New junction evidence
  seq id position reads (cov) reads (cov) score skew freq annotation gene product
* ? NC_000913 4295912 =NA (NA)14 (0.120) 6/164 NT NA noncoding (78/600 nt) RIP321 (repetitive extragenic palindromic) element; contains 11 REP sequences and 4 IHF sites RIP321 (repetitive extragenic palindromic) element; contains 11 REP sequences and 4 IHF sites
?NC_000913 4295942 = NA (NA)noncoding (108/600 nt) RIP321 (repetitive extragenic palindromic) element; contains 11 REP sequences and 4 IHF sites RIP321 (repetitive extragenic palindromic) element; contains 11 REP sequences and 4 IHF sites

No reads uniquely aligned to region.