breseq  version 0.33.1  revision 8505477f25b3
mutation predictions | marginal predictions | summary statistics | genome diff | command line log

Marginal read alignment evidence (highest frequency 20 of 79 shown, sorted by frequency from high to low)
  seq id position ref new freq score (cons/poly) reads annotation genes product
*NC_0029474,741,2731.C73.7% 43.2 / 13.5 19intergenic (+464/+288)gltA/yeiWcitrate synthase/putative oxidoreductase
*NC_0029474,741,3020AG61.9% 13.3 / 15.1 22intergenic (+493/+259)gltA/yeiWcitrate synthase/putative oxidoreductase
*NC_0029474,741,2981.T59.1% 40.8 / 27.8 22intergenic (+489/+263)gltA/yeiWcitrate synthase/putative oxidoreductase
*NC_0029474,741,3050A.59.1% 9.2 / 36.4 22intergenic (+496/+256)gltA/yeiWcitrate synthase/putative oxidoreductase
*NC_002947699,7250AG58.6% 14.7 / 64.1 58intergenic (+115/‑129)PP_t06/PP_23SDtRNA‑Ala/23S ribosomal RNA
*NC_0029471,327,1270CT52.4% 17.9 / 108.5 84intergenic (+97/‑196)PP_16SE/PP_23SE16S ribosomal RNA/23S ribosomal RNA
*NC_0029474,348,7490AG50.0% 4.3 / 98.1 74intergenic (‑70/+404)PP_3820/galUgroup II intron‑encoding maturase/UTP‑glucose‑1‑phosphate uridylyltransferase
*NC_002947195,6340CT46.0% 32.6 / 119.5 100T380T (ACC→ACTPP_0168putative surface adhesion protein
*NC_0029474,741,2990CT40.9% 14.1 / 14.3 22intergenic (+490/+262)gltA/yeiWcitrate synthase/putative oxidoreductase
*NC_0029474,741,3010AC40.9% 8.4 / 19.6 22intergenic (+492/+260)gltA/yeiWcitrate synthase/putative oxidoreductase
*NC_0029474,741,3040CG38.1% 19.2 / 17.2 22intergenic (+495/+257)gltA/yeiWcitrate synthase/putative oxidoreductase
*NC_0029475,545,2100AT37.5% 8.1 / 14.1 16intergenic (‑302/+575)rpsF/rlmB30S ribosomal protein S6/23S rRNA (guanosine(2251)‑2'‑O)‑methyltransferase RlmB
*NC_0029475,545,2110AC37.5% 8.0 / 13.5 16intergenic (‑303/+574)rpsF/rlmB30S ribosomal protein S6/23S rRNA (guanosine(2251)‑2'‑O)‑methyltransferase RlmB
*NC_0029474,951,0180CA35.3% 39.1 / 21.0 34intergenic (‑123/+34)fliL/fliKflagellar protein FliL/flagellar hook‑length control protein FliK
*NC_0029475,545,2090GT33.3% 14.8 / 11.4 18intergenic (‑301/+576)rpsF/rlmB30S ribosomal protein S6/23S rRNA (guanosine(2251)‑2'‑O)‑methyltransferase RlmB
*NC_0029475,988,9610TC33.3% 93.2 / 57.4 75intergenic (+199/‑347)kefB‑III/PP_mr64glutathione‑regulated potassium/H+ antiporter/C4 ncRNA
*NC_0029474,951,0170TG32.4% 23.1 / 27.9 35intergenic (‑122/+35)fliL/fliKflagellar protein FliL/flagellar hook‑length control protein FliK
*NC_0029475,997,2451.G31.1% 102.4 / 84.2 61intergenic (‑158/+42)PP_5252/PP_5253hypothetical protein/arylesterase
*NC_0029475,997,2500C.31.1% 136.4 / 68.7 62intergenic (‑163/+37)PP_5252/PP_5253hypothetical protein/arylesterase
*NC_002947322,1420TC30.8% 57.7 / 37.5 52intergenic (+427/+31)aguA/PP_0267agmatine deiminase/ferric siderophore receptor

Marginal new junction evidence (lowest skew 10 of 528 shown)
  seq id position reads (cov) reads (cov) score skew freq annotation gene product
