breseq  version 0.35.4  revision f352f80f4bc9
mutation predictions | marginal predictions | summary statistics | genome diff | command line log

Marginal read alignment evidence (highest frequency 20 of 28 shown, sorted by frequency from high to low)
  seq id position ref new freq score (cons/poly) reads annotation genes product
*ACB1223,440,3770AC63.2% 0.7 / 12.5 22Q29P (CAG→CCG) CJ019_03266hypothetical protein
*ACB1223,440,3630AC61.9% ‑5.5 / 10.3 23A24A (GCA→GCCCJ019_03266hypothetical protein
*ACB122994,2350TG59.3% ‑5.5 / 11.8 27R54R (CGT→CGGCJ019_00938hypothetical protein
*ACB122319,1200CG57.1% 12.4 / 26.8 22P554P (CCG→CCCCJ019_00291hypothetical protein
*ACB1225,262,9090AC55.6% 6.9 / 14.6 20intergenic (+9/+27)uacT_2/radAUric acid transporter UacT/DNA repair protein RadA
*ACB1225,379,2100AC55.6% 3.2 / 14.5 18intergenic (+35/‑28)glcA/lldDGlycolate permease GlcA/L‑lactate dehydrogenase
*ACB1223,440,3670TG55.0% 2.0 / 14.0 22W26G (TGG→GGG) CJ019_03266hypothetical protein
*ACB1223,586,4130AC54.2% 5.8 / 18.5 24Q131P (CAG→CCG) CJ019_03399hypothetical protein
*ACB1223,210,8810TG53.6% 22.7 / 36.2 31V204G (GTC→GGC) oprJ_2Outer membrane protein OprJ
*ACB1222,856,8820CG53.3% 1.3 / 10.3 15A295A (GCC→GCGhdfR_4HTH‑type transcriptional regulator HdfR
*ACB1224,880,3500AC53.3% 0.7 / 18.8 30G100G (GGT→GGGCJ019_04574hypothetical protein
*ACB1223,995,4180TG52.9% 3.8 / 11.4 17intergenic (+90/‑44)dmoA_3/allEDimethyl‑sulfide monooxygenase/(S)‑ureidoglycine aminohydrolase
*ACB1224,500,2270AC46.4% 4.4 / 10.0 28G56G (GGT→GGGcysG_1Siroheme synthase
*ACB1222,780,7060AT42.3% 16.0 / 11.5 26intergenic (+96/‑29)ahpC_2/ahpFAlkyl hydroperoxide reductase C/Alkyl hydroperoxide reductase subunit F
*ACB1221,584,5390AC40.0% 20.3 / 11.0 35G137G (GGT→GGGrhaS_1HTH‑type transcriptional activator RhaS
*ACB1223,138,3670TG39.5% 43.9 / 12.4 38F240V (TTT→GTT) rbsC_2Ribose import permease protein RbsC
*ACB1224,807,8090GC35.0% 100.1 / 15.1 62E70Q (GAA→CAA) mcbCMicrocin B17‑processing protein McbC
*ACB1224,413,5530AC34.0% 59.4 / 10.5 47I7L (ATC→CTC) CJ019_04183hypothetical protein
*ACB1225,931,6710AC32.8% 92.1 / 10.7 62T526P (ACC→CCC) rbbARibosome‑associated ATPase
*ACB1221,791,6780TG32.6% 32.0 / 11.8 47L182R (CTG→CGG) lpxBLipid‑A‑disaccharide synthase