breseq  version 0.35.4  revision f352f80f4bc9
mutation predictions | marginal predictions | summary statistics | genome diff | command line log

Marginal read alignment evidence (highest frequency 20 of 33 shown, sorted by frequency from high to low)
  seq id position ref new freq score (cons/poly) reads annotation genes product
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC697,0940AG61.9% ‑5.3 / 15.5 22intergenic (+21/‑730)mmsA‑I/PP_16SDmethylmalonate‑semialdehyde dehydrogenase/16S ribosomal RNA
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC4,338,6110AT59.3% 7.4 / 23.0 28intergenic (+124/+18)PP_3812/PP_5632lipase/allo‑isoleucine metabolism protein
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC4,338,6080GT55.6% 11.7 / 31.7 28intergenic (+121/+21)PP_3812/PP_5632lipase/allo‑isoleucine metabolism protein
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC1,327,1210CT54.9% 17.4 / 164.5 123intergenic (+97/‑196)PP_16SE/PP_23SE16S ribosomal RNA/23S ribosomal RNA
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC3,466,8410TG52.6% 7.0 / 20.9 21intergenic (‑16/+108)PP_3081/PP_5560hypothetical protein/hypothetical protein
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC4,348,8120AG50.5% 26.2 / 153.0 110intergenic (‑70/+404)PP_3820/galUgroup II intron‑encoding maturase/UTP‑glucose‑1‑phosphate uridylyltransferase
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC699,7220AG49.5% 2.5 / 149.5 103intergenic (+115/‑129)PP_t06/PP_23SDtRNA‑Ala/23S ribosomal RNA
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC4,158,4710AC48.3% 1.4 / 11.6 29S161R (AGC→CGC) PP_3661membrane protein
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC1,013,2410GC38.1% 21.3 / 24.6 21intergenic (+69/+62)prfC/potF‑Ipeptide chain release factor 3/putrescine‑binding protein
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC1,013,2420GC38.1% 15.9 / 24.6 21intergenic (+70/+61)prfC/potF‑Ipeptide chain release factor 3/putrescine‑binding protein
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC1,013,2480AT38.1% 15.6 / 20.1 21intergenic (+76/+55)prfC/potF‑Ipeptide chain release factor 3/putrescine‑binding protein
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC1,013,2490TG38.1% 18.0 / 25.8 21intergenic (+77/+54)prfC/potF‑Ipeptide chain release factor 3/putrescine‑binding protein
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC5,773,9490TG37.1% 45.3 / 10.3 37E610A (GAG→GCG) betT‑Icholine transporter
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC955,1550CT36.8% 14.7 / 12.3 19intergenic (+109/‑204)cyoE/alaCprotoheme IX farnesyltransferase/aminotransferase
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC5,754,5320GC36.1% 46.8 / 12.4 36intergenic (‑155/‑316)thiI/glnAtRNA sulfurtransferase/glutamine synthetase
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC955,1530TC33.3% 13.7 / 10.2 20intergenic (+107/‑206)cyoE/alaCprotoheme IX farnesyltransferase/aminotransferase
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC1,013,2550AT33.3% 21.0 / 16.3 21intergenic (+83/+48)prfC/potF‑Ipeptide chain release factor 3/putrescine‑binding protein
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC5,754,5610AC30.8% 21.9 / 11.6 30intergenic (‑184/‑287)thiI/glnAtRNA sulfurtransferase/glutamine synthetase
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC1,013,2340CA30.0% 36.4 / 14.5 20intergenic (+62/+69)prfC/potF‑Ipeptide chain release factor 3/putrescine‑binding protein
