breseq  version 0.29.0  revision 8f9c342918e4
mutation predictions | marginal predictions | summary statistics | genome diff | command line log

Marginal read alignment evidence
  seq id position ref new freq score (cons/poly) reads annotation genes product
*NC_0009133,946,2460GA29.9% 172.9 / 79.8 107noncoding (2543/2904 nt)rrlC23S ribosomal RNA of rrnC operon
*NC_0009134,296,0600CT28.6% 246.1 / 102.9 140intergenic (+266/+376)gltP/yjcOglutamate/aspartate:proton symporter/Sel1 family TPR‑like repeat protein
*NC_0009133,705,9840TG22.7% 390.8 / 121.2 155intergenic (‑194/+114)dppB/dppAdipeptide/heme ABC transporter permease/dipeptide/heme ABC transporter periplasmic binding protein; dipeptide chemotaxis receptor
*NC_0009133,705,9850TC22.6% 350.9 / 95.3 155intergenic (‑195/+113)dppB/dppAdipeptide/heme ABC transporter permease/dipeptide/heme ABC transporter periplasmic binding protein; dipeptide chemotaxis receptor
*NC_0009133,781,1310TC21.2% 186.1 / 13.3 87intergenic (+114/‑84)lldD/trmLL‑lactate dehydrogenase, FMN‑linked/tRNA Leu mC34,mU34 2'‑O‑methyltransferase, SAM‑dependent
*NC_0009133,706,0480GT20.6% 413.8 / 80.0 145intergenic (‑258/+50)dppB/dppAdipeptide/heme ABC transporter permease/dipeptide/heme ABC transporter periplasmic binding protein; dipeptide chemotaxis receptor
*NC_0009133,706,0170CT20.1% 354.6 / 71.9 149intergenic (‑227/+81)dppB/dppAdipeptide/heme ABC transporter permease/dipeptide/heme ABC transporter periplasmic binding protein; dipeptide chemotaxis receptor

Marginal new junction evidence (lowest skew 10 of 1294 shown)
  seq id position reads (cov) reads (cov) score skew freq annotation gene product
* ? NC_000913 = 3943635NA (NA)24 (0.260) 17/184 8.2 74.2% intergenic (+125/‑69) gltU/rrlC tRNA‑Glu/23S ribosomal RNA of rrnC operon
?NC_000913 = 4037446 9 (0.090)intergenic (+111/‑73) alaT/rrlA tRNA‑Ala/23S ribosomal RNA of rrnA operon
* ? NC_000913 1097357 =NA (NA)19 (0.190)
18/196 8.4 NA intergenic (+528/+208) ycdU/serX putative inner membrane protein/tRNA‑Ser
?NC_000913 1097547 = NA (NA)intergenic (+718/+18) ycdU/serX putative inner membrane protein/tRNA‑Ser
* ? NC_000913 = 225685117 (1.170)22 (0.230) 16/186 8.7 16.7% intergenic (+110/‑74) alaV/rrlH tRNA‑Ala/23S ribosomal RNA of rrnH operon
?NC_000913 = 3943636 NA (NA)intergenic (+126/‑68) gltU/rrlC tRNA‑Glu/23S ribosomal RNA of rrnC operon
* ? NC_000913 = 16507NA (NA)18 (0.200) 13/182 9.8 NA noncoding (1121/1345 nt) IS186 repeat region
?NC_000913 = 16511 NA (NA)noncoding (1125/1345 nt) IS186 repeat region
* ? NC_000913 = 225281NA (NA)25 (0.260) 13/188 10.1 NA noncoding (1511/1542 nt) rrsH 16S ribosomal RNA of rrnH operon
?NC_000913 = 225293 NA (NA)noncoding (1523/1542 nt) rrsH 16S ribosomal RNA of rrnH operon
* ? NC_000913 925850 =87 (0.870)13 (0.140) 12/186 10.5 13.7% intergenic (+310/+34) clpA/serW ATPase and specificity subunit of ClpA‑ClpP ATP‑dependent serine protease, chaperone activity/tRNA‑Ser
?NC_000913 925872 = NA (NA)intergenic (+332/+12) clpA/serW ATPase and specificity subunit of ClpA‑ClpP ATP‑dependent serine protease, chaperone activity/tRNA‑Ser
* ? NC_000913 = 3984320NA (NA)5 (0.080)
+40 bp
4/118 10.8 6.1% noncoding (101/104 nt) RIP287 (repetitive extragenic palindromic) element; contains 2 REP sequences and 1 IHF site RIP287 (repetitive extragenic palindromic) element; contains 2 REP sequences and 1 IHF site
?NC_000913 4373261 = 131 (1.310)noncoding (65/99 nt) RIP328 (repetitive extragenic palindromic) element; contains 2 REP sequences and 1 IHF site RIP328 (repetitive extragenic palindromic) element; contains 2 REP sequences and 1 IHF site
* ? NC_000913 = 3984320NA (NA)5 (0.080)
+40 bp
4/118 10.8 NA noncoding (101/104 nt) RIP287 (repetitive extragenic palindromic) element; contains 2 REP sequences and 1 IHF site RIP287 (repetitive extragenic palindromic) element; contains 2 REP sequences and 1 IHF site
?NC_000913 4317965 = NA (NA)noncoding (49/83 nt) REP323 (repetitive extragenic palindromic) element; contains 2 REP sequences REP323 (repetitive extragenic palindromic) element; contains 2 REP sequences
* ? NC_000913 2835114 =NA (NA)5 (0.080)
+40 bp
4/118 10.8 NA noncoding (48/82 nt) REP195 (repetitive extragenic palindromic) element; contains 2 REP sequences REP195 (repetitive extragenic palindromic) element; contains 2 REP sequences
?NC_000913 = 3984320 NA (NA)noncoding (101/104 nt) RIP287 (repetitive extragenic palindromic) element; contains 2 REP sequences and 1 IHF site RIP287 (repetitive extragenic palindromic) element; contains 2 REP sequences and 1 IHF site
* ? NC_000913 1134649 =93 (0.930)5 (0.080)
+40 bp
4/118 10.8 8.3% noncoding (64/98 nt) RIP100 (repetitive extragenic palindromic) element; contains 2 REP sequences and 1 IHF site RIP100 (repetitive extragenic palindromic) element; contains 2 REP sequences and 1 IHF site
?NC_000913 = 3984320 NA (NA)noncoding (101/104 nt) RIP287 (repetitive extragenic palindromic) element; contains 2 REP sequences and 1 IHF site RIP287 (repetitive extragenic palindromic) element; contains 2 REP sequences and 1 IHF site