breseq  version 0.33.1  revision 8505477f25b3
mutation predictions | marginal predictions | summary statistics | genome diff | command line log

Predicted mutations
evidence seq id position mutation freq annotation gene description
RA BX571857 4,422 C→A 5.1% Q171K (CAA→AAA)  SAS0004 → DNA replication and repair protein RecF
RA BX571857 423,924 G→A 44.2% intergenic (‑183/‑171) SAS0378 ← / → SAS0379 hypothetical protein/conserved hypothetical protein
RA BX571857 431,505 T→C 7.4% S77P (TCA→CCA)  SAS0387 → exotoxin
RA BX571857 596,994 T→C 8.7% D863D (GAT→GAC SAS0519 → putative surface anchored protein
RA BX571857 605,157 T→C 5.2% D1007D (GAT→GAC SAS0521 → bone sialoprotein‑binding protein
RA BX571857 1,252,438 T→C 100% intergenic (+358/‑77) SAS1171 → / → SAS1172 signal recognition particle protein/30S ribosomal protein S16
RA BX571857 1,472,161 T→G 5.1% pseudogene (3556/5622 nt) ebh ← very large surface anchored protein (pseudogene)
RA BX571857 1,472,392 G→T 5.8% pseudogene (3325/5622 nt) ebh ← very large surface anchored protein (pseudogene)
RA BX571857 1,868,342 G→A 100% G129D (GGT→GAT)  SAS1720 → putative membrane protein
RA BX571857 2,700,227 A→G 5.7% D747D (GAT→GAC SAS2516 ← fibrinogen and keratin‑10 binding surface anchored protein
RA BX571858 20,628:1 +G 100% coding (288/306 nt) pSAS24 → putative exported protein

Unassigned missing coverage evidence
   seq id start end size ←reads reads→ gene description
* * ÷ BX571858 20652 20652 1 249 [0] [0] NA pSAS24/– putative exported protein/–

Unassigned new junction evidence
  seq id position reads (cov) reads (cov) score skew freq annotation gene product
* ? BX571857 980997 =NA (NA)14 (0.140) 13/118 NT NA noncoding (1/27 nt) Repeat flanking prophage phiSa4(476) Repeat flanking prophage phiSa4(476)
?BX571857 = 1025750 NA (NA)intergenic (+519/‑57) SAS0954/SAS0955 amidase/putative protease
* ? BX571858 1 =0 (0.000)220 (1.130) 111/170 NT 100% intergenic (–/‑11) –/pSAS01 –/putative ABC transporter ATP binding protein
?BX571858 = 20651 0 (0.000)intergenic (+5/–) pSAS24/– putative exported protein/–