breseq  version 0.29.0  revision 8f9c342918e4
mutation predictions | marginal predictions | summary statistics | genome diff | command line log

Marginal new junction evidence (lowest skew 10 of 162 shown)
  seq id position reads (cov) reads (cov) score skew freq annotation gene product
* ? NC_000913 = 270127495 (0.870)6 (0.070)
+26 bp
6/146 10.7 8.3% coding (456/732 nt) pdxJ pyridoxine 5'‑phosphate synthase
?NC_000913 2701301 = 85 (0.780)coding (429/732 nt) pdxJ pyridoxine 5'‑phosphate synthase
* ? NC_000913 4542682 =172 (1.570)9 (0.090) 9/180 10.8 5.9% intergenic (+49/‑433) fimE/fimA tyrosine recombinase/inversion of on/off regulator of fimA/major type 1 subunit fimbrin (pilin)
?NC_000913 4542996 = 131 (1.320)intergenic (+363/‑119) fimE/fimA tyrosine recombinase/inversion of on/off regulator of fimA/major type 1 subunit fimbrin (pilin)
* ? NC_000913 4373266 =332 (3.040)8 (0.080) 8/184 11.5 2.5% noncoding (70/99 nt) RIP328 (repetitive extragenic palindromic) element; contains 2 REP sequences and 1 IHF site RIP328 (repetitive extragenic palindromic) element; contains 2 REP sequences and 1 IHF site
?NC_000913 4373296 = 306 (3.020)intergenic (+134/+69) yjeI/yjeJ DUF4156 family lipoprotein/uncharacterized protein
* ? NC_000913 3033670 =104 (0.950)6 (0.070)
+24 bp
4/150 12.3 3.3% coding (1505/1518 nt) lysS lysine tRNA synthetase, constitutive
?NC_000913 4353155 = 358 (3.280)intergenic (+74/+45) ghoT/lysU toxin of GhoTS toxin‑antitoxin pair; membrane‑lytic protein; stimulator of persister cell formation/lysine tRNA synthetase, inducible
* ? NC_000913 3328172 =124 (1.140)7 (0.070) 6/178 12.4 5.8% intergenic (+89/+67) yhbY/greA RNA binding protein associated with pre‑50S ribosomal subunits/transcript cleavage factor
?NC_000913 3328195 = 115 (1.170)intergenic (+112/+44) yhbY/greA RNA binding protein associated with pre‑50S ribosomal subunits/transcript cleavage factor
* ? NC_000913 = 4542690169 (1.550)6 (0.060) 6/180 12.5 4.1% intergenic (+57/‑425) fimE/fimA tyrosine recombinase/inversion of on/off regulator of fimA/major type 1 subunit fimbrin (pilin)
?NC_000913 = 4542986 129 (1.300)intergenic (+353/‑129) fimE/fimA tyrosine recombinase/inversion of on/off regulator of fimA/major type 1 subunit fimbrin (pilin)
* ? NC_000913 2884568 =172 (1.570)6 (0.060) 6/180 12.5 3.9% coding (2652/2667 nt) ygcB Cascade complex anti‑viral R‑loop helicase‑annealase Cas3
?NC_000913 2884590 = 138 (1.390)coding (2630/2667 nt) ygcB Cascade complex anti‑viral R‑loop helicase‑annealase Cas3
* ? NC_000913 3136613 =164 (1.500)9 (0.100) 5/168 12.6 6.1% intergenic (‑242/+50) pitB/gss phosphate transporter/glutathionylspermidine amidase and glutathionylspermidine synthetase
?NC_000913 3136648 = 139 (1.500)intergenic (‑277/+15) pitB/gss phosphate transporter/glutathionylspermidine amidase and glutathionylspermidine synthetase
* ? NC_000913 1097245 =NA (NA)10 (0.090) 7/194 12.6 100% intergenic (+416/+320) ycdU/serX putative inner membrane protein/tRNA‑Ser
?NC_000913 1097274 = 0 (0.000)intergenic (+445/+291) ycdU/serX putative inner membrane protein/tRNA‑Ser
* ? NC_000913 1097062 =38 (0.350)10 (0.090) 7/194 12.6 21.2% intergenic (+233/+503) ycdU/serX putative inner membrane protein/tRNA‑Ser
?NC_000913 1097276 = NA (NA)intergenic (+447/+289) ycdU/serX putative inner membrane protein/tRNA‑Ser