breseq  version 0.33.1  revision 8505477f25b3
mutation predictions | marginal predictions | summary statistics | genome diff | command line log

Marginal read alignment evidence (highest frequency 20 of 163 shown, sorted by frequency from high to low)
  seq id position ref new freq score (cons/poly) reads annotation genes product
*NC_0029471,327,1270CT52.6% 143.6 / inf 467intergenic (+97/‑196)PP_16SE/PP_23SE16S ribosomal RNA/23S ribosomal RNA
*NC_002947699,7250AG51.5% 21.4 / inf 404intergenic (+115/‑129)PP_t06/PP_23SDtRNA‑Ala/23S ribosomal RNA
*NC_0029474,348,7490AG48.9% 198.0 / inf 485intergenic (‑70/+404)PP_3820/galUgroup II intron‑encoding maturase/UTP‑glucose‑1‑phosphate uridylyltransferase
*NC_0029474,808,2260AG43.5% 16.7 / 54.0 47intergenic (‑290/‑265)PP_4234/dsbD‑IIbifunctional aldehyde oxidase/xanthine dehydrogenase/thiol/disulfide interchange protein 2
*NC_0029474,808,2250AC42.5% 26.9 / 60.0 47intergenic (‑289/‑266)PP_4234/dsbD‑IIbifunctional aldehyde oxidase/xanthine dehydrogenase/thiol/disulfide interchange protein 2
*NC_0029472,282,8130TG41.4% 140.0 / 312.5 241intergenic (‑162/+67)PP_2010/PP_2011cytochrome b561/hypothetical protein
*NC_002947195,6340CT39.5% 431.5 / inf 486T380T (ACC→ACTPP_0168putative surface adhesion protein
*NC_0029474,340,1250AG38.3% 107.9 / 113.1 109intergenic (+66/‑265)ribAB‑II/PP_38143,4‑dihydroxy‑2‑butanone‑4‑phosphate synthase/polyamine ABC transportersubstrate‑binding protein
*NC_0029472,282,8220CA37.9% 212.1 / 288.2 235intergenic (‑171/+58)PP_2010/PP_2011cytochrome b561/hypothetical protein
*NC_0029472,282,8180GC37.4% 217.5 / 270.2 222intergenic (‑167/+62)PP_2010/PP_2011cytochrome b561/hypothetical protein
*NC_0029474,340,1260CT37.4% 112.9 / 111.7 107intergenic (+67/‑264)ribAB‑II/PP_38143,4‑dihydroxy‑2‑butanone‑4‑phosphate synthase/polyamine ABC transportersubstrate‑binding protein
*NC_0029474,340,1270AG37.4% 113.9 / 110.8 107intergenic (+68/‑263)ribAB‑II/PP_38143,4‑dihydroxy‑2‑butanone‑4‑phosphate synthase/polyamine ABC transportersubstrate‑binding protein
*NC_0029474,340,1280CT37.4% 113.3 / 112.6 107intergenic (+69/‑262)ribAB‑II/PP_38143,4‑dihydroxy‑2‑butanone‑4‑phosphate synthase/polyamine ABC transportersubstrate‑binding protein
*NC_0029472,282,8170GC37.3% 223.1 / 269.3 222intergenic (‑166/+63)PP_2010/PP_2011cytochrome b561/hypothetical protein
*NC_0029471,544,5430GC36.4% 243.1 / 231.7 209intergenic (+60/+54)mdfA/ampGmultidrug MFS transporter/muropeptide permease AmpG
*NC_0029474,340,1200GC35.7% 158.2 / 127.8 112intergenic (+61/‑270)ribAB‑II/PP_38143,4‑dihydroxy‑2‑butanone‑4‑phosphate synthase/polyamine ABC transportersubstrate‑binding protein
*NC_0029474,340,1190AT35.4% 140.4 / 121.0 117intergenic (+60/‑271)ribAB‑II/PP_38143,4‑dihydroxy‑2‑butanone‑4‑phosphate synthase/polyamine ABC transportersubstrate‑binding protein
*NC_0029474,852,5050AC35.2% 68.7 / 22.8 54intergenic (‑131/+166)recR/ybaBrecombination protein RecR/nucleoid‑associated broad specificity regulator
*NC_0029471,013,2520TG35.0% 205.8 / 182.9 179intergenic (+77/+54)prfC/potF‑Ipeptide chain release factor 3/putrescine‑binding protein
*NC_0029471,013,2510AT34.6% 226.3 / 176.0 185intergenic (+76/+55)prfC/potF‑Ipeptide chain release factor 3/putrescine‑binding protein

