (Ia;b;F)
RA 982,213 C→G 100% D76H (GAT→CAT)  ompF ← outer membrane porin 1a (Ia;b;F)
RA 986,278 T→C 100% N67N (AAT→AAC pepN → aminopeptidase N
RA 997,673:1 +G 100% coding (411/1071 nt) elfG → putative fimbrial‑like adhesin protein
RA 1,175,774 G→A 100% E230K (GAA→AAA)  cobB → deacetylase of acs and cheY, chemotaxis regulator
RA 1,264,315 G→C 100% G232A (GGT→GCT)  kdsA → 3‑deoxy‑D‑manno‑octulosonate 8‑phosphate synthase
RA 1,279,784 A→G 100% E242G (GAG→GGG)  narH → nitrate reductase 1, beta (Fe‑S) subunit
RA 1,324,803 G→A 32.8% G41G (GGC→GGT yciN ← DUF2498 protein YciN
RA 1,592,701 T→C 100% intergenic (‑457/+173) yneO ← / ← lsrK pseudogene, AidA homolog/autoinducer‑2 (AI‑2) kinase
RA 1,613,556:1 +A 100% coding (180/435 nt) marR → transcriptional repressor of multiple antibiotic resistance
RA 1,629,345 T→C 100% T254A (ACA→GCA)  stfQ ← Qin prophage; putative side tail fiber assembly protein
RA 1,642,091 G→A 100% A6V (GCT→GTT)  dicC ← Qin prophage; DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator for DicB
RA 1,683,636 C→T 100% N268N (AAC→AAT manA → mannose‑6‑phosphate isomerase
RA 1,693,582 T→C 32.6% intergenic (‑145/‑30) malI ← / → malX transcriptional repressor of Mal regulon/fused maltose and glucose‑specific PTS enzymes: IIB component, IIC component
RA 1,716,100 T→C 100% F194L (TTT→CTT)  ydhJ → putative membrane fusion protein (MFP) of YdhJK efflux pump
RA 1,737,714 G→A 100% M1M (GTG→ATG) † mdtK → multidrug efflux system transporter
RA 1,738,557 T→G 100% S282A (TCA→GCA)  mdtK → multidrug efflux system transporter
RA 2,059,881 A→G 100% L308L (TTG→CTG)  insH1 ← IS5 transposase and trans‑activator
RA 2,059,915 T→C 100% R296R (CGA→CGG insH1 ← IS5 transposase and trans‑activator
RA 2,121,147 A→G 100% Y217H (TAC→CAC)  gmd ← GDP‑D‑mannose dehydratase, NAD(P)‑binding
RA 2,173,391 G→A 100% M364I (ATG→ATA yegT → nucleoside transporter, low affinity
RA 2,306,235 A→G 22.7% intergenic (‑7/‑328) ompC ← / → micF outer membrane porin protein C/sRNA antisense regulator affecting ompF expression, Hfq‑dependent
RA 2,307,414 G→A 100% G150S (GGT→AGT)  rcsD → phosphotransfer intermediate protein in two‑component regulatory system with RcsBC
RA 2,312,875 G→T 100% R161S (CGT→AGT)  rcsC ← hybrid sensory kinase in two‑component regulatory system with RcsB and YojN
RA 2,315,438 C→T 100% H32Y (CAT→TAT)  atoC → fused response regulator of ato operon, in two‑component system with AtoS: response regulator/sigma54 interaction protein
MC JC 2,332,651 Δ3 bp 100% coding (247‑249/2628 nt) gyrA ← DNA gyrase (type II topoisomerase), subunit A
RA 2,372,258 C→T 100% A161T (GCG→ACG)  menD ← 2‑succinyl‑5‑enolpyruvyl‑6‑hydroxy‑3‑ cyclohexene‑1‑carboxylate synthase; SEPHCHC synthase
RA 2,503,917 T→C 100% I270T (ATT→ACT)  yfeO → putative ion channel protein
RA 2,553,692 Δ1 bp 100% coding (77/642 nt) yffL → CPZ‑55 prophage; uncharacterized protein
RA 2,613,559:1 +A 100% intergenic (‑40/+46) uraA ← / ← upp uracil permease/uracil phosphoribosyltransferase
RA 2,668,866 A→G 10.8% H85H (CAT→CAC yphC ← putative Zn‑dependent NAD(P)‑binding oxidoreductase
