breseq  version 0.26.1  
mutation predictions | marginal predictions | summary statistics | genome diff | command line log

Marginal read alignment evidence...
  seq id position change freq score reads annotation genes product
*NC_0009134,532,5340G→C11.9% 10.1 ‑0.4 ‑0.742A217G (GCC→GGC) yjhPputative methyltransferase
*NC_0009134,532,5370G→C12.2% 10.1 ‑0.5 ‑0.642A216G (GCC→GGC) yjhPputative methyltransferase
*NC_0009131,396,2300T→G100.0% 0.7 1V52G (GTC→GGC) insH1IS5 transposase and trans‑activator
*NC_000913575,5880A→C100.0% 0.5 1F56V (TTT→GTT) insH1IS5 transposase and trans‑activator
*NC_0009132,170,3740T→C100.0% 0.4 1Y47H (TAC→CAC) insE1IS3 transposase A

Marginal mixed read alignment evidence...
  seq id position change freq score reads annotation genes product
*NC_000913380,0121.→G12.2% 18.8 ‑0.4 ‑0.441intergenic (‑131/+57)frmR/yaiOregulator protein that represses frmRAB operon/outer membrane protein
*NC_0009133,946,6200A→C10.3% 12.5 0.0 ‑0.258intergenic (+13/‑80)rrlC/rrfC23S ribosomal RNA of rrnC operon/5S ribosomal RNA of rrnC operon
*NC_0009134,296,0600C→T24.5% 26.0 0.0 ‑0.149intergenic (+266/+376)gltP/yjcOglutamate/aspartate:proton symporter/Sel1 family TPR‑like repeat protein

Marginal new junction evidence...
  seq id position reads (cov) reads (cov) score skew freq annotation gene product
* ? NC_000913 = 454269056 (1.160)7 (0.150) 7/400 5.9 12.9% intergenic (+57/‑425) fimE/fimA tyrosine recombinase/inversion of on/off regulator of fimA/major type 1 subunit fimbrin (pilin)
?NC_000913 = 4542986 41 (0.890)intergenic (+353/‑129) fimE/fimA tyrosine recombinase/inversion of on/off regulator of fimA/major type 1 subunit fimbrin (pilin)
* ? NC_000913 = 445937242 (0.870)4 (0.090) 4/406 7.6 9.2% intergenic (+61/‑118) pmbA/cybC putative antibiotic peptide MccB17 maturation peptidase/pseudogene, truncated cytochrome b562; cytochrome b(562)
?NC_000913 = 4459452 38 (0.810)intergenic (+141/‑38) pmbA/cybC putative antibiotic peptide MccB17 maturation peptidase/pseudogene, truncated cytochrome b562; cytochrome b(562)
* ? NC_000913 = 196689241 (0.850)3 (0.070) 3/396 8.1 6.5% coding (146/645 nt) cheZ chemotaxis regulator, protein phosphatase for CheY
?NC_000913 = 1966972 47 (1.030)coding (66/645 nt) cheZ chemotaxis regulator, protein phosphatase for CheY
* ? NC_000913 2371501 =64 (1.320)3 (0.060) 3/412 8.3 4.8% coding (594/1653 nt) arnT 4‑amino‑4‑deoxy‑L‑arabinose transferase
?NC_000913 2371646 = 57 (1.200)coding (739/1653 nt) arnT 4‑amino‑4‑deoxy‑L‑arabinose transferase
* ? NC_000913 2768602 =57 (1.180)3 (0.060) 3/404 8.2 5.1% intergenic (+29/‑63) yfjP/yfjQ CP4‑57 prophage; 50S ribosome‑binding GTPase family protein/CP4‑57 prophage; uncharacterized protein
?NC_000913 2768628 = 57 (1.220)intergenic (+55/‑37) yfjP/yfjQ CP4‑57 prophage; 50S ribosome‑binding GTPase family protein/CP4‑57 prophage; uncharacterized protein
* ? NC_000913 3258494 =56 (1.160)3 (0.060) 3/408 8.3 5.5% coding (1156/1365 nt) tdcG L‑serine dehydratase 3, anaerobic
?NC_000913 3258574 = 49 (1.040)coding (1076/1365 nt) tdcG L‑serine dehydratase 3, anaerobic
* ? NC_000913 = 381058256 (1.160)3 (0.060) 3/400 8.2 5.2% coding (571/810 nt) mutM formamidopyrimidine/5‑formyluracil/ 5‑hydroxymethyluracil DNA glycosylase
?NC_000913 = 3810631 55 (1.190)coding (522/810 nt) mutM formamidopyrimidine/5‑formyluracil/ 5‑hydroxymethyluracil DNA glycosylase
* ? NC_000913 4334626 =48 (0.990)3 (0.060) 3/402 8.2 6.2% coding (965/1644 nt) eptA lipid A phosphoethanolamine transferase
?NC_000913 4334684 = 44 (0.950)coding (907/1644 nt) eptA lipid A phosphoethanolamine transferase
* ? NC_000913 4513065 =68 (1.410)3 (0.060) 3/408 8.3 4.4% coding (345/999 nt) fecC ferric citrate ABC transporter permease
?NC_000913 4513114 = 65 (1.380)coding (296/999 nt) fecC ferric citrate ABC transporter permease
* ? NC_000913 4513628 =51 (1.050)3 (0.060) 3/408 8.3 5.2% coding (681/903 nt) fecB ferric citrate ABC transporter periplasmic binding protein
?NC_000913 4513725 = 59 (1.250)coding (584/903 nt) fecB ferric citrate ABC transporter periplasmic binding protein