breseq  version 0.33.1  revision 8505477f25b3
mutation predictions | marginal predictions | summary statistics | genome diff | command line log

Predicted mutations
evidence position mutation annotation gene description
MC JC 257,908 Δ776 bp [crl] [crl]
JC JC 458,790 IS186 (–) +6 bp :: Δ1 bp intergenic (+90/‑93) clpX → / → lon ATPase and specificity subunit of ClpX‑ClpP ATP‑dependent serine protease/DNA‑binding ATP‑dependent protease La
RA 1,020,961 A→G intergenic (‑42/‑177) sulA ← / → sxy SOS cell division inhibitor/CRP‑S‑dependent promoter expression factor
RA 1,196,305 C→T R395C (CGT→TGT)  icd → isocitrate dehydrogenase; e14 prophage attachment site; tellurite reductase
JC JC 1,293,032 IS1 (–) +8 bp intergenic (‑110/‑488) hns ← / → tdk global DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator H‑NS/thymidine kinase/deoxyuridine kinase
MC JC 1,978,503 Δ776 bp insB1insA insB1, insA
JC JC 1,979,486 IS5 (+) +4 bp intergenic (‑271/‑264) insA ← / → uspC IS1 repressor TnpA/universal stress protein
RA 2,132,787 A→C I204S (ATC→AGC)  wcaA ← putative glycosyl transferase
RA 2,173,363 Δ2 bp intergenic (‑1/+1) gatC ← / ← gatC pseudogene, galactitol‑specific enzyme IIC component of PTS;transport; Transport of small molecules: Carbohydrates, organic acids, alcohols; PTS system galactitol‑specific enzyme IIC/pseudogene, galactitol‑specific enzyme IIC component of PTS;transport; Transport of small molecules: Carbohydrates, organic acids, alcohols; PTS system galactitol‑specific enzyme IIC
RA 2,415,807 A→C D354A (GAT→GCT)  pta → phosphate acetyltransferase
RA 2,707,560 Δ1 bp coding (242/480 nt) rseC ← SoxR iron‑sulfur cluster reduction factor component
RA 3,560,455 +G intergenic (‑2/+1) glpR ← / ← glpR pseudogene, DNA‑binding transcriptional repressor;regulator; Energy metabolism, carbon: Anaerobic respiration; repressor of the glp operon/pseudogene, DNA‑binding transcriptional repressor;regulator; Energy metabolism, carbon: Anaerobic respiration; repressor of the glp operon
MC JC 3,815,859 Δ82 bp [rph][rph] [rph], [rph]
MC JC 4,001,645 Δ5 bp coding (220‑224/951 nt) corA → magnesium/nickel/cobalt transporter
JC JC 4,049,922 IS5 (–) +4 bp noncoding (24‑27/109 nt) spf → Spot 42 sRNA antisense regulator of galK translation, Hfq‑dependent
RA 4,184,543 C→A P1100Q (CCG→CAG)  rpoB → RNA polymerase, beta subunit
RA 4,296,381 +GC intergenic (+587/+55) gltP → / ← yjcO glutamate/aspartate:proton symporter/Sel1 family TPR‑like repeat protein

Unassigned missing coverage evidence
   seq id start end size ←reads reads→ gene description
* * ÷ NC_000913 3423738–3424535 3424535 1–798 27 [26] [25] 27 [rrfD]–[rrlD] [rrfD],[rrlD]
* * ÷ NC_000913 4233746 4235428 1683 27 [26] [26] 27 pgi pgi

Unassigned new junction evidence
  seq id position reads (cov) reads (cov) score skew freq annotation gene product
* ? NC_000913 = 12994980 (0.000)79 (1.320) 67/276 0.0 100% intergenic (+253/‑1684) ychE/oppA UPF0056 family inner membrane protein/oligopeptide ABC transporter periplasmic binding protein
?NC_000913 1300698 = 0 (0.000)intergenic (+1453/‑484) ychE/oppA UPF0056 family inner membrane protein/oligopeptide ABC transporter periplasmic binding protein