breseq  version 0.29.0  revision 8f9c342918e4
mutation predictions | marginal predictions | summary statistics | genome diff | command line log

Marginal read alignment evidence
  seq id position ref new freq score (cons/poly) reads annotation genes product
*NC_0009133,781,1520AG22.3% 190.4 / 22.2 103intergenic (+135/‑63)lldD/trmLL‑lactate dehydrogenase, FMN‑linked/tRNA Leu mC34,mU34 2'‑O‑methyltransferase, SAM‑dependent

Marginal new junction evidence (lowest skew 10 of 140 shown)
  seq id position reads (cov) reads (cov) score skew freq annotation gene product
* ? NC_000913 = 2316985NA (NA)3 (0.040)
+40 bp
3/118 12.2 3.3% noncoding (152/197 nt) RIP162 (repetitive extragenic palindromic) element; contains 5 REP sequences and 1 IHF site RIP162 (repetitive extragenic palindromic) element; contains 5 REP sequences and 1 IHF site
?NC_000913 = 4549883 147 (1.210)intergenic (+173/+70) fimH/gntP minor component of type 1 fimbriae/fructuronate transporter
* ? NC_000913 = 3110441123 (1.010)17 (0.150)
6/180 13.8 14.2% noncoding (76/76 nt) pheV tRNA‑Phe
?NC_000913 4362516 = 103 (0.850)intergenic (‑163/+35) yjdQ/pheU pseudogene, P4‑like integrase remnant/tRNA‑Phe
* ? NC_000913 998439 =160 (1.310)7 (0.060) 6/180 13.8 4.7% intergenic (+32/‑51) elfA/elfD laminin‑binding fimbrin subunit/putative periplasmic pilin chaperone
?NC_000913 998461 = 136 (1.230)intergenic (+54/‑29) elfA/elfD laminin‑binding fimbrin subunit/putative periplasmic pilin chaperone
* ? NC_000913 2729629 =NA (NA)9 (0.070) 7/198 14.1 NA noncoding (1529/1542 nt) rrsG 16S ribosomal RNA of rrnG operon
?NC_000913 2729653 = NA (NA)noncoding (1505/1542 nt) rrsG 16S ribosomal RNA of rrnG operon
* ? NC_000913 303617 =154 (1.270)6 (0.060) 5/172 14.1 4.0% intergenic (+12/+236) yagU/ykgJ DUF1440 family inner membrane acid resistance protein/UPF0153 cysteine cluster protein
?NC_000913 303650 = 153 (1.450)intergenic (+45/+203) yagU/ykgJ DUF1440 family inner membrane acid resistance protein/UPF0153 cysteine cluster protein
* ? NC_000913 = 3792764173 (1.420)7 (0.060) 5/176 14.3 4.3% intergenic (‑213/+62) kbl/yibB glycine C‑acetyltransferase/YibB family protein, function unknown
?NC_000913 = 3792768 160 (1.480)intergenic (‑217/+58) kbl/yibB glycine C‑acetyltransferase/YibB family protein, function unknown
* ? NC_000913 147909 =126 (1.040)5 (0.050) 5/178 14.4 4.3% intergenic (+39/+35) yadD/panC transposase_31 family protein/pantothenate synthetase
?NC_000913 147940 = 108 (0.990)intergenic (+70/+4) yadD/panC transposase_31 family protein/pantothenate synthetase
* ? NC_000913 3423376 =96 (0.790)24 (0.200) 6/194 14.5 20.3% intergenic (+182/+47) yhdZ/rrfF putative amino acid ABC transporter ATPase/5S ribosomal RNA of rrnD operon
?NC_000913 3423665 = NA (NA)intergenic (‑10/+3) thrV/rrfD tRNA‑Thr/5S ribosomal RNA of rrnD operon
* ? NC_000913 = 4035358NA (NA)8 (0.070) 6/196 14.6 100% intergenic (+205/‑173) hemG/rrsA protoporphyrin oxidase, flavoprotein/16S ribosomal RNA of rrnA operon
?NC_000913 = 4035386 0 (0.000)intergenic (+233/‑145) hemG/rrsA protoporphyrin oxidase, flavoprotein/16S ribosomal RNA of rrnA operon
* ? NC_000913 2731302 =44 (0.360)8 (0.070) 6/196 14.6 15.5% intergenic (‑145/+298) rrsG/clpB 16S ribosomal RNA of rrnG operon/protein disaggregation chaperone
?NC_000913 = 4035358 NA (NA)intergenic (+205/‑173) hemG/rrsA protoporphyrin oxidase, flavoprotein/16S ribosomal RNA of rrnA operon