* ? NC_002947 = 51192162 (1.240)12 (0.270) 12/238 2.7 18.2% intergenic (+58/‑90) trpC/PP_0423 indole‑3‑glycerol phosphate synthase/hypothetical protein
?NC_002947 = 511969 53 (1.200)intergenic (+106/‑42) trpC/PP_0423 indole‑3‑glycerol phosphate synthase/hypothetical protein
* ? NC_002947 = 35967576 (1.520)14 (0.290) 13/256 2.8 15.6% intergenic (+32/+88) gbdR/PP_0299 AraC family transcriptional regulator/hypothetical protein
?NC_002947 = 359721 79 (1.660)intergenic (+78/+42) gbdR/PP_0299 AraC family transcriptional regulator/hypothetical protein
* ? NC_002947 5125135 =89 (1.780)10 (0.250) 10/216 2.9 12.2% intergenic (+61/‑121) PP_4511/PP_4512 AraC family transcriptional regulator/DMT superfamily permease
?NC_002947 5125214 = 72 (1.790)intergenic (+140/‑42) PP_4511/PP_4512 AraC family transcriptional regulator/DMT superfamily permease
* ? NC_002947 1436018 =57 (1.140)12 (0.250) 12/256 3.0 18.8% intergenic (‑48/+105) PP_1256/PP_1257 alpha‑ketoglutarate semialdehyde dehydrogenase/1‑pyrroline‑4‑hydroxy‑2‑carboxylate deaminase
?NC_002947 1436109 = 49 (1.030)intergenic (‑139/+14) PP_1256/PP_1257 alpha‑ketoglutarate semialdehyde dehydrogenase/1‑pyrroline‑4‑hydroxy‑2‑carboxylate deaminase
* ? NC_002947 478264 =78 (1.560)9 (0.230) 9/208 3.0 14.0% intergenic (+9/+101) PP_0393/cca 2‑amino‑4‑hydroxy‑6‑ hydroxymethyldihydropteridine pyrophosphokinase/multifunctional tRNA nucleotidyltransferase/2',3'‑cyclic phosphodiesterase/2' nucleotidase/phosphatase
?NC_002947 478359 = 50 (1.290)intergenic (+104/+6) PP_0393/cca 2‑amino‑4‑hydroxy‑6‑ hydroxymethyldihydropteridine pyrophosphokinase/multifunctional tRNA nucleotidyltransferase/2',3'‑cyclic phosphodiesterase/2' nucleotidase/phosphatase
* ? NC_002947 = 581692738 (0.760)11 (0.250) 10/232 3.1 23.7% intergenic (+57/+72) PP_5092/pilT NLP/P60 protein/twitching motility protein
?NC_002947 = 5816954 38 (0.880)intergenic (+84/+45) PP_5092/pilT NLP/P60 protein/twitching motility protein
* ? NC_002947 5903827 =62 (1.240)13 (0.300) 10/236 3.2 19.0% intergenic (+27/+80) PP_5176/spuH hypothetical protein/spermidine/putrescine ABC transporter permease
?NC_002947 5903887 = 56 (1.270)intergenic (+87/+20) PP_5176/spuH hypothetical protein/spermidine/putrescine ABC transporter permease
* ? NC_002947 5759460 =70 (1.400)9 (0.240) 8/204 3.2 17.3% intergenic (+13/+143) trmL/secB tRNA (cytosine(34)‑2'‑O)‑methyltransferase TrmL/protein‑export protein SecB
?NC_002947 5759552 = 33 (0.870)intergenic (+105/+51) trmL/secB tRNA (cytosine(34)‑2'‑O)‑methyltransferase TrmL/protein‑export protein SecB
* ? NC_002947 5136162 =50 (1.000)11 (0.230) 11/256 3.2 18.4% coding (456/1566 nt) PP_4521 aerotaxis receptor
?NC_002947 5136215 = 50 (1.050)coding (403/1566 nt) PP_4521 aerotaxis receptor
* ? NC_002947 4586063 =4 (0.080)7 (0.200) 7/192 3.3 34.3% intergenic (+102/+115) PP_4061/PP_4063 hypothetical protein/long‑chain fatty acid‑‑CoA ligase
?NC_002947 4586167 = 24 (0.670)intergenic (+206/+11) PP_4061/PP_4063 hypothetical protein/long‑chain fatty acid‑‑CoA ligase