breseq  version 0.35.4  revision f352f80f4bc9
mutation predictions | marginal predictions | summary statistics | genome diff | command line log

Marginal read alignment evidence (highest frequency 20 of 26 shown, sorted by frequency from high to low)
  seq id position ref new freq score (cons/poly) reads annotation genes product
*NC_0009131,834,4610GT37.6% 195.9 / 17.8 101D116Y (GAT→TAT) ydjY4Fe‑4S ferredoxin‑type domain‑containing protein YdjY
*NC_0009132,177,2550GT36.2% 68.8 / 20.6 58intergenic (‑51/+257)gatY/fbaBtagatose‑1,6‑bisphosphate aldolase 2 subunit GatY/fructose‑bisphosphate aldolase class I
*NC_0009131,834,4720AC33.0% 143.9 / 45.1 97E119D (GAA→GAC) ‡ydjY4Fe‑4S ferredoxin‑type domain‑containing protein YdjY
*NC_000913164,5810AC30.4% 45.6 / 23.7 56intergenic (+47/‑149)hrpB/mrcBputative ATP‑dependent RNA helicase HrpB/peptidoglycan glycosyltransferase/peptidoglycan DD‑transpeptidase MrcB
*NC_0009131,834,4700GC30.0% 189.0 / 40.8 100E119Q (GAA→CAA) ‡ydjY4Fe‑4S ferredoxin‑type domain‑containing protein YdjY
*NC_0009134,296,0600CT29.7% 356.2 / 199.6 237intergenic (+266/+376)gltP/yjcOglutamate/aspartate : H(+) symporter GltP/Sel1 repeat‑containing protein YjcO
*NC_000913151,7340AC28.9% 136.1 / 20.6 76V166V (GTT→GTGyadLputative fimbrial protein YadL
*NC_0009133,608,7030AT27.5% 289.5 / 30.8 137intergenic (+54/+48)zntA/tusAZn(2(+))/Cd(2(+))/Pb(2(+)) exporting P‑type ATPase/sulfur transfer protein TusA
*NC_000913159,1010CA27.1% 220.9 / 28.7 96C9F (TGC→TTC) pcnBpoly(A) polymerase I
*NC_000913361,3200CA26.0% 233.7 / 12.9 104V181F (GTT→TTT) lacAgalactoside O‑acetyltransferase
*NC_000913361,3110CA25.3% 203.4 / 11.7 100E184* (GAA→TAA) lacAgalactoside O‑acetyltransferase
*NC_0009132,185,4290TG25.0% 115.6 / 14.4 60intergenic (‑128/+95)thiM/rcnRhydroxyethylthiazole kinase/DNA‑binding transcriptional repressor RcnR
*NC_0009132,470,4270CA24.5% 246.3 / 16.6 102Q433K (CAA→AAA) yfdICPS‑53 (KpLE1) prophage; serotype specific glucosyl transferase
*NC_0009133,391,4070AC24.4% 401.4 / 45.5 201F208V (TTT→GTT) tldDmetalloprotease TldD
*NC_0009134,412,7810CG24.3% 184.6 / 19.6 77S132C (TCT→TGT) yjfMDUF1190 domain‑containing protein YjfM
*NC_0009133,504,8730TA22.9% 868.4 / 57.3 366intergenic (+90/+62)frlR/yhfSputative DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator FrlR/putative aminotransferase YhfS
*NC_000913164,5790GC22.4% 130.9 / 12.1 58intergenic (+45/‑151)hrpB/mrcBputative ATP‑dependent RNA helicase HrpB/peptidoglycan glycosyltransferase/peptidoglycan DD‑transpeptidase MrcB
*NC_0009131,834,4300AT22.2% 268.0 / 12.7 109A105A (GCA→GCTydjY4Fe‑4S ferredoxin‑type domain‑containing protein YdjY
*NC_0009134,596,8060GT22.1% 711.3 / 22.6 251E273* (GAA→TAA) lgoDL‑galactonate oxidoreductase
*NC_0009132,229,1900TA22.0% 410.3 / 53.0 224intergenic (+125/+248)yohP/dusCputative membrane protein YohP/tRNA‑dihydrouridine(16) synthase

Marginal new junction evidence (lowest skew 10 of 309 shown)
  seq id position reads (cov) reads (cov) score skew freq annotation gene product
* ? NC_000913 59280 =92 (0.690)19 (0.160) 14/264 3.0 20.6% intergenic (+1/+407) yabQ/rluA protein YabQ/23S rRNA pseudouridine(746) and tRNA pseudouridine(32) synthase
?NC_000913 59320 = 65 (0.550)intergenic (+41/+367) yabQ/rluA protein YabQ/23S rRNA pseudouridine(746) and tRNA pseudouridine(32) synthase
* ? NC_000913 3423376 =130 (0.970)18 (0.140)
13/284 3.3 12.5% intergenic (+182/+47) yhdZ/rrfF putative ABC transporter ATP‑binding subunit YhdZ/5S ribosomal RNA
?NC_000913 3423672 = 135 (1.010)noncoding (116/120 nt) rrfD 5S ribosomal RNA
* ? NC_000913 274620 =NA (NA)29 (0.230) 12/280 3.4 NA noncoding (530/1195 nt) IS5 repeat region
?NC_000913 274663 = NA (NA)noncoding (487/1195 nt) IS5 repeat region
* ? NC_000913 286641 =561 (4.180)12 (0.100) 9/278 3.9 2.2% coding (1247/1383 nt) yagG putative D‑xylonate transporter YagG
?NC_000913 286693 = 566 (4.530)coding (1299/1383 nt) yagG putative D‑xylonate transporter YagG
* ? NC_000913 = 4094366NA (NA)8 (0.080)
+37 bp
6/224 4.1 NA noncoding (9/36 nt) other REP299b
?NC_000913 = 4285380 NA (NA)intergenic (‑167/+33) yjcH/acs conserved inner membrane protein YjcH/acetyl‑CoA synthetase (AMP‑forming)
* ? NC_000913 = 3854888425 (3.170)15 (0.120) 8/280 4.1 3.6% coding (967/1185 nt) emrD multidrug efflux pump EmrD
?NC_000913 = 3854930 396 (3.140)coding (1009/1185 nt) emrD multidrug efflux pump EmrD
* ? NC_000913 315563 =NA (NA)9 (0.070) 8/278 4.1 NA noncoding (335/1255 nt) IS3 repeat region
?NC_000913 315599 = NA (NA)noncoding (371/1255 nt) IS3 repeat region
* ? NC_000913 = 3620220NA (NA)10 (0.080) 8/286 4.2 100% coding (1029/4236 nt) rhsB rhs element protein RhsB
?NC_000913 = 3620255 0 (0.000)coding (1064/4236 nt) rhsB rhs element protein RhsB
* ? NC_000913 = 730643291 (2.170)10 (0.080) 8/292 4.2 3.4% coding (1061/4194 nt) rhsC rhs element protein RhsC
?NC_000913 = 3620223 NA (NA)coding (1032/4236 nt) rhsB rhs element protein RhsB
* ? NC_000913 = 284691790 (5.890)15 (0.110) 8/290 4.2 1.9% coding (1491/1968 nt) yagF CP4‑6 prophage; D‑xylonate dehydratase
?NC_000913 = 284723 745 (5.710)coding (1523/1968 nt) yagF CP4‑6 prophage; D‑xylonate dehydratase