breseq  version 0.26.1  
mutation predictions | marginal predictions | summary statistics | genome diff | command line log

Marginal read alignment evidence...
  seq id position change freq score reads annotation genes product
*NC_000913526,0700A→C100.0% 1.6 3D937A (GAT→GCT) rhsDRhs protein with DUF4329 family putative toxin domain; putative neighboring cell growth inhibitor
*NC_0009131,469,4730C→T100.0% 0.7 1T39I (ACT→ATT) insI1IS30 transposase
*NC_0009132,514,4750G→T100.0% 0.7 1A49S (GCT→TCT) insL1IS186 transposase
*NC_0009133,943,2060C→G100.0% 0.4 1noncoding (1399/1542 nt)rrsC16S ribosomal RNA of rrnC operon
*NC_0009134,035,5320A→G100.0% 0.4 1noncoding (2/1542 nt)rrsA16S ribosomal RNA of rrnA operon
*NC_000913526,0550T→C100.0% 0.2 4L932P (CTC→CCC) rhsDRhs protein with DUF4329 family putative toxin domain; putative neighboring cell growth inhibitor
*NC_000913575,5980G→T100.0% 0.2 2V52V (GTC→GTAinsH1IS5 transposase and trans‑activator
*NC_0009133,583,9720T→A100.0% ‑0.1 1M99K (ATG→AAG) insB1IS1 transposase B
*NC_0009134,171,2770T→G100.0% ‑0.1 1noncoding (2637/2904 nt)rrlB23S ribosomal RNA of rrnB operon
*NC_0009134,171,4340C→T100.0% ‑0.1 1noncoding (2794/2904 nt)rrlB23S ribosomal RNA of rrnB operon
*NC_0009134,508,3850C→A100.0% ‑0.1 1R78L (CGT→CTT) insI1IS30 transposase
*NC_0009134,171,2570T→G100.0% ‑0.2 1noncoding (2617/2904 nt)rrlB23S ribosomal RNA of rrnB operon
*NC_0009134,171,2690T→G100.0% ‑0.2 1noncoding (2629/2904 nt)rrlB23S ribosomal RNA of rrnB operon
*NC_0009134,171,2750A→G100.0% ‑0.2 1noncoding (2635/2904 nt)rrlB23S ribosomal RNA of rrnB operon
*NC_0009133,425,0310C→A100.0% ‑0.5 1noncoding (1753/2904 nt)rrlD23S ribosomal RNA of rrnD operon
*NC_0009133,425,0320G→A100.0% ‑0.5 1noncoding (1752/2904 nt)rrlD23S ribosomal RNA of rrnD operon
*NC_0009133,425,0340C→A100.0% ‑0.5 1noncoding (1750/2904 nt)rrlD23S ribosomal RNA of rrnD operon
*NC_0009133,425,0350T→A100.0% ‑0.5 1noncoding (1749/2904 nt)rrlD23S ribosomal RNA of rrnD operon
*NC_0009133,425,0360G→A100.0% ‑0.5 1noncoding (1748/2904 nt)rrlD23S ribosomal RNA of rrnD operon
*NC_0009133,425,0380T→A100.0% ‑0.5 1noncoding (1746/2904 nt)rrlD23S ribosomal RNA of rrnD operon
*NC_0009133,425,0390T→A100.0% ‑0.5 1noncoding (1745/2904 nt)rrlD23S ribosomal RNA of rrnD operon

Marginal mixed read alignment evidence...
  seq id position change freq score reads annotation genes product
*NC_000913228,6880T→.14.8% 22.6 ‑0.3 ‑0.356intergenic (+26/‑68)rrlH/rrfH23S ribosomal RNA of rrnH operon/5S ribosomal RNA of rrnH operon
*NC_0009133,946,6200A→C60.7% 70.4 ‑0.9 ‑0.057intergenic (+13/‑80)rrlC/rrfC23S ribosomal RNA of rrnC operon/5S ribosomal RNA of rrnC operon

Marginal new junction evidence...
  seq id position reads (cov) reads (cov) score skew freq annotation gene product
* ? NC_000913 2241478 =46 (1.100)3 (0.070) 3/400 5.9 6.1% coding (191/1041 nt) galS galactose‑ and fucose‑inducible galactose regulon transcriptional isorepressor; mgl operon transcriptional repressor; autorepressor
?NC_000913 2241527 = 49 (1.220)coding (142/1041 nt) galS galactose‑ and fucose‑inducible galactose regulon transcriptional isorepressor; mgl operon transcriptional repressor; autorepressor
* ? NC_000913 = 281984573 (1.740)3 (0.080) 3/398 5.9 4.1% coding (2167/2631 nt) alaS alanyl‑tRNA synthetase
?NC_000913 = 2819896 70 (1.750)coding (2116/2631 nt) alaS alanyl‑tRNA synthetase
* ? NC_000913 = 282390592 (2.190)3 (0.070) 3/406 5.9 3.4% coding (442/498 nt) pncC nicotinamide‑nucleotide amidohydrolase; NMN amidohydrolase
?NC_000913 = 2823997 81 (1.990)coding (350/498 nt) pncC nicotinamide‑nucleotide amidohydrolase; NMN amidohydrolase
* ? NC_000913 = 289743067 (1.600)3 (0.070) 3/404 5.9 4.6% coding (441/1338 nt) ygcS putative MFS sugar transporter; membrane protein
?NC_000913 = 2897467 60 (1.480)coding (404/1338 nt) ygcS putative MFS sugar transporter; membrane protein
* ? NC_000913 = 406453723 (0.550)3 (0.080) 3/396 5.8 12.3% coding (1230/1404 nt) yihO putative sulphoquinovose importer
?NC_000913 = 4064583 21 (0.530)coding (1184/1404 nt) yihO putative sulphoquinovose importer