breseq  version 0.27.1  revision 87c22d663cc3
mutation predictions | marginal predictions | summary statistics | genome diff | command line log

Read File Information

read filereadsbasespassed filtersaveragelongestmapped
errorsSSW-KHP-SSW-1-163-4-1_S4_L001_R1_0011,200,277360,749,721100.0%300.6 bases301 bases84.7%
errorsSSW-KHP-SSW-1-163-4-1_S4_L001_R2_0011,198,719359,924,50899.9%300.3 bases301 bases81.8%
total2,398,996720,674,22999.9%300.4 bases301 bases83.2%

Reference Sequence Information

seq idlengthfit meanfit dispersion% mapped readsdescription
coveragedistributionNC_0009134,641,652128.02.1100.0%Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655, complete genome.

fit dispersion is the ratio of the variance to the mean for the negative binomial fit. It is =1 for Poisson and >1 for over-dispersed data.

New Junction Evidence

Junction Candidates Tested

Number of alignment pairs examined for constructing junction candidates≤ 1000007645
Coverage evenness (position-hash) score of junction candidates≥ 2≥ 3
Test this many junction candidates (n). May be smaller if not enough passed the coverage evenness threshold100 ≤ n ≤ 500020
Total length of all junction candidates (factor times the reference genome length)≤ 0.10.003

Junction Skew Score Calculation

reference sequencepr(no read start)

pr(no read start) is the probability that there will not be an aligned read whose first base matches a given position on a given strand.

Final Junction Predictions

Coverage evenness (position-hash) score of predicted junctions must be≥ 3
Skew score of predicted junction (−log10 probability of unusual coverage evenness) must be≤ 3
Number of bases that at least one read must overlap each uniquely aligned side of a predicted junction≥ 1

Read Alignment Evidence

ModeConsensus/Mixed Base
Ploidy1 (haploid)
Consensus mutation E-value cutoff10
Consensus frequency cutoff0.8
Consensus minimum coverage each strandOFF
Polymorphism E-value cutoff10
Polymorphism frequency cutoff0.2
Polymorphism minimum coverage each strandOFF
Polymorphism bias cutoffOFF
Predict indel polymorphismsYES
Skip indel polymorphisms in homopolymers runs ofOFF
Skip base substitutions when they create a homopolymer flanked on each side byOFF

Execution Times

Read and reference sequence file input20:47:00 05 Mar 201620:48:13 05 Mar 20161 minute 13 seconds
Read alignment to reference genome20:48:13 05 Mar 201620:53:41 05 Mar 20165 minutes 28 seconds
Preprocessing alignments for candidate junction identification20:53:41 05 Mar 201620:54:52 05 Mar 20161 minute 11 seconds
Preliminary analysis of coverage distribution20:54:52 05 Mar 201620:58:09 05 Mar 20163 minutes 17 seconds
Identifying junction candidates20:58:09 05 Mar 201620:58:11 05 Mar 20162 seconds
Re-alignment to junction candidates20:58:11 05 Mar 201620:58:47 05 Mar 201636 seconds
Resolving alignments with junction candidates20:58:47 05 Mar 201621:01:49 05 Mar 20163 minutes 2 seconds
Creating BAM files21:01:49 05 Mar 201621:03:42 05 Mar 20161 minute 53 seconds
Tabulating error counts21:03:42 05 Mar 201621:07:03 05 Mar 20163 minutes 21 seconds
Re-calibrating base error rates21:07:03 05 Mar 201621:07:04 05 Mar 20161 second
Examining read alignment evidence21:07:04 05 Mar 201621:31:30 05 Mar 201624 minutes 26 seconds
Polymorphism statistics21:31:30 05 Mar 201621:31:31 05 Mar 20161 second
Output21:31:31 05 Mar 201621:32:23 05 Mar 201652 seconds
Total 45 minutes 23 seconds