breseq  version 0.33.1  revision 8505477f25b3
mutation predictions | marginal predictions | summary statistics | genome diff | command line log

Read File Information

read filereadsbasespassed filtersaveragelongestmapped
errorsSNFR_19_14_0_S2393_L001_R1_001.good.fq777,486109,600,042100.0%141.0 bases141 bases95.3%
errorsSNFR_19_14_0_S2393_L001_R2_001.good.fq777,486109,600,042100.0%141.0 bases141 bases92.0%
total1,554,972219,200,084100.0%141.0 bases141 bases93.6%

Reference Sequence Information

seq idlengthfit meanfit dispersion% mapped readsdescription
coveragedistributionCP0007302,872,91570.62.2100.0%Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus USA300_TCH1516, complete genome.

fit dispersion is the ratio of the variance to the mean for the negative binomial fit. It is =1 for Poisson and >1 for over-dispersed data.

New Junction Evidence

Junction Candidates Tested

Number of alignment pairs examined for constructing junction candidates≤ 1000002332
Coverage evenness (position-hash) score of junction candidates≥ 2≥ 2
Test this many junction candidates (n). May be smaller if not enough passed the coverage evenness threshold100 ≤ n ≤ 500049
Total length of all junction candidates (factor times the reference genome length)≤ 0.10.005

Junction Skew Score Calculation

reference sequencepr(no read start)

pr(no read start) is the probability that there will not be an aligned read whose first base matches a given position on a given strand.

Final Junction Predictions

Coverage evenness (position-hash) score of predicted junctions must be≥ 3
Skew score of predicted junction (−log10 probability of unusual coverage evenness) must be≤ 0
Number of bases that at least one read must overlap each uniquely aligned side of a predicted junction≥ 6

Read Alignment Evidence

ModeFull Polymorphism
Ploidy1 (haploid)
Consensus mutation E-value cutoff10
Consensus frequency cutoffOFF
Consensus minimum variant coverage each strandOFF
Consensus minimum total coverage each strandOFF
Consensus minimum variant coverageOFF
Consensus minimum total coverageOFF
Polymorphism E-value cutoff2
Polymorphism frequency cutoff0.05
Polymorphism minimum variant coverage each strand2
Polymorphism minimum total coverage each strandOFF
Polymorphism minimum variant coverageOFF
Polymorphism minimum total coverageOFF
Polymorphism bias cutoffOFF
Predict indel polymorphismsYES
Skip indel polymorphisms in homopolymers runs of ≥3 bases
Skip base substitutions when they create a homopolymer flanked on each side by ≥5 bases

Software Versions


Execution Times

Read and reference sequence file input15:57:27 29 Oct 201815:57:57 29 Oct 201830 seconds
Read alignment to reference genome15:57:57 29 Oct 201816:01:35 29 Oct 20183 minutes 38 seconds
Preprocessing alignments for candidate junction identification16:01:35 29 Oct 201816:01:59 29 Oct 201824 seconds
Preliminary analysis of coverage distribution16:01:59 29 Oct 201816:02:53 29 Oct 201854 seconds
Identifying junction candidates16:02:53 29 Oct 201816:02:54 29 Oct 20181 second
Re-alignment to junction candidates16:02:54 29 Oct 201816:03:43 29 Oct 201849 seconds
Resolving best read alignments16:03:43 29 Oct 201816:04:26 29 Oct 201843 seconds
Creating BAM files16:04:26 29 Oct 201816:05:15 29 Oct 201849 seconds
Tabulating error counts16:05:15 29 Oct 201816:05:30 29 Oct 201815 seconds
Re-calibrating base error rates16:05:30 29 Oct 201816:05:30 29 Oct 20180 seconds
Examining read alignment evidence16:05:30 29 Oct 201816:16:02 29 Oct 201810 minutes 32 seconds
Polymorphism statistics16:16:02 29 Oct 201816:16:03 29 Oct 20181 second
Output16:16:03 29 Oct 201816:16:10 29 Oct 20187 seconds
Total 18 minutes 43 seconds