breseq  version 0.26.1  
mutation predictions | marginal predictions | summary statistics | genome diff | command line log

Marginal read alignment evidence...
  seq id position change freq score reads annotation genes product
*NC_0009133,781,1450C→G17.8% 10.0 ‑8.5 ‑0.045intergenic (+128/‑70)lldD/trmLL‑lactate dehydrogenase, FMN‑linked/tRNA Leu mC34,mU34 2'‑O‑methyltransferase, SAM‑dependent
*NC_000913526,0730A→C100.0% 1.3 1N938T (AAC→ACC) rhsDRhs protein with DUF4329 family putative toxin domain; putative neighboring cell growth inhibitor
*NC_0009133,943,2120G→T100.0% 0.8 1noncoding (1405/1542 nt)rrsC16S ribosomal RNA of rrnC operon
*NC_0009131,633,4250G→T100.0% 0.7 1intergenic (+120/‑197)ydfK/pinQcold shock protein, function unknown, Qin prophage/Qin prophage; putative site‑specific recombinase
*NC_0009133,666,6820A→C100.0% 0.7 1V300G (GTG→GGG) gadAglutamate decarboxylase A, PLP‑dependent
*NC_0009133,943,2090C→G100.0% 0.7 1noncoding (1402/1542 nt)rrsC16S ribosomal RNA of rrnC operon
*NC_0009133,943,2160C→A100.0% 0.7 1noncoding (1409/1542 nt)rrsC16S ribosomal RNA of rrnC operon
*NC_0009131,300,6520T→G100.0% 0.6 1intergenic (+1407/‑530)ychE/oppAUPF0056 family inner membrane protein/oligopeptide ABC transporter periplasmic binding protein
*NC_0009133,666,6010T→G100.0% 0.5 1Q327P (CAG→CCG) gadAglutamate decarboxylase A, PLP‑dependent
*NC_000913526,0710T→C100.0% 0.4 1D937D (GAT→GACrhsDRhs protein with DUF4329 family putative toxin domain; putative neighboring cell growth inhibitor
*NC_0009133,944,2640G→A100.0% 0.3 2noncoding (561/2904 nt)rrlC23S ribosomal RNA of rrnC operon
*NC_0009133,622,0970A→C100.0% 0.1 2Y969S (TAC→TCC) rhsBRhs protein with DUF4329 family putative toxin domain; putative neighboring cell growth inhibitor
*NC_0009134,508,3630A→C100.0% ‑0.1 1N85K (AAT→AAGinsI1IS30 transposase
*NC_0009134,508,3650T→G100.0% ‑0.1 1N85H (AAT→CAT) insI1IS30 transposase
*NC_0009134,508,3660C→A100.0% ‑0.1 1L84L (CTG→CTTinsI1IS30 transposase
*NC_0009134,508,3680G→T100.0% ‑0.1 1L84M (CTG→ATG) insI1IS30 transposase
*NC_0009134,508,1890C→T100.0% ‑0.2 1W143* (TGG→TGAinsI1IS30 transposase
*NC_0009134,508,2040C→G100.0% ‑0.2 1K138N (AAG→AACinsI1IS30 transposase

Marginal mixed read alignment evidence...
  seq id position change freq score reads annotation genes product
*NC_0009131,743,1550C→G12.9% 21.0 ‑0.7 ‑0.170D30H (GAC→CAC) ribCriboflavin synthase, alpha subunit
*NC_0009131,743,1570G→A12.9% 16.9 ‑0.7 ‑0.670P29L (CCC→CTC) ribCriboflavin synthase, alpha subunit
*NC_0009131,743,1600A→T13.0% 18.4 ‑0.7 ‑0.469L28* (TTA→TAA) ribCriboflavin synthase, alpha subunit
*NC_0009131,743,1630T→C13.0% 17.7 ‑0.7 ‑0.869E27G (GAG→GGG) ribCriboflavin synthase, alpha subunit
*NC_0009131,743,1650C→G13.4% 22.7 ‑0.7 ‑0.667V26V (GTG→GTCribCriboflavin synthase, alpha subunit
*NC_0009133,503,9710C→G10.9% 10.0 0.0 ‑0.255intergenic (+19/‑81)frlD/frlRfructoselysine 6‑kinase/putative DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator
*NC_0009133,503,9740C→G11.1% 12.9 0.0 ‑0.754intergenic (+22/‑78)frlD/frlRfructoselysine 6‑kinase/putative DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator

