breseq  version 0.33.1  revision 8505477f25b3
mutation predictions | marginal predictions | summary statistics | genome diff | command line log

Marginal read alignment evidence (highest frequency 20 of 89 shown, sorted by frequency from high to low)
  seq id position ref new freq score (cons/poly) reads annotation genes product
*NC_0029474,741,2731.C69.8% 98.9 / 44.5 43intergenic (+464/+288)gltA/yeiWcitrate synthase/putative oxidoreductase
*NC_0029474,741,2750AG69.8% 55.9 / 26.3 43intergenic (+466/+286)gltA/yeiWcitrate synthase/putative oxidoreductase
*NC_0029474,348,7490AG53.5% 2.3 / 125.7 100intergenic (‑70/+404)PP_3820/galUgroup II intron‑encoding maturase/UTP‑glucose‑1‑phosphate uridylyltransferase
*NC_0029471,327,1270CT51.4% 38.5 / 144.2 105intergenic (+97/‑196)PP_16SE/PP_23SE16S ribosomal RNA/23S ribosomal RNA
*NC_0029474,741,2981.T50.0% 75.6 / 90.3 48intergenic (+489/+263)gltA/yeiWcitrate synthase/putative oxidoreductase
*NC_0029474,741,2990CT50.0% 2.7 / 55.5 48intergenic (+490/+262)gltA/yeiWcitrate synthase/putative oxidoreductase
*NC_0029474,741,3010AC50.0% ‑1.2 / 63.2 48intergenic (+492/+260)gltA/yeiWcitrate synthase/putative oxidoreductase
*NC_0029474,741,3020AG50.0% ‑2.8 / 60.3 48intergenic (+493/+259)gltA/yeiWcitrate synthase/putative oxidoreductase
*NC_0029474,741,3040CG50.0% 2.6 / 72.9 48intergenic (+495/+257)gltA/yeiWcitrate synthase/putative oxidoreductase
*NC_0029474,741,3050AC50.0% 68.9 / 98.8 48intergenic (+496/+256)gltA/yeiWcitrate synthase/putative oxidoreductase
*NC_0029471,403,5960GA47.4% ‑0.1 / 48.9 38intergenic (‑56/+25)PP_1227/PP_1228membrane protein/methyl‑accepting chemotaxis transducer
*NC_0029471,403,5970TC47.4% 1.1 / 48.2 38intergenic (‑57/+24)PP_1227/PP_1228membrane protein/methyl‑accepting chemotaxis transducer
*NC_002947699,7250AG47.1% 14.3 / 110.6 88intergenic (+115/‑129)PP_t06/PP_23SDtRNA‑Ala/23S ribosomal RNA
*NC_0029475,655,6870CA45.3% 24.9 / 60.1 53intergenic (‑91/+61)epd/tktAD‑erythrose 4‑phosphate dehydrogenase/transketolase A
*NC_0029475,655,6920T.44.0% 78.5 / 82.4 50intergenic (‑96/+56)epd/tktAD‑erythrose 4‑phosphate dehydrogenase/transketolase A
*NC_0029475,655,6820TG43.6% 1.3 / 76.1 55intergenic (‑86/+66)epd/tktAD‑erythrose 4‑phosphate dehydrogenase/transketolase A
*NC_0029474,842,9491.G40.3% 81.2 / 143.0 77intergenic (+48/‑249)ccoP‑II/PP_4259cbb3‑type cytochrome c oxidase subunit/iron‑sulfur cluster‑binding protein
*NC_002947195,6340CT39.7% 106.3 / 140.7 142T380T (ACC→ACTPP_0168putative surface adhesion protein
*NC_0029471,506,9390TC39.3% 15.9 / 26.1 28intergenic (+51/‑66)petC/sspAubiquinol‑‑cytochrome c reductase cytochrome c1 subunit/stringent starvation protein A
*NC_0029471,506,9430CT39.3% 15.8 / 25.7 28intergenic (+55/‑62)petC/sspAubiquinol‑‑cytochrome c reductase cytochrome c1 subunit/stringent starvation protein A

Marginal new junction evidence (lowest skew 10 of 755 shown)
  seq id position reads (cov) reads (cov) score skew freq annotation gene product