Marginal new junction evidence (lowest skew 10 of 522 shown)
  seq id position reads (cov) reads (cov) score skew freq annotation gene product
* ? NC_002947 4808219 =32 (0.100)111 (0.460) 46/228 7.9 55.3% intergenic (‑283/‑272) PP_4234/dsbD‑II bifunctional aldehyde oxidase/xanthine dehydrogenase/thiol/disulfide interchange protein 2
?NC_002947 = 5988991 155 (0.640)intergenic (+229/‑317) kefB‑III/PP_mr64 glutathione‑regulated potassium/H+ antiporter/C4 ncRNA
* ? NC_002947 = 480822427 (0.080)131 (0.450) 49/274 10.0 51.3% intergenic (‑288/‑267) PP_4234/dsbD‑II bifunctional aldehyde oxidase/xanthine dehydrogenase/thiol/disulfide interchange protein 2
?NC_002947 5988821 = 224 (0.760)intergenic (+59/‑487) kefB‑III/PP_mr64 glutathione‑regulated potassium/H+ antiporter/C4 ncRNA
* ? NC_002947 = 652785321 (1.010)80 (0.290) 42/258 10.9 36.6% coding (1961/1962 nt) ctpL methyl‑accepting chemotaxis protein CtpL
?NC_002947 = 4808204 0 (0.000)intergenic (‑268/‑287) PP_4234/dsbD‑II bifunctional aldehyde oxidase/xanthine dehydrogenase/thiol/disulfide interchange protein 2
* ? NC_002947 = 480822427 (0.080)111 (0.400) 30/258 14.8 48.9% intergenic (‑288/‑267) PP_4234/dsbD‑II bifunctional aldehyde oxidase/xanthine dehydrogenase/thiol/disulfide interchange protein 2
?NC_002947 = 5989005 209 (0.760)intergenic (+243/‑303) kefB‑III/PP_mr64 glutathione‑regulated potassium/H+ antiporter/C4 ncRNA
* ? NC_002947 4647603 =117 (0.370)54 (0.230) 20/220 16.4 35.0% intergenic (+10/+121) fusB/PP_4112 elongation factor G 2/sulfate transporter
?NC_002947 4647711 = 114 (0.480)intergenic (+118/+13) fusB/PP_4112 elongation factor G 2/sulfate transporter
* ? NC_002947 4586063 =146 (0.460)30 (0.130) 17/222 18.1 24.5% intergenic (+102/+115) PP_4061/PP_4063 hypothetical protein/long‑chain fatty acid‑‑CoA ligase
?NC_002947 4586167 = 76 (0.320)intergenic (+206/+11) PP_4061/PP_4063 hypothetical protein/long‑chain fatty acid‑‑CoA ligase
* ? NC_002947 5162618 =133 (0.420)36 (0.140) 17/246 19.8 22.5% intergenic (+93/+108) PP_4544/PP_4545 hypothetical protein/beta‑ketodecanoyl‑ACP synthase
?NC_002947 5162702 = 139 (0.530)intergenic (+177/+24) PP_4544/PP_4545 hypothetical protein/beta‑ketodecanoyl‑ACP synthase
* ? NC_002947 = 511921214 (0.670)32 (0.110) 20/268 19.8 14.4% intergenic (+58/‑90) trpC/PP_0423 indole‑3‑glycerol phosphate synthase/hypothetical protein
?NC_002947 = 511969 188 (0.660)intergenic (+106/‑42) trpC/PP_0423 indole‑3‑glycerol phosphate synthase/hypothetical protein
* ? NC_002947 4896423 =189 (0.590)38 (0.140) 18/256 20.0 19.0% intergenic (+11/‑197) PP_4304/sbp‑I VIC family cation transporter/sulfate ABC transporter substrate‑binding protein
?NC_002947 4896512 = 161 (0.590)intergenic (+100/‑108) PP_4304/sbp‑I VIC family cation transporter/sulfate ABC transporter substrate‑binding protein
* ? NC_002947 1114875 =176 (0.550)32 (0.120) 17/248 20.0 17.2% intergenic (‑64/+115) rlmF/valS ribosomal RNA large subunit methyltransferase F/valine‑‑tRNA ligase
?NC_002947 1114951 = 163 (0.610)intergenic (‑140/+39) rlmF/valS ribosomal RNA large subunit methyltransferase F/valine‑‑tRNA ligase