breseq  version 0.35.4  revision f352f80f4bc9
mutation predictions | marginal predictions | summary statistics | genome diff | command line log

Marginal read alignment evidence (highest frequency 20 of 36 shown, sorted by frequency from high to low)
  seq id position ref new freq score (cons/poly) reads annotation genes product
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC1,070,2461.G71.0% 57.5 / 27.9 32intergenic (+46/+96)aroP‑I/PP_0928aromatic amino acid transport protein/K+‑dependent Na+/Ca+ exchanger‑like protein
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC1,070,2462.A71.0% 59.2 / 28.7 32intergenic (+46/+96)aroP‑I/PP_0928aromatic amino acid transport protein/K+‑dependent Na+/Ca+ exchanger‑like protein
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC699,7220AG61.3% 68.7 / 116.6 111intergenic (+115/‑129)PP_t06/PP_23SDtRNA‑Ala/23S ribosomal RNA
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC4,348,8120AG58.5% 14.2 / 143.1 123intergenic (‑70/+404)PP_3820/galUgroup II intron‑encoding maturase/UTP‑glucose‑1‑phosphate uridylyltransferase
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC1,327,1210CT57.1% 13.2 / 206.4 161intergenic (+97/‑196)PP_16SE/PP_23SE16S ribosomal RNA/23S ribosomal RNA
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC697,1000TG52.0% 7.9 / 27.8 26intergenic (+27/‑724)mmsA‑I/PP_16SDmethylmalonate‑semialdehyde dehydrogenase/16S ribosomal RNA
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC697,0940AG43.5% 7.6 / 14.0 26intergenic (+21/‑730)mmsA‑I/PP_16SDmethylmalonate‑semialdehyde dehydrogenase/16S ribosomal RNA
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC5,773,9490TG42.2% 39.8 / 14.7 45E610A (GAG→GCG) betT‑Icholine transporter
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC5,754,5480CA40.7% 20.2 / 14.6 32intergenic (‑171/‑300)thiI/glnAtRNA sulfurtransferase/glutamine synthetase
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC195,6340CT40.3% 93.2 / 139.5 132T380T (ACC→ACTPP_0168putative surface adhesion protein
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC661,6610AC36.4% 45.4 / 15.1 33W432G (TGG→GGG) PP_0569MATE efflux family protein
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC2,101,7510AC31.9% 39.6 / 13.7 49L186R (CTG→CGG) PP_1878hypothetical protein
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC4,433,5800GC31.8% 68.1 / 20.6 44intergenic (‑29/‑89)PP_5648/PP_3928hypothetical protein/hypothetical protein
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC1,009,1080GT31.8% 120.3 / 18.3 64S97* (TCG→TAG) yehWosmoprotectant ABC transporter permease
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC1,531,6760TG30.9% 57.0 / 10.5 43Q67P (CAG→CCG) PP_1344hypothetical protein
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC5,211,9310AG30.8% 52.8 / 13.6 40intergenic (‑94/+84)rnd/PP_4592ribonuclease D/metal dependent hydrolase
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC1,544,3650TG30.0% 65.3 / 20.6 40V390G (GTG→GGG) mdfAmultidrug MFS transporter
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC3,447,2910TG28.3% 50.2 / 11.5 49A19A (GCT→GCGPP_5556bacteriophage lysis protein
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC4,001,7730TG28.2% 87.8 / 19.8 71intergenic (+90/‑44)dmoA‑II/allEdimethyl‑sulfide monooxygenase/S‑ureidoglycine aminohydrolase
