breseq  version 0.35.4  revision f352f80f4bc9
mutation predictions | marginal predictions | summary statistics | genome diff | command line log

Marginal read alignment evidence (highest frequency 20 of 35 shown, sorted by frequency from high to low)
  seq id position ref new freq score (cons/poly) reads annotation genes product
*NC_00091371,0790CT74.8% 2548.4 / inf 1366R231R (CGC→CGTaraCDNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator AraC
*NC_00091371,0820TC74.6% 2483.1 / inf 1338I232I (ATT→ATCaraCDNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator AraC
*NC_00091371,0850TC73.9% 2367.6 / inf 1313S233S (AGT→AGCaraCDNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator AraC
*NC_000913566,3260TC73.4% 1141.8 / inf 651pseudogene (36/264 nt)exoDDLP12 prophage; putative exonuclease ExoD
*NC_000913566,3320TG70.6% 1139.6 / inf 595pseudogene (30/264 nt)exoDDLP12 prophage; putative exonuclease ExoD
*NC_00091371,1660TC69.8% 1719.9 / inf 1153Y260Y (TAT→TACaraCDNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator AraC
*NC_00091371,1750AG66.9% 1317.9 / inf 1038R263R (CGA→CGGaraCDNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator AraC
*NC_0009132,137,4550AG65.3% 106.6 / 96.8 98intergenic (‑212/‑447)wza/yegHouter membrane polysaccharide export protein Wza/inner membrane protein YegH
*NC_00091371,2140TC60.2% 586.5 / inf 793F276F (TTT→TTCaraCDNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator AraC
*NC_000913566,3560TC55.8% 171.5 / inf 401pseudogene (6/264 nt)exoDDLP12 prophage; putative exonuclease ExoD
*NC_0009132,639,2690CG28.8% 229.7 / 37.8 111E5D (GAG→GACyfgMancillary SecYEG translocon subunit
*NC_000913159,1010CA27.6% 440.5 / 56.2 199C9F (TGC→TTC) pcnBpoly(A) polymerase I
*NC_000913361,3110CA27.6% 506.7 / 28.7 239E184* (GAA→TAA) lacAgalactoside O‑acetyltransferase
*NC_0009134,412,7790TG26.7% 305.0 / 32.8 146V131V (GTT→GTGyjfMDUF1190 domain‑containing protein YjfM
*NC_0009134,296,0600CT25.5% 983.1 / inf 549intergenic (+266/+376)gltP/yjcOglutamate/aspartate : H(+) symporter GltP/Sel1 repeat‑containing protein YjcO
*NC_0009132,639,2620TG25.4% 217.1 / 32.9 110N8H (AAC→CAC) yfgMancillary SecYEG translocon subunit
*NC_000913843,1960TG25.0% 227.6 / 14.7 117F289V (TTT→GTT) rlmF23S rRNA m(6)A1618 methyltransferase
*NC_0009132,639,2650CG25.0% 264.7 / 24.6 115E7Q (GAA→CAA) yfgMancillary SecYEG translocon subunit
*NC_000913361,3200CA24.9% 575.9 / 42.2 245V181F (GTT→TTT) lacAgalactoside O‑acetyltransferase
*NC_0009134,412,7810CG24.2% 377.7 / 41.3 154S132C (TCT→TGT) yjfMDUF1190 domain‑containing protein YjfM

Marginal new junction evidence (lowest skew 10 of 553 shown)
  seq id position reads (cov) reads (cov) score skew freq annotation gene product
* ? NC_000913 = 4235756504 (2.630)14 (0.080) 13/274 1.4 2.8% intergenic (+349/‑150) pgi/yjbE glucose‑6‑phosphate isomerase/uncharacterized protein YjbE
?NC_000913 = 4235758 506 (2.850)intergenic (+351/‑148) pgi/yjbE glucose‑6‑phosphate isomerase/uncharacterized protein YjbE
* ? NC_000913 = 4168373148 (0.770)7 (0.070)
+66 bp
5/164 1.6 4.8% noncoding (2/76 nt) gltT tRNA‑Glu
?NC_000913 = 4209753 358 (1.870)intergenic (+65/‑21) rrsE/gltV 16S ribosomal RNA/tRNA‑Glu
* ? NC_000913 4168332 =189 (0.990)15 (0.080) 10/276 1.6 8.5% intergenic (+132/‑40) rrsB/gltT 16S ribosomal RNA/tRNA‑Glu
?NC_000913 4168374 = 148 (0.830)noncoding (3/76 nt) gltT tRNA‑Glu
* ? NC_000913 2822705 =139 (0.720)23 (0.150)
+28 bp
8/240 1.6 12.4% intergenic (‑66/+3) recX/recA RecA inhibitor RecX/DNA recombination/repair protein RecA
?NC_000913 = 4171809 264 (1.380)intergenic (+53/‑248) rrfB/murB 5S ribosomal RNA/UDP‑N‑acetylenolpyruvoylglucosamine reductase
* ? NC_000913 4319711 =646 (3.370)8 (0.040) 8/280 1.7 1.3% coding (953/1065 nt) phnI carbon‑phosphorus lyase core complex subunit PhnI
?NC_000913 4319835 = 646 (3.560)coding (829/1065 nt) phnI carbon‑phosphorus lyase core complex subunit PhnI
* ? NC_000913 4339381 =320 (1.670)8 (0.040) 7/284 1.8 2.6% coding (1141/2268 nt) adiA arginine decarboxylase, degradative
?NC_000913 4339413 = 285 (1.550)coding (1109/2268 nt) adiA arginine decarboxylase, degradative
* ? NC_000913 = 4323389683 (3.560)10 (0.060) 7/280 1.8 1.5% coding (964/1017 nt) phnD phosphonate ABC transporter periplasmic binding protein
?NC_000913 = 4323407 666 (3.670)coding (946/1017 nt) phnD phosphonate ABC transporter periplasmic binding protein
* ? NC_000913 = 4317084585 (3.050)12 (0.070) 7/284 1.8 2.0% coding (135/1137 nt) phnM RPnTP hydrolase
?NC_000913 = 4317119 614 (3.340)coding (100/1137 nt) phnM RPnTP hydrolase
* ? NC_000913 4314079 =620 (3.230)11 (0.060) 8/288 1.8 1.8% coding (212/330 nt) yjdP protein YjdP
?NC_000913 4314151 = 597 (3.200)coding (284/330 nt) yjdP protein YjdP
* ? NC_000913 = 4234633410 (2.140)10 (0.050) 8/290 1.8 2.3% coding (876/1650 nt) pgi glucose‑6‑phosphate isomerase
?NC_000913 = 4234666 438 (2.330)coding (909/1650 nt) pgi glucose‑6‑phosphate isomerase