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC1,013,2350AT30.0% 24.1 / 12.8 20intergenic (+63/+68)prfC/potF‑Ipeptide chain release factor 3/putrescine‑binding protein

Marginal new junction evidence (lowest skew 10 of 45 shown)
  seq id position reads (cov) reads (cov) score skew freq annotation gene product
* ? NC_002947_CJ‑RC 4809877 =3 (0.050)15 (0.300) 10/220 5.5 56.3% intergenic (‑283/‑272) PP_4234/dsbD‑II bifunctional aldehyde oxidase/xanthine dehydrogenase/thiol/disulfide interchange protein 2
?NC_002947_CJ‑RC = 5991750 21 (0.420)intergenic (+229/‑317) kefB‑III/PP_mr64 glutathione‑regulated potassium/H+ antiporter/C4 ncRNA
* ? NC_002947_CJ‑RC = 295708037 (0.560)14 (0.220) 14/280 5.6 27.5% intergenic (+35/‑161) PP_2588/PP_2589 class III aminotransferase/aldehyde dehydrogenase family protein
?NC_002947_CJ‑RC 2957165 = 38 (0.590)intergenic (+120/‑76) PP_2588/PP_2589 class III aminotransferase/aldehyde dehydrogenase family protein
* ? NC_002947_CJ‑RC 4809877 =3 (0.050)12 (0.220) 10/238 6.0 43.3% intergenic (‑283/‑272) PP_4234/dsbD‑II bifunctional aldehyde oxidase/xanthine dehydrogenase/thiol/disulfide interchange protein 2
?NC_002947_CJ‑RC 5991594 = 29 (0.530)intergenic (+73/‑473) kefB‑III/PP_mr64 glutathione‑regulated potassium/H+ antiporter/C4 ncRNA
* ? NC_002947_CJ‑RC = 55584231 (0.020)13 (0.200)
11/284 6.8 93.0% intergenic (‑84/+87) PP_4887/PP_4888 hypothetical protein/methyl‑accepting chemotaxis transducer
?NC_002947_CJ‑RC 5558424 = 1 (0.020)intergenic (‑85/+86) PP_4887/PP_4888 hypothetical protein/methyl‑accepting chemotaxis transducer
* ? NC_002947_CJ‑RC = 48098824 (0.060)7 (0.120) 6/250 8.3 32.2% intergenic (‑288/‑267) PP_4234/dsbD‑II bifunctional aldehyde oxidase/xanthine dehydrogenase/thiol/disulfide interchange protein 2
?NC_002947_CJ‑RC = 5991764 26 (0.450)intergenic (+243/‑303) kefB‑III/PP_mr64 glutathione‑regulated potassium/H+ antiporter/C4 ncRNA
* ? NC_002947_CJ‑RC = 54559532 (0.030)3 (0.070)
+48 bp
3/194 8.4 16.0% intergenic (+151/‑204) lnt/PP_4791 apolipoprotein N‑acyltransferase/transposase
?NC_002947_CJ‑RC 5548441 = 45 (0.680)intergenic (‑766/+111) rpsF/rlmB 30S ribosomal protein S6/23S rRNA (guanosine(2251)‑2'‑O)‑methyltransferase RlmB
* ? NC_002947_CJ‑RC 5226203 =0 (0.000)3 (0.070)
+48 bp
3/194 8.4 16.6% intergenic (‑204/+175) PP_4603/PP_4604 transposase/DMT superfamily permease
?NC_002947_CJ‑RC 5548441 = 45 (0.680)intergenic (‑766/+111) rpsF/rlmB 30S ribosomal protein S6/23S rRNA (guanosine(2251)‑2'‑O)‑methyltransferase RlmB
* ? NC_002947_CJ‑RC 4075618 =3 (0.050)3 (0.070)
+48 bp
3/194 8.4 15.7% intergenic (‑204/+237) PP_3586/tpx transposase/2‑Cys peroxiredoxin
?NC_002947_CJ‑RC 5548441 = 45 (0.680)intergenic (‑766/+111) rpsF/rlmB 30S ribosomal protein S6/23S rRNA (guanosine(2251)‑2'‑O)‑methyltransferase RlmB
* ? NC_002947_CJ‑RC 3828180 =2 (0.030)3 (0.070)
+48 bp
3/194 8.4 16.0% intergenic (‑204/+155) PP_3381/PP_3382 transposase/gluconate 2‑dehydrogenase cytochrome c subunit
?NC_002947_CJ‑RC 5548441 = 45 (0.680)intergenic (‑766/+111) rpsF/rlmB 30S ribosomal protein S6/23S rRNA (guanosine(2251)‑2'‑O)‑methyltransferase RlmB
* ? NC_002947_CJ‑RC 2939258 =3 (0.050)3 (0.070)
+48 bp
3/194 8.4 15.7% intergenic (‑204/+236) PP_2570/PP_2572 transposase/hypothetical protein
?NC_002947_CJ‑RC 5548441 = 45 (0.680)intergenic (‑766/+111) rpsF/rlmB 30S ribosomal protein S6/23S rRNA (guanosine(2251)‑2'‑O)‑methyltransferase RlmB