*NC_002947_CJ‑RC1,544,3680CG27.5% 79.0 / 13.9 40A391G (GCG→GGG) mdfAmultidrug MFS transporter

Marginal new junction evidence (lowest skew 10 of 22 shown)
  seq id position reads (cov) reads (cov) score skew freq annotation gene product
* ? NC_002947_CJ‑RC = 295708049 (0.610)15 (0.190) 15/278 6.4 23.9% intergenic (+35/‑161) PP_2588/PP_2589 class III aminotransferase/aldehyde dehydrogenase family protein
?NC_002947_CJ‑RC 2957165 = 48 (0.620)intergenic (+120/‑76) PP_2588/PP_2589 class III aminotransferase/aldehyde dehydrogenase family protein
* ? NC_002947_CJ‑RC 4809877 =7 (0.090)13 (0.220) 10/218 6.5 35.5% intergenic (‑283/‑272) PP_4234/dsbD‑II bifunctional aldehyde oxidase/xanthine dehydrogenase/thiol/disulfide interchange protein 2
?NC_002947_CJ‑RC = 5991750 42 (0.700)intergenic (+229/‑317) kefB‑III/PP_mr64 glutathione‑regulated potassium/H+ antiporter/C4 ncRNA
* ? NC_002947_CJ‑RC = 55584232 (0.030)14 (0.180)
13/282 7.2 87.7% intergenic (‑84/+87) PP_4887/PP_4888 hypothetical protein/methyl‑accepting chemotaxis transducer
?NC_002947_CJ‑RC 5558424 = 2 (0.030)intergenic (‑85/+86) PP_4887/PP_4888 hypothetical protein/methyl‑accepting chemotaxis transducer
* ? NC_002947_CJ‑RC = 56842301 (0.010)18 (0.230)
12/280 7.5 94.9% intergenic (‑133/+71) PP_4986/PP_4987 hemolysin III family channel protein/putative Chemotaxis protein
?NC_002947_CJ‑RC 5684231 = 1 (0.010)intergenic (‑134/+70) PP_4986/PP_4987 hemolysin III family channel protein/putative Chemotaxis protein
* ? NC_002947_CJ‑RC 1737987 =83 (1.040)8 (0.110) 8/254 8.6 9.2% coding (32/348 nt) yffB glutathione‑dependent thiol reductase
?NC_002947_CJ‑RC = 1777401 85 (1.210)intergenic (+135/+157) PP_5476/PP_1585 hypothetical protein/antidote protein
* ? NC_002947_CJ‑RC 478261 =36 (0.450)5 (0.080) 5/228 9.4 17.4% intergenic (+9/+101) PP_0393/cca 2‑amino‑4‑hydroxy‑6‑ hydroxymethyldihydropteridine pyrophosphokinase/multifunctional tRNA nucleotidyltransferase/2',3'‑cyclic phosphodiesterase/2' nucleotidase/phosphatase
?NC_002947_CJ‑RC 478356 = 19 (0.300)intergenic (+104/+6) PP_0393/cca 2‑amino‑4‑hydroxy‑6‑ hydroxymethyldihydropteridine pyrophosphokinase/multifunctional tRNA nucleotidyltransferase/2',3'‑cyclic phosphodiesterase/2' nucleotidase/phosphatase
* ? NC_002947_CJ‑RC = 65278264 (0.800)8 (0.130)
+29 bp
3/230 10.9 21.3% coding (1961/1962 nt) ctpL methyl‑accepting chemotaxis protein CtpL
?NC_002947_CJ‑RC = 4809865 10 (0.130)intergenic (‑271/‑284) PP_4234/dsbD‑II bifunctional aldehyde oxidase/xanthine dehydrogenase/thiol/disulfide interchange protein 2
* ? NC_002947_CJ‑RC = 567445336 (0.450)3 (0.050) 3/240 11.3 10.2% intergenic (+57/‑113) PP_4978/PP_4979 hypothetical protein/substrate‑binding protein
?NC_002947_CJ‑RC = 5674490 23 (0.350)intergenic (+94/‑76) PP_4978/PP_4979 hypothetical protein/substrate‑binding protein
* ? NC_002947_CJ‑RC = 15989879 (0.990)4 (0.050) 4/268 11.4 5.4% coding (491/1956 nt) PP_0149 hypothetical protein
?NC_002947_CJ‑RC = 159912 67 (0.900)coding (477/1956 nt) PP_0149 hypothetical protein
* ? NC_002947_CJ‑RC = 458810356 (0.700)4 (0.050) 4/278 11.7 7.5% intergenic (‑182/‑140) PP_4063/ivd long‑chain fatty acid‑‑CoA ligase/isovaleryl‑CoA dehydrogenase
?NC_002947_CJ‑RC 4588188 = 45 (0.580)intergenic (‑267/‑55) PP_4063/ivd long‑chain fatty acid‑‑CoA ligase/isovaleryl‑CoA dehydrogenase