breseq  version 0.33.1  revision 8505477f25b3
mutation predictions | marginal predictions | summary statistics | genome diff | command line log

Predicted mutations
evidence position mutation freq annotation gene description
MC JC 257,908 Δ776 bp 100% [crl] [crl]
MC JC 1,299,499 Δ1,199 bp 100% intergenic (+254/‑485) ychE → / → oppA UPF0056 family inner membrane protein/oligopeptide ABC transporter periplasmic binding protein
RA 1,670,314 A→T 5.7% M206L (ATG→TTG)  ynfM → putative arabinose efflux transporter
RA 1,685,527 A→G 100% G354G (GGT→GGC fumC ← fumarate hydratase (fumarase C),aerobic Class II
RA 1,734,849 A→G 5.5% K139E (AAA→GAA)  mepH → murein DD‑endopeptidase, space‑maker hydrolase
RA 1,804,987 T→C 5.8% pseudogene (1470/1476 nt) arpB → pseudogene, ankyrin repeats
MC JC 1,978,503 Δ776 bp 100% insB1insA insB1, insA
RA 2,145,313 C→A 100% S683Y (TCC→TAC)  yegE → putative diguanylate cyclase
RA 2,173,361 Δ2 bp 100% pseudogene (1‑2/442 nt) gatC ← pseudogene, galactitol‑specific enzyme IIC component of PTS;transport; Transport of small molecules: Carbohydrates, organic acids, alcohols; PTS system galactitol‑specific enzyme IIC
RA 2,318,095 C→G 100% L594F (TTG→TTC rcsC ← hybrid sensory kinase in two‑component regulatory system with RcsB and YojN
RA 2,349,267 T→C 8.7% E69G (GAG→GGG)  inaA ← acid‑inducible Kdo/WaaP family putative kinase
RA 2,724,815 G→T 40.0% S311* (TCA→TAA)  kgtP ← alpha‑ketoglutarate transporter
RA 3,170,255 T→C 5.5% L143P (CTG→CCG)  qseB → quorum sensing DNA‑binding response regulator in two‑component regulatory system with QseC
RA 3,324,956 C→T 5.0% intergenic (‑45/+45) folP ← / ← ftsH 7,8‑dihydropteroate synthase/protease, ATP‑dependent zinc‑metallo
RA 3,560,455:1 +G 100% intergenic (‑2/+1) glpR ← / ← glpR pseudogene, DNA‑binding transcriptional repressor;regulator; Energy metabolism, carbon: Anaerobic respiration; repressor of the glp operon/pseudogene, DNA‑binding transcriptional repressor;regulator; Energy metabolism, carbon: Anaerobic respiration; repressor of the glp operon
RA 3,992,624 T→G 65.6% L491R (CTG→CGG)  cyaA → adenylate cyclase
RA 3,993,145 C→A 31.2% R665S (CGT→AGT)  cyaA → adenylate cyclase
RA 4,117,005 T→A 66.7% D73V (GAT→GTT)  glpK ← glycerol kinase
RA 4,117,047 G→T 29.1% S59Y (TCC→TAC)  glpK ← glycerol kinase
RA 4,296,060 C→T 26.3% intergenic (+266/+376) gltP → / ← yjcO glutamate/aspartate:proton symporter/Sel1 family TPR‑like repeat protein
RA 4,296,380:1 +CG 100% intergenic (+586/+56) gltP → / ← yjcO glutamate/aspartate:proton symporter/Sel1 family TPR‑like repeat protein

Unassigned new junction evidence
  seq id position reads (cov) reads (cov) score skew freq annotation gene product
* ? NC_000913 1207790 =53 (0.490)57 (0.580) 46/316 NT 57.3% coding (290/630 nt) stfP e14 prophage; uncharacterized protein
?NC_000913 1209619 = 37 (0.370)pseudogene (1/501 nt) stfE pseudogene, e14 prophage; side tail fiber protein fragment family;Phage or Prophage Related
* ? NC_000913 = 120780550 (0.460)45 (0.460) 35/316 NT 52.2% coding (305/630 nt) stfP e14 prophage; uncharacterized protein
?NC_000913 = 1209602 37 (0.370)pseudogene (18/501 nt) stfE pseudogene, e14 prophage; side tail fiber protein fragment family;Phage or Prophage Related
* ? NC_000913 3426836 =NA (NA)7 (0.070) 7/334 NT NA intergenic (‑53/+122) rrlD/alaU 23S ribosomal RNA of rrnD operon/tRNA‑Ala
?NC_000913 3426854 = NA (NA)intergenic (‑71/+104) rrlD/alaU 23S ribosomal RNA of rrnD operon/tRNA‑Ala
* ? NC_000913 3721045 =126 (1.160)312 (2.880) 154/346 NT 72.5% noncoding (413/1443 nt) IS150 repeat region
?NC_000913 = 3839774 112 (1.030)coding (220/819 nt) nlpA cytoplasmic membrane lipoprotein‑28
* ? NC_000913 3832178 =NA (NA)2 (0.020) 3/328 NT NA noncoding (1/27 nt) REP277 (repetitive extragenic palindromic) element; contains 1 REP sequences REP277 (repetitive extragenic palindromic) element; contains 1 REP sequences
?NC_000913 3832205 = NA (NA)intergenic (+39/+14) yicH/yicI putative inner membrane‑anchored periplasmic AsmA family protein/putative alpha‑glucosidase