breseq  version 0.27.1  revision 87c22d663cc3
mutation predictions | marginal predictions | summary statistics | genome diff | command line log

Predicted mutations
evidence position mutation annotation gene description
MC JC 257,908 Δ776 bp [crl] [crl]
RA 668,742 C→G E99Q (GAA→CAA)  rsfS ← ribosomal silencing factor
MC JC 1,159,091 Δ132 bp coding (1223‑1354/1434 nt) ptsG → fused glucose‑specific PTS enzymes: IIB component/IIC component
RA 2,173,363 Δ2 bp intergenic (‑1/+1) gatC ← / ← gatC pseudogene, galactitol‑specific enzyme IIC component of PTS;transport; Transport of small molecules: Carbohydrates, organic acids, alcohols; PTS system galactitol‑specific enzyme IIC/pseudogene, galactitol‑specific enzyme IIC component of PTS;transport; Transport of small molecules: Carbohydrates, organic acids, alcohols; PTS system galactitol‑specific enzyme IIC
RA 2,513,351 C→A L104M (CTG→ATG)  nupC → nucleoside (except guanosine) transporter
RA 3,560,455 +G intergenic (‑2/+1) glpR ← / ← glpR pseudogene, DNA‑binding transcriptional repressor;regulator; Energy metabolism, carbon: Anaerobic respiration; repressor of the glp operon/pseudogene, DNA‑binding transcriptional repressor;regulator; Energy metabolism, carbon: Anaerobic respiration; repressor of the glp operon
MC JC 4,233,804 1557 bp→83 bp coding (47‑1603/1650 nt) pgi → glucosephosphate isomerase
RA 4,296,381 +GC intergenic (+587/+55) gltP → / ← yjcO glutamate/aspartate:proton symporter/Sel1 family TPR‑like repeat protein

Unassigned missing coverage evidence
   seq id start end size ←reads reads→ gene description
* * ÷ NC_000913 83857 84366 510 48 [47] [47] 48 leuL/leuO leu operon leader peptide/global transcription factor
* * ÷ NC_000913 156098 156418 321 51 [44] [47] 49 [yadV]–[yadN] [yadV], [yadN]
* * ÷ NC_000913 522828 523256 429 49 [47] [47] 48 [ybbP] [ybbP]
* * ÷ NC_000913 527111 529154 2044 48 [38] [47] 49 [rhsD]–ybbD [rhsD], ybbC, rhsH, ybbD
* * ÷ NC_000913 582640 584753 2114 49 [47] [47] 48 [ybcY]–[ompT] [ybcY], ybcY, tfaX, appY, [ompT]
* * ÷ NC_000913 997469 998650 1182 48 [46] [46] 48 [ssuE]–[elfD] [ssuE], elfA, [elfD]
* * ÷ NC_000913 1196837 1198690 1854 48 [47] [47] 48 ymfD–ymfE ymfD, ymfE
* * ÷ NC_000913 1215485 1216786 1302 49 [46] [47] 48 ycgZ–[ymgC] ycgZ, ymgA, ariR, [ymgC]
* * ÷ NC_000913 1946006 1946367 362 48 [43] [47] 48 yobI–[yebB] yobI, [yebB]
* * ÷ NC_000913 1978229 1979759 1531 50 [47] [47] 49 insB1–[uspC] insB1, insA, [uspC]
* * ÷ NC_000913 2103273 2104284 1012 49 [45] [47] 48 [wbbL]–[wbbK] [wbbL], [wbbK]
* * ÷ NC_000913 2106508 2107471 964 50 [47] [47] 51 [wbbH]–[glf] [wbbH], [glf]
* * ÷ NC_000913 2455609 2456247 639 49 [45] [47] 49 [yfcV] [yfcV]
* * ÷ NC_000913 2469062 2470736 1675 48 [42] [45] 48 [gtrB]–gtrS [gtrB], gtrS
* * ÷ NC_000913 2773231 2774087 857 49 [45] [47] 49 [yfjW] [yfjW]
* * ÷ NC_000913 2774201 2775457 1257 52 [46] [39] 49 [yfjW] [yfjW]
* * ÷ NC_000913 2903489 2904822 1334 48 [46] [47] 48 [queE] [queE]
* * ÷ NC_000913 2991801 2993012 1212 48 [47] [47] 48 [ygeH] [ygeH]
* * ÷ NC_000913 2994703 2996038 1336 49 [47] [47] 48 [ygeK]–[ygeO] [ygeK], ygeN, ygeN, [ygeO]
* * ÷ NC_000913 3267014 3267671 658 48 [47] [46] 48 [tdcA]–tdcR [tdcA], tdcR
* * ÷ NC_000913 3423822–3424234 3424547–3424238 5–726 49 [47] [44] 48 [rrlD] [rrlD]
* * ÷ NC_000913 3469704 3470576–3470154 451–873 48 [47] [47] 48 [chiA]–[tufA] [chiA], [tufA]
* * ÷ NC_000913 3581623 3585025 3403 48 [47] [46] 49 [yhhY]–[yrhB] [yhhY], yhhZ, yrhA, insA, insB1, yrhA, [yrhB]
* * ÷ NC_000913 3796835 3800614 3780 49 [47] [47] 49 [waaC]–[waaY] [waaC], waaL, waaU, waaZ, [waaY]
* * ÷ NC_000913 3804054 3805298 1245 48 [47] [47] 48 [waaB]–[waaP] [waaB], waaS, [waaP]
* * ÷ NC_000913 4086726 4087135 410 48 [47] [47] 49 [fdhD]–[yiiG] [fdhD], [yiiG]
* * ÷ NC_000913 4476480 4477229 750 49 [47] [44] 48 yjgL SopA‑central‑domain‑like hexapeptide repeat protein
* * ÷ NC_000913 4556284 4556839 556 50 [46] [45] 52 [yjiC] [yjiC]

Unassigned new junction evidence
  seq id position reads (cov) reads (cov) score skew freq annotation gene product
* ? NC_000913 1207790 =3 (0.030)75 (0.800) 57/466 0.3 96.9% coding (290/630 nt) stfP e14 prophage; uncharacterized protein
?NC_000913 1209619 = 2 (0.020)pseudogene (1/501 nt) stfE pseudogene, e14 prophage; side tail fiber protein fragment family;Phage or Prophage Related
* ? NC_000913 = 12078053 (0.030)88 (0.940) 63/466 0.2 97.3% coding (305/630 nt) stfP e14 prophage; uncharacterized protein
?NC_000913 = 1209602 2 (0.020)pseudogene (18/501 nt) stfE pseudogene, e14 prophage; side tail fiber protein fragment family;Phage or Prophage Related