breseq  version 0.35.4  revision f352f80f4bc9
mutation predictions | marginal predictions | summary statistics | genome diff | command line log

Predicted mutations
evidence position mutation freq annotation gene description
RA 70,289 G→T 100% intergenic (‑241/‑98) araB ← / → araC ribulokinase/DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator AraC
RA 70,371 T→C 100% intergenic (‑323/‑16) araB ← / → araC ribulokinase/DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator AraC
RA 70,434 C→T 100% N16N (AAC→AAT araC → DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator AraC
RA 70,581 C→T 100% V65V (GTC→GTT araC → DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator AraC
RA 70,740 T→G 100% G118G (GGT→GGG araC → DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator AraC
RA 71,079 C→T 100% R231R (CGC→CGT araC → DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator AraC
RA 71,082 T→C 100% I232I (ATT→ATC araC → DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator AraC
RA 71,085 T→C 100% S233S (AGT→AGC araC → DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator AraC
RA 71,109 T→C 100% T241T (ACT→ACC araC → DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator AraC
RA 71,175 A→G 100% R263R (CGA→CGG araC → DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator AraC
RA 71,214 T→C 100% F276F (TTT→TTC araC → DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator AraC
RA 71,272 A→C 100% intergenic (+7/‑79) araC → / → yabI DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator AraC/DedA family protein YabI
MC JC 257,908 Δ776 bp 100% insB9[crl] insB9, insA9, [crl]
RA 366,290 C→T 100% D6N (GAT→AAT)  lacZ ← beta‑galactosidase
RA 366,300 Δ1 bp 100% coding (6/3075 nt) lacZ ← beta‑galactosidase
RA 366,521 C→T 75.0% L330L (CTG→CTA lacI ← DNA‑binding transcriptional repressor LacI
MC JC 1,397,381 Δ13,756 bp 100% [ynaJ][ttcA] 16 genes
MC JC 1,978,503 Δ776 bp 100% insB‑5insA‑5 insB‑5, insA‑5
RA 2,173,361 Δ2 bp 100% pseudogene (917‑918/1358 nt) gatC ← galactitol‑specific PTS enzyme IIC component
RA 2,725,799 Δ1 bp 100% intergenic (‑53/+270) kgtP ← / ← rrfG alpha‑ketoglutarate:H(+) symporter/5S ribosomal RNA
JC 2,984,711 29 bp→29 bp 6.9% coding (854‑882/1182 nt) yqeF ← putative acyltransferase
RA 3,502,695 C→A 14.9% P119Q (CCA→CAA)  frlC → fructoselysine 3‑epimerase
RA 3,535,612 A→C 100% I86S (ATC→AGC)  envZ ← sensory histidine kinase EnvZ
RA 3,560,455:1 +G 100% pseudogene (151/758 nt) glpR ← DNA‑binding transcriptional repressor GlpR
RA 4,296,060 C→T 27.0% intergenic (+266/+376) gltP → / ← yjcO glutamate/aspartate : H(+) symporter GltP/Sel1 repeat‑containing protein YjcO
RA 4,296,380:1 +CG 100% intergenic (+586/+56) gltP → / ← yjcO glutamate/aspartate : H(+) symporter GltP/Sel1 repeat‑containing protein YjcO

Unassigned missing coverage evidence
   seq id start end size ←reads reads→ gene description
* * ÷ NC_000913 3423692–3424234 3424601–3424238 5–910 60 [57] [57] 59 [rrfD]–[rrlD] [rrfD],[rrlD]

Unassigned new junction evidence
  seq id position reads (cov) reads (cov) score skew freq annotation gene product
* ? NC_000913 = 71275126 (1.300)11204 (121.560)
158/168 NT 99.1% intergenic (+10/‑76) araC/yabI DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator AraC/DedA family protein YabI
?NC_000913 366286 = 80 (0.830)coding (20/3075 nt) lacZ beta‑galactosidase
* ? NC_000913 1207790 =34 (0.350)33 (0.420) 28/144 NT 54.2% coding (290/630 nt) ycfK e14 prophage; protein StfP
?NC_000913 1209619 = 28 (0.360)pseudogene (37/537 nt) stfE e14 prophage; putative side tail fiber protein fragment
* ? NC_000913 = 120780535 (0.360)51 (0.650) 41/144 NT 64.3% coding (305/630 nt) ycfK e14 prophage; protein StfP
?NC_000913 = 1209602 28 (0.360)pseudogene (54/537 nt) stfE e14 prophage; putative side tail fiber protein fragment
* ? NC_000913 = 12994980 (0.000)86 (0.930) 63/168 NT 100% intergenic (+253/‑33) ychE/insH21 putative inner membrane protein/IS5 transposase and trans‑activator
?NC_000913 1300698 = 0 (0.000)intergenic (+151/‑484) insH21/oppA IS5 transposase and trans‑activator/oligopeptide ABC transporter periplasmic binding protein
* ? NC_000913 4542682 =101 (1.050)5 (0.060) 5/158 NT 5.5% intergenic (+49/‑433) fimE/fimA regulator for fimA/type 1 fimbriae major subunit
?NC_000913 4542996 = 81 (0.940)intergenic (+363/‑119) fimE/fimA regulator for fimA/type 1 fimbriae major subunit
* ? NC_000913 = 4542690101 (1.050)8 (0.090) 8/158 NT 8.5% intergenic (+57/‑425) fimE/fimA regulator for fimA/type 1 fimbriae major subunit
?NC_000913 = 4542986 81 (0.940)intergenic (+353/‑129) fimE/fimA regulator for fimA/type 1 fimbriae major subunit