RA 2,697,104 G→A 22.9% R107C (CGT→TGT)  rnc ← RNase III
RA 2,705,225 G→A 100% V483I (GTC→ATC)  nadB → quinolinate synthase, L‑aspartate oxidase (B protein) subunit
RA 2,760,798 Δ1 bp 100% intergenic (+84/‑271) rnlB → / → yfjP CP4‑57 prophage; uncharacterized protein/CP4‑57 prophage; 50S ribosome‑binding GTPase family protein
RA 2,969,704 T→C 100% noncoding (41/82 nt) omrB ← sRNA antisense regulator downregulates OM proteins and curli; positively regulated by OmpR/EnvZ, Hfq‑dependent
RA 3,070,486 T→C 33.2% E110E (GAA→GAG yggP ← putative Zn‑binding dehydrogenase
RA 3,085,920 Δ1 bp 100% coding (684/951 nt) gshB → glutathione synthetase
RA 3,167,384 A→G 100% S458P (TCG→CCG)  parE ← DNA topoisomerase IV, subunit B
RA 3,185,939 T→C 100% W125R (TGG→CGG)  yqiJ → DUF1449 family inner membrane protein
RA 3,207,735 G→A 100% A444T (GCG→ACG)  rpoD → RNA polymerase, sigma 70 (sigma D) factor
RA 3,210,117 A→G 100% intergenic (‑267/‑21) yqjH ← / → yqjI putative siderophore interacting protein/PadR family putative transcriptional regulator
RA 3,249,774 C→T 15.4% A79A (GCG→GCA yhaM ← putative L‑serine dehydratase alpha chain
RA 3,267,827 C→T 100% G147D (GGT→GAT)  garP ← putative (D)‑galactarate transporter
RA 3,442,737 C→T 20.8% R169H (CGC→CAC)  rpsC ← 30S ribosomal subunit protein S3
RA 3,444,573 T→C 100% T51A (ACT→GCT)  rplB ← 50S ribosomal subunit protein L2
RA 3,678,827 Δ1 bp 17.1% coding (152/1989 nt) yhjK ← cyclic‑di‑GMP phosphodiesterase
RA 3,744,943 C→T 10.2% A96T (GCC→ACC)  yiaT ← putative outer membrane protein
RA 3,786,289 T→C 100% N252S (AAC→AGC)  yibB ← YibB family protein, function unknown
RA 3,827,782:1 +G 100% coding (116/2319 nt) yicI ← putative alpha‑glucosidase
RA 3,872,086 T→C 100% Q465R (CAG→CGG)  gyrB ← DNA gyrase, subunit B
RA 3,922,682 C→T 100% Q94Q (CAG→CAA viaA ← stimulator of RavA ATPase activity; von Willebrand factor domain protein
RA 3,931,365 C→T 100% Q238* (CAG→TAG)  rbsK → ribokinase
RA 3,976,036:1 +C 100% noncoding (71/87 nt) leuT → tRNA‑Leu
RA 4,021,068 C→T 100% T355T (ACG→ACA fadA ← 3‑ketoacyl‑CoA thiolase (thiolase I)
RA 4,194,485 C→A 15.7% A413E (GCG→GAG)  zraR → fused DNA‑binding response regulator in two‑component regulatory system with ZraS: response regulator/sigma54 interaction protein
RA 4,277,030 G→A 100% G90G (GGC→GGT acs ← acetyl‑CoA synthetase
RA 4,278,884 G→A 100% G398D (GGT→GAT)  nrfA → nitrite reductase, formate‑dependent, cytochrome
RA 4,294,396:1 +G 100% intergenic (‑176/+33) ytcA ← / ← yjcS putative inner membrane DUF1656 family protein; efflux pump associated/metallo‑beta‑lactamase superfamily protein
MC JC 4,388,448 Δ13 bp 100% coding (1220‑1232/1848 nt) mutL → methyl‑directed mismatch repair protein
RA 4,412,635 C→T 10.5% I211I (ATC→ATT ulaD → 3‑keto‑L‑gulonate 6‑phosphate decarboxylase
RA 4,421,070 C→T 100% R464W (CGG→TGG)  cycA → D‑alanine/D‑serine/glycine transporter
RA 4,435,602 T→C 100% G558G (GGT→GGC tamB → translocation and assembly module for autotransporter export, inner membrane subunit
