breseq  version 0.35.4  revision f352f80f4bc9
mutation predictions | marginal predictions | summary statistics | genome diff | command line log

Predicted mutation
evidence position mutation annotation gene description
RA 4,172,877 A→C I569L (ATC→CTC)  rpoB → RNA polymerase, beta subunit

Unassigned new junction evidence
  seq id position reads (cov) reads (cov) score skew freq annotation gene product
* ? CP009273 360104 =106 (1.000)163 (1.540) 105/274 0.0 60.6% intergenic (‑38/+557) lacZ/lacI pseudogene, truncated/DNA‑binding transcriptional repressor
?CP009273 = 360286 NA (NA)intergenic (‑220/+375) lacZ/lacI pseudogene, truncated/DNA‑binding transcriptional repressor
* ? CP009273 = 604804NA (NA)110 (1.060) 76/268 0.4 96.6% intergenic (+171/+111) insL1/entD IS186 transposase/phosphopantetheinyltransferase component of enterobactin synthase multienzyme complex
?CP009273 = 3188585 4 (0.040)noncoding (15/142 nt) sibE sRNA antisense regulator of toxic IbsE protein
* ? CP009273 2507756 =NA (NA)89 (0.870) 72/266 0.5 94.8% intergenic (+33/‑54) nupC/insL1 nucleoside (except guanosine) transporter/IS186 transposase
?CP009273 3188575 = 5 (0.050)noncoding (25/142 nt) sibE sRNA antisense regulator of toxic IbsE protein