Marginal new junction evidence...
  seq id position reads (cov) reads (cov) score skew freq annotation gene product
* ? NC_000913 1207790 =41 (0.890)8 (0.190) 8/386 5.0 18.0% coding (290/630 nt) stfP e14 prophage; uncharacterized protein
?NC_000913 1209619 = 35 (0.820)pseudogene (1/501 nt) stfE pseudogene, e14 prophage; side tail fiber protein fragment family;Phage or Prophage Related
* ? NC_000913 3603646 =42 (0.910)5 (0.110) 5/408 6.7 9.5% coding (598/1494 nt) ftsY Signal Recognition Particle (SRP) receptor
?NC_000913 3603693 = 54 (1.200)coding (551/1494 nt) ftsY Signal Recognition Particle (SRP) receptor
* ? NC_000913 = 120780541 (0.890)4 (0.090) 4/386 6.9 9.9% coding (305/630 nt) stfP e14 prophage; uncharacterized protein
?NC_000913 = 1209602 35 (0.820)pseudogene (18/501 nt) stfE pseudogene, e14 prophage; side tail fiber protein fragment family;Phage or Prophage Related
* ? NC_000913 198033 =49 (1.060)3 (0.070) 3/400 7.8 5.8% coding (106/2433 nt) bamA BamABCDE complex OM biogenesis outer membrane pore‑forming assembly factor
?NC_000913 198087 = 51 (1.160)coding (160/2433 nt) bamA BamABCDE complex OM biogenesis outer membrane pore‑forming assembly factor
* ? NC_000913 797071 =35 (0.760)3 (0.070) 3/402 7.9 7.6% coding (518/1059 nt) modC molybdate ABC transporter ATPase; chlorate resistance protein
?NC_000913 797113 = 39 (0.880)coding (560/1059 nt) modC molybdate ABC transporter ATPase; chlorate resistance protein
* ? NC_000913 = 132483659 (1.280)3 (0.070) 3/392 7.7 5.1% coding (91/1896 nt) yciQ enhancer of membrane protein expression; putative inner membrane protein
?NC_000913 = 1324839 57 (1.320)coding (94/1896 nt) yciQ enhancer of membrane protein expression; putative inner membrane protein
* ? NC_000913 1403894 =42 (0.910)4 (0.090) 3/412 8.0 9.0% coding (672/1311 nt) abgA p‑aminobenzoyl‑glutamate hydrolase, A subunit
?NC_000913 1403942 = 39 (0.860)coding (624/1311 nt) abgA p‑aminobenzoyl‑glutamate hydrolase, A subunit
* ? NC_000913 1808116 =40 (0.870)3 (0.070) 3/402 7.9 7.7% coding (321/861 nt) yniA fructosamine kinase family protein
?NC_000913 1808242 = 33 (0.740)coding (447/861 nt) yniA fructosamine kinase family protein
* ? NC_000913 2032675 =56 (1.210)3 (0.070) 3/398 7.8 5.3% coding (405/696 nt) yedJ putative HD superfamily phosphohydrolase
?NC_000913 2032745 = 54 (1.230)coding (335/696 nt) yedJ putative HD superfamily phosphohydrolase
* ? NC_000913 2426464 =38 (0.820)3 (0.070) 3/402 7.9 6.6% coding (325/783 nt) hisJ histidine ABC transporter periplasmic binding protein
?NC_000913 2426586 = 48 (1.080)coding (203/783 nt) hisJ histidine ABC transporter periplasmic binding protein
* ? NC_000913 2553449 =47 (1.020)3 (0.070) 3/412 8.0 6.0% coding (225/900 nt) hemF coproporphyrinogen III oxidase
?NC_000913 2553496 = 48 (1.060)coding (272/900 nt) hemF coproporphyrinogen III oxidase
* ? NC_000913 = 276370949 (1.060)3 (0.070) 3/412 8.0 6.2% coding (1445/1617 nt) yfjL CP4‑57 putative defective prophage, DUF4297/DUF1837 polymorphic toxin family protein
?NC_000913 = 2763778 42 (0.920)coding (1376/1617 nt) yfjL CP4‑57 putative defective prophage, DUF4297/DUF1837 polymorphic toxin family protein
* ? NC_000913 3071408 =42 (0.910)3 (0.070) 3/408 7.9 6.6% intergenic (‑164/+51) fbaA/pgk fructose‑bisphosphate aldolase, class II/phosphoglycerate kinase
?NC_000913 3071485 = 44 (0.980)coding (1138/1164 nt) pgk phosphoglycerate kinase
* ? NC_000913 3378252 =61 (1.320)3 (0.070) 3/410 8.0 5.1% coding (400/429 nt) rplM 50S ribosomal subunit protein L13
?NC_000913 3378316 = 51 (1.130)coding (336/429 nt) rplM 50S ribosomal subunit protein L13
* ? NC_000913 4213168 =40 (0.870)3 (0.070) 3/396 7.8 7.3% intergenic (+9/‑66) rrfE/yjaA 5S ribosomal RNA of rrnE operon/stress‑induced protein
?NC_000913 4213199 = 38 (0.870)intergenic (+40/‑35) rrfE/yjaA 5S ribosomal RNA of rrnE operon/stress‑induced protein