RA 4,519,981 A→G 100% I27T (ATC→ACC)  sgcC ← putative PTS system EIIC permease component
RA 4,546,578 Δ1 bp 100% intergenic (‑441/‑232) yjiC ← / → iraD uncharacterized protein/RpoS stabilzer after DNA damage, anti‑RssB factor
RA 4,568,151 G→A 100% A335V (GCC→GTC)  mcrB ← 5‑methylcytosine‑specific restriction enzyme McrBC, subunit McrB
RA 4,595,903:1 +G 100% noncoding (80/87 nt) leuV ← tRNA‑Leu
RA 4,596,033 A→G 100% noncoding (71/87 nt) leuP ← tRNA‑Leu
RA 4,596,139:1 +G 100% noncoding (80/87 nt) leuQ ← tRNA‑Leu
RA 4,602,935 C→T 100% V236V (GTC→GTT yjjU → putative patatin‑like family phospholipase

Unassigned missing coverage evidence
   seq id start end size ←reads reads→ gene description
* * ÷ CP009273 266370–267005 289221 22217–22852 5 [3] [2] 4 [insI1]–[yagL] [insI1],insN,eyeA,ykfC,insH1,mmuP,mmuM,afuC,afuB,insB1,insA,insI1,insX,yagB,yagA,yagE,yagF,yagG,yagH,yagI,argF,ykgS,insB1,insA,yagJ,yagK,[yagL]
* * ÷ CP009273 289292 299008 9717 4 [2] [3] 4 [yagL]–[yagU] [yagL],yagM,yagN,intF,ptwF,yagP,ykgT,paoD,paoC,paoB,paoA,[yagU]
* * ÷ CP009273 299019 331147 32129 4 [3] [3] 4 [yagU]–[yahD] [yagU],ykgJ,ecpE,ecpD,ecpC,ecpB,ecpA,ecpR,ykgL,ykgO,ykgM,ykgR,ykgP,eaeH,insE1,insF1,ykgA,ykgQ,rclC,rclB,rclA,rclR,ykgE,ykgF,ykgG,ykgH,betA,betB,betI,betT,yahA,yahB,yahC,[yahD]
* * ÷ CP009273 331174 356540 25367 4 [3] [3] 4 [yahD]–[cynX] [yahD],yahE,yahF,yahG,yahI,yahJ,yahK,yahL,yahM,yahN,yahO,prpR,prpB,prpC,prpD,prpE,codB,codA,cynR,cynT,cynS,[cynX]
* * ÷ CP009273 356582 359329 2748 4 [3] [3] 4 [cynX]–[lacZ] [cynX],lacA,lacY,[lacZ]
* * ÷ CP009273 359348 367099–365993 6646–7752 4 [3] [3] 4 [lacZ]–mhpC [lacZ],lacI,mhpR,mhpA,mhpB,mhpC
* * ÷ CP009273 401686 401727 42 5 [3] [2] 4 yaiI/aroL UPF0178 family protein/shikimate kinase II
* * ÷ CP009273 428514 428557 44 4 [3] [3] 4 nrdR Nrd regulon repressor
* * ÷ CP009273 647493 647624 132 4 [3] [3] 4 citC/citA [citrate [pro‑3S]‑lyase] ligase/sensory histidine kinase in two‑component regulatory system with CitB
* * ÷ CP009273 1207519 1207619 101 4 [3] [3] 4 iraM/ycgX RpoS stabilzer during Mg starvation, anti‑RssB factor/DUF1398 family protein
* * ÷ CP009273 1209566 1209714 149 4 [3] [3] 4 bluR/bluF repressor of blue light‑responsive genes/anti‑repressor for YcgE, blue light‑responsive; FAD‑binding; has c‑di‑GMP phosphodiesterase‑like EAL domain, but does not degrade c‑di‑GMP
* * ÷ CP009273 1610345 1610436 92 4 [3] [3] 4 yneK uncharacterized protein
* * ÷ CP009273 1631396 1631467 72 4 [3] [3] 5 ydfO Qin prophage; uncharacterized protein
* * ÷ CP009273 2050181 2050288 108 4 [3] [2] 4 amn/yeeN AMP nucleosidase/UPF0082 family protein
* * ÷ CP009273 2051096 2051141 46 5 [3] [3] 4 yeeN/asnW UPF0082 family protein/tRNA‑Asn
* * ÷ CP009273 2099614 2099689 76 4 [3] [3] 4 wbbH O‑antigen polymerase
* * ÷ CP009273 2185809 2185910 102 4 [3] [3] 4 yehD/yehE putative fimbrial‑like adhesin protein/DUF2574 family protein
* * ÷ CP009273 2359177 2359295 119 4 [2] [3] 4 ais/arnB putative LPS core heptose(II)‑phosphate phosphatase/uridine 5'‑(beta‑1‑threo‑pentapyranosyl‑4‑ulose diphosphate) aminotransferase, PLP‑dependent
