breseq  version 0.35.4  revision f352f80f4bc9
mutation predictions | marginal predictions | summary statistics | genome diff | command line log

Marginal read alignment evidence (highest frequency 20 of 436 shown, sorted by frequency from high to low)
  seq id position ref new freq score (cons/poly) reads annotation genes product
*NC_0009132,460,9001.C67.0% 490.1 / 245.5 206intergenic (+234/‑132)fadL/b2345FadL/hypothetical protein
*NC_000913306,7570AG66.4% 349.5 / inf 366R600R (CGT→CGCyagXhypothetical protein
*NC_0009134,230,1150AG66.1% 599.0 / inf 570V233A (GTA→GCA) lysCaspartokinase III
*NC_0009134,266,8790AG66.1% 590.4 / inf 573intergenic (+993/‑114)tyrB/aphAtyrosine aminotransferase/diadenosine tetraphosphatase
*NC_0009134,023,0450GA65.8% 597.6 / inf 489A156A (GCG→GCAyigCputative oxidoreductase
*NC_0009134,426,4660TC65.5% 503.5 / inf 504intergenic (‑135/‑47)ytfB/b4207hypothetical protein/FKBP‑type 22KD peptidyl‑prolyl cis‑trans isomerase (rotamase)
*NC_0009133,320,5570TC64.5% 534.9 / inf 584P385P (CCA→CCGmrsAMrsA
*NC_000913312,2190TC64.2% 362.7 / inf 433intergenic (‑218/‑1362)ykgM/eaeHputative ribosomal protein/attaching and effacing protein
*NC_0009133,059,0220TC64.1% 352.5 / inf 404G51G (GGT→GGCsbmmethylmalonyl‑CoA mutase
*NC_0009131,125,9430AG63.9% 202.9 / 236.2 227L188L (TTA→TTGyceHhypothetical protein
*NC_0009131,438,6600TC63.6% 161.0 / 227.0 207D50G (GAC→GGC) ydbKputative oxidoreductase Fe‑S subunit
*NC_0009132,702,7440TC63.4% 323.5 / inf 381T196A (ACC→GCC) lepBleader peptidase
*NC_0009133,312,3370AG63.3% 397.2 / inf 503I440T (ATC→ACC) infBprotein chain initiation factor IF‑2
*NC_0009132,072,1820TC63.2% 132.3 / 179.0 172G874G (GGT→GGCb2000outer membrane fluffing protein
*NC_0009131,198,4590AG62.5% 168.7 / 295.7 248E181G (GAG→GGG) litLit
*NC_0009133,212,1150TC62.5% 367.5 / inf 507R476R (CGT→CGCrpoDRNA polymerase sigma(70)
*NC_0009131,893,6540AG62.4% 165.4 / 263.5 234T276A (ACG→GCG) pabBp‑aminobenzoate synthetase component I
*NC_0009133,122,6090TC62.1% 303.5 / inf 427E643E (GAA→GAGglcFglycolate oxidase iron‑sulfur subunit
*NC_0009133,087,4180AG61.8% 323.8 / inf 458V372V (GTA→GTGgalPgalactose‑proton symport of transport system
*NC_0009134,062,4160AG61.8% 444.8 / inf 674W311R (TGG→CGG) b3876putative permease

Marginal new junction evidence (lowest skew 10 of 21 shown)
  seq id position reads (cov) reads (cov) score skew freq annotation gene product
* ? NC_000913 1286098 =177 (0.420)65 (0.240) 32/122 5.8 33.1% coding (167/276 nt) b1228 hypothetical protein
?NC_000913 = 1286453 147 (0.540)intergenic (‑42/+14) tpr/tyrV protamine‑like protein/tRNA‑Tyr
* ? NC_000913 1285931 =199 (0.480)102 (0.320) 32/144 6.8 38.9% intergenic (+182/‑1) narI/b1228 nitrate reductase 1/hypothetical protein
?NC_000913 = 1286464 167 (0.520)intergenic (‑53/+3) tpr/tyrV protamine‑like protein/tRNA‑Tyr
* ? NC_000913 = 164567221 (0.530)124 (0.300)
41/182 7.0 35.7% coding (31/207 nt) b4501 hypothetical protein
?NC_000913 = 3957089 235 (0.560)intergenic (+23/+61) ilvC/ppiC ketol‑acid reductoisomerase/peptidyl‑prolyl cis‑trans isomerase C
* ? NC_000913 = 4008398203 (0.500)162 (0.400)
36/174 7.4 45.2% coding (481/516 nt) b4555 hypothetical protein
?NC_000913 4008399 = 203 (0.480)coding (482/516 nt) b4555 hypothetical protein
* ? NC_000913 = 2072378154 (0.390)51 (0.130)
29/168 8.3 24.9% coding (2818/3120 nt) b2000 outer membrane fluffing protein
?NC_000913 2072379 = 154 (0.370)coding (2819/3120 nt) b2000 outer membrane fluffing protein
* ? NC_000913 = 1418811180 (0.460)61 (0.150)
18/168 10.5 25.3% coding (104/423 nt) ydaT hypothetical protein
?NC_000913 1418812 = 180 (0.430)coding (105/423 nt) ydaT hypothetical protein
* ? NC_000913 4540250 =256 (0.610)18 (0.050) 17/168 10.7 5.4% intergenic (+49/‑433) fimE/fimA FimE/major type 1 subunit fimbrin
?NC_000913 4540564 = 405 (1.070)intergenic (+363/‑119) fimE/fimA FimE/major type 1 subunit fimbrin
* ? NC_000913 = 4540258261 (0.620)11 (0.030) 11/168 12.5 3.3% intergenic (+57/‑425) fimE/fimA FimE/major type 1 subunit fimbrin
?NC_000913 = 4540554 405 (1.070)intergenic (+353/‑129) fimE/fimA FimE/major type 1 subunit fimbrin
* ? NC_000913 = 3706170572 (1.370)9 (0.020) 8/166 13.5 1.5% intergenic (‑836/+75) dppA/proK dipeptide transport protein/tRNA‑Pro
?NC_000913 3706273 = 658 (1.760)noncoding (49/77 nt) proK tRNA‑Pro
* ? NC_000913 = 2513633NA (NA)8 (0.020) 8/180 13.9 1.4% intergenic (+170/+30) yi813/b2395 IS186 hypothetical protein/hypothetical protein
?NC_000913 4541173 = 566 (1.350)coding (491/549 nt) fimA major type 1 subunit fimbrin