* ? NC_002947 4340085 =52 (0.580)22 (0.330) 16/196 4.3 40.1% intergenic (+26/‑305) ribAB‑II/PP_3814 3,4‑dihydroxy‑2‑butanone‑4‑phosphate synthase/polyamine ABC transportersubstrate‑binding protein
?NC_002947 4340169 = 27 (0.400)intergenic (+110/‑221) ribAB‑II/PP_3814 3,4‑dihydroxy‑2‑butanone‑4‑phosphate synthase/polyamine ABC transportersubstrate‑binding protein
* ? NC_002947 6006595 =54 (0.600)20 (0.310) 15/192 4.4 40.3% intergenic (+7/+92) ydcJ/PP_5261 metalloprotein/LysR family transcriptional regulator
?NC_002947 6006679 = 20 (0.310)intergenic (+91/+8) ydcJ/PP_5261 metalloprotein/LysR family transcriptional regulator
* ? NC_002947 1487013 =41 (0.460)17 (0.240) 15/204 4.8 40.2% intergenic (+22/+108) yhdZ/degS amino acid ABC transporter ATP‑binding protein/serine endoprotease DegS
?NC_002947 1487103 = 19 (0.270)intergenic (+112/+18) yhdZ/degS amino acid ABC transporter ATP‑binding protein/serine endoprotease DegS
* ? NC_002947 1114875 =39 (0.430)19 (0.260) 16/214 4.8 38.5% intergenic (‑64/+115) rlmF/valS ribosomal RNA large subunit methyltransferase F/valine‑‑tRNA ligase
?NC_002947 1114951 = 29 (0.400)intergenic (‑140/+39) rlmF/valS ribosomal RNA large subunit methyltransferase F/valine‑‑tRNA ligase
* ? NC_002947 6032808 =55 (0.610)19 (0.280) 14/198 4.9 34.5% intergenic (+16/+120) dppA‑IV/PP_5284 dipeptide transport protein/hypothetical protein
?NC_002947 6032890 = 31 (0.460)intergenic (+98/+38) dppA‑IV/PP_5284 dipeptide transport protein/hypothetical protein
* ? NC_002947 5594143 =55 (0.610)17 (0.240) 14/208 5.2 29.7% intergenic (‑39/+106) PP_4921/thiC NCS1 family transporter/phosphomethylpyrimidine synthase
?NC_002947 5594236 = 37 (0.520)intergenic (‑132/+13) PP_4921/thiC NCS1 family transporter/phosphomethylpyrimidine synthase
* ? NC_002947 = 206322743 (0.480)19 (0.260) 14/214 5.4 34.3% intergenic (+41/‑166) PP_1838/PP_1839 membrane protein/hypothetical protein
?NC_002947 = 2063271 38 (0.520)intergenic (+85/‑122) PP_1838/PP_1839 membrane protein/hypothetical protein
* ? NC_002947 = 178012743 (0.480)15 (0.190) 15/226 5.4 29.2% intergenic (+44/+62) PP_1587/dapC NhaP‑type Na+(K+)/H+ antiporter/N‑succinyl‑L,L‑diaminopimelate aminotransferase
?NC_002947 = 1780151 36 (0.470)intergenic (+68/+38) PP_1587/dapC NhaP‑type Na+(K+)/H+ antiporter/N‑succinyl‑L,L‑diaminopimelate aminotransferase
* ? NC_002947 5704565 =54 (0.600)15 (0.210) 13/212 5.6 22.0% intergenic (+34/+78) PP_5006/PP_5007 TetR family transcriptional regulator/polyhydroxyalkanoate granule‑associated protein GA2
?NC_002947 5704628 = 63 (0.870)intergenic (+97/+15) PP_5006/PP_5007 TetR family transcriptional regulator/polyhydroxyalkanoate granule‑associated protein GA2
* ? NC_002947 = 489644359 (0.660)19 (0.250) 14/222 5.6 30.2% intergenic (+31/‑177) PP_4304/sbp‑I VIC family cation transporter/sulfate ABC transporter substrate‑binding protein
?NC_002947 = 4896490 38 (0.500)intergenic (+78/‑130) PP_4304/sbp‑I VIC family cation transporter/sulfate ABC transporter substrate‑binding protein