breseq  version 0.26.1  
mutation predictions | marginal predictions | summary statistics | genome diff | command line log

Marginal read alignment evidence...
  seq id position change freq score reads annotation genes product
*NC_0009134,168,7660A→C100.0% 1.4 1noncoding (126/2904 nt)rrlB23S ribosomal RNA of rrnB operon
*NC_0009132,289,1120G→T100.0% 0.9 1L324M (CTG→ATG) insH1IS5 transposase and trans‑activator
*NC_0009134,038,9320T→G100.0% 0.5 1noncoding (1414/2905 nt)rrlA23S ribosomal RNA of rrnA operon
*NC_0009131,528,4910T→C100.0% 0.4 1pseudogene (590/2037 nt)rhsEpseudogene, Rhs family
*NC_0009131,528,4990G→C100.0% 0.4 1pseudogene (598/2037 nt)rhsEpseudogene, Rhs family
*NC_0009131,528,5020A→C100.0% 0.4 1pseudogene (601/2037 nt)rhsEpseudogene, Rhs family
*NC_0009133,763,8770C→G100.0% 0.3 1R565R (CGC→CGGrhsARhs protein with putative toxin 55 domain; putative polysaccharide synthesis/export protein; putative neighboring cell growth inhibitor
*NC_0009133,583,7860T→A100.0% ‑0.1 1V37D (GTC→GAC) insB1IS1 transposase B
*NC_0009133,583,7870C→G100.0% ‑0.1 1V37V (GTC→GTGinsB1IS1 transposase B
*NC_0009133,583,9390G→T100.0% ‑0.1 1S88I (AGC→ATC) insB1IS1 transposase B
*NC_0009133,583,9840G→A100.0% ‑0.1 1W103* (TGG→TAG) insB1IS1 transposase B
*NC_0009133,583,9670A→C100.0% ‑0.2 1I97I (ATA→ATCinsB1IS1 transposase B
*NC_0009133,583,9830T→C100.0% ‑0.2 1W103R (TGG→CGG) insB1IS1 transposase B

Marginal mixed read alignment evidence...
  seq id position change freq score reads annotation genes product
*NC_000913228,6880T→.13.0% 15.6 0.0 ‑0.247intergenic (+26/‑68)rrlH/rrfH23S ribosomal RNA of rrnH operon/5S ribosomal RNA of rrnH operon
*NC_0009131,344,0360G→C13.2% 10.2 0.0 ‑0.238T104S (ACT→AGT) yciTglobal regulator of transcription; DeoR family
*NC_0009133,714,1680A→.10.0% 11.1 0.0 ‑0.351coding (2227/2334 nt)bisCbiotin sulfoxide reductase
*NC_0009133,946,6200A→C32.8% 55.6 ‑0.6 ‑0.158intergenic (+13/‑80)rrlC/rrfC23S ribosomal RNA of rrnC operon/5S ribosomal RNA of rrnC operon

Marginal new junction evidence...
  seq id position reads (cov) reads (cov) score skew freq annotation gene product
* ? NC_000913 2299934 =65 (1.530)4 (0.100) 4/410 5.6 5.8% coding (327/696 nt) napG ferredoxin‑type protein
?NC_000913 2299988 = 67 (1.610)coding (273/696 nt) napG ferredoxin‑type protein
* ? NC_000913 523413 =31 (0.730)3 (0.070) 3/404 6.1 8.7% coding (153/4281 nt) rhsD Rhs protein with DUF4329 family putative toxin domain; putative neighboring cell growth inhibitor
?NC_000913 523501 = 33 (0.810)coding (241/4281 nt) rhsD Rhs protein with DUF4329 family putative toxin domain; putative neighboring cell growth inhibitor
* ? NC_000913 1114641 =48 (1.130)3 (0.070) 3/404 6.1 6.3% coding (850/1227 nt) mdtG putative drug efflux system protein
?NC_000913 1114706 = 43 (1.050)coding (785/1227 nt) mdtG putative drug efflux system protein
* ? NC_000913 1837442 =27 (0.640)3 (0.070) 3/404 6.1 10.5% coding (231/1536 nt) ynjC putative ABC transporter permease
?NC_000913 1837533 = 25 (0.610)coding (322/1536 nt) ynjC putative ABC transporter permease
* ? NC_000913 = 284887367 (1.580)3 (0.070) 3/406 6.2 4.6% coding (369/1827 nt) hycC hydrogenase 3, membrane subunit
?NC_000913 = 2848945 60 (1.460)coding (297/1827 nt) hycC hydrogenase 3, membrane subunit
* ? NC_000913 = 378637435 (0.830)3 (0.070) 3/406 6.2 8.0% coding (1115/1545 nt) gpmM phosphoglycero mutase III, cofactor‑independent
?NC_000913 = 3786407 35 (0.850)coding (1148/1545 nt) gpmM phosphoglycero mutase III, cofactor‑independent
* ? NC_000913 4360854 =35 (0.830)3 (0.070) 3/412 6.2 7.8% coding (1081/1539 nt) cadC cadBA operon transcriptional activator
?NC_000913 4360899 = 36 (0.860)coding (1036/1539 nt) cadC cadBA operon transcriptional activator