* * ÷ CP009273 2449485 2449510 26 4 [3] [2] 4 yfcV/sixA putative fimbrial‑like adhesin protein/phosphohistidine phosphatase
* * ÷ CP009273 2462761 2462958 198 4 [2] [3] 4 gtrS serotype‑specific glucosyl transferase, CPS‑53 (KpLE1) prophage
* * ÷ CP009273 2463175 2463237 63 4 [3] [3] 4 gtrS serotype‑specific glucosyl transferase, CPS‑53 (KpLE1) prophage
* * ÷ CP009273 2463562 2463725 164 4 [3] [3] 4 gtrS serotype‑specific glucosyl transferase, CPS‑53 (KpLE1) prophage
* * ÷ CP009273 2569315 2569352 38 4 [2] [2] 4 eutS/maeB putative ethanol utilization carboxysome structural protein/malic enzyme: putative oxidoreductase/putative phosphotransacetylase
* * ÷ CP009273 2622968 2623082 115 4 [3] [3] 4 yfgG/yfgH uncharacterized protein/outer membrane integrity lipoprotein
* * ÷ CP009273 2735066 2735152 87 4 [2] [3] 4 [yfiL] [yfiL]
* * ÷ CP009273 2767051 2767077 27 5 [3] [2] 5 yfjW CP4‑57 prophage; putative inner membrane protein
* * ÷ CP009273 2779509 2779554 46 4 [3] [2] 4 ileY/ygaQ tRNA‑Ile/uncharacterized protein; putative enzyme
* * ÷ CP009273 2899056 2899087 32 4 [3] [2] 6 [yqcG]–[ygcG] [yqcG],[ygcG]
* * ÷ CP009273 2984411 2984474 64 4 [3] [3] 4 ygeF/ygeG pseudogene/SycD‑like chaperone family TPR‑repeat‑containing protein
* * ÷ CP009273 2985224 2985261 38 4 [0] [2] 4 ygeG/ygeH SycD‑like chaperone family TPR‑repeat‑containing protein/putative transcriptional regulator
* * ÷ CP009273 2988447 2988646 200 5 [3] [3] 4 [ygeK] [ygeK]
* * ÷ CP009273 3260567 3260585 19 4 [3] [3] 4 tdcA/tdcR tdc operon transcriptional activator/L‑threonine dehydratase operon activator protein
* * ÷ CP009273 3790615 3790657 43 4 [3] [3] 4 waaL O‑antigen ligase
* * ÷ CP009273 3791549 3791583 35 4 [3] [3] 4 [waaL] [waaL]
* * ÷ CP009273 3794412 3794472 61 4 [3] [3] 4 waaJ UDP‑D‑glucose:(galactosyl)lipopolysaccharide glucosyltransferase
* * ÷ CP009273 3798316 3798458 143 4 [3] [3] 4 waaS lipopolysaccharide core biosynthesis protein
* * ÷ CP009273 4241480 4241501 22 4 [2] [2] 4 yjbI pseudogene, SopA‑related, pentapeptide repeats‑containing

Unassigned new junction evidence
  seq id position reads (cov) reads (cov) score skew freq annotation gene product
* ? CP009273 1203246 =0 (0.000)30 (1.140) 23/246 NT 100% coding (290/630 nt) stfP e14 prophage; uncharacterized protein
?CP009273 1205075 = 0 (0.000)pseudogene (1/501 nt) stfE pseudogene, e14 prophage; side tail fiber protein fragment family;Phage or Prophage Related
* ? CP009273 = 12032610 (0.000)25 (0.950) 21/246 NT 100% coding (305/630 nt) stfP e14 prophage; uncharacterized protein
?CP009273 = 1205058 0 (0.000)pseudogene (18/501 nt) stfE pseudogene, e14 prophage; side tail fiber protein fragment family;Phage or Prophage Related
* ? CP009273 = 461883847 (1.580)3 (0.110) 3/262 NT 6.6% coding (1502/1668 nt) yjjK putative transporter subunit of ABC superfamily: ATP‑binding component
?CP009273 = 4618924 41 (1.460)coding (1416/1668 nt) yjjK putative transporter subunit of ABC superfamily: ATP‑binding component