breseq  version 0.29.0  revision 8f9c342918e4
mutation predictions | marginal predictions | summary statistics | genome diff | command line log

Marginal new junction evidence (lowest skew 10 of 396 shown)
  seq id position reads (cov) reads (cov) score skew freq annotation gene product
* ? NC_000913 = 4636330132 (1.070)9 (0.080) 6/164 NT 6.3% coding (324/690 nt) creB response regulator in two‑component regulatory system with CreC
?NC_000913 = 4636367 148 (1.300)coding (361/690 nt) creB response regulator in two‑component regulatory system with CreC
* ? NC_000913 4634391 =115 (0.930)7 (0.060) 5/164 NT 6.1% coding (595/648 nt) ytjC phosphatase
?NC_000913 4634423 = 109 (0.960)coding (627/648 nt) ytjC phosphatase
* ? NC_000913 4630216 =107 (0.870)5 (0.040) 5/164 NT 5.2% coding (307/1668 nt) ettA energy‑dependent translational throttle A
?NC_000913 4630244 = 84 (0.740)coding (279/1668 nt) ettA energy‑dependent translational throttle A
* ? NC_000913 4621160 =133 (1.080)7 (0.060) 4/162 NT 5.5% coding (278/720 nt) deoD purine nucleoside phosphorylase 1; nicotinamide 1‑beta‑D‑riboside phosphorylase
?NC_000913 4621189 = 120 (1.070)coding (307/720 nt) deoD purine nucleoside phosphorylase 1; nicotinamide 1‑beta‑D‑riboside phosphorylase
* ? NC_000913 4614132 =153 (1.240)13 (0.120) 9/160 NT 9.4% coding (652/780 nt) yjjV putative DNase
?NC_000913 4614163 = 114 (1.030)coding (683/780 nt) yjjV putative DNase
* ? NC_000913 4585553 =128 (1.040)2 (0.020) 5/166 NT 1.8% coding (1209/3513 nt) hsdR endonuclease R Type I restriction enzyme
?NC_000913 4585576 = 101 (0.880)coding (1186/3513 nt) hsdR endonuclease R Type I restriction enzyme
* ? NC_000913 4557049 =129 (1.050)10 (0.090) 9/162 NT 8.4% coding (57/393 nt) iraD RpoS stabilzer after DNA damage, anti‑RssB factor
?NC_000913 4557077 = 100 (0.890)coding (85/393 nt) iraD RpoS stabilzer after DNA damage, anti‑RssB factor
* ? NC_000913 4555361 =141 (1.140)12 (0.110) 8/158 NT 8.8% intergenic (+12/+129) uxuR/yjiC fructuronate‑inducible hexuronate regulon transcriptional repressor; autorepressor/uncharacterized protein
?NC_000913 4555390 = 125 (1.140)intergenic (+41/+100) uxuR/yjiC fructuronate‑inducible hexuronate regulon transcriptional repressor; autorepressor/uncharacterized protein
* ? NC_000913 4554965 =127 (1.030)5 (0.040) 4/162 NT 4.3% coding (390/774 nt) uxuR fructuronate‑inducible hexuronate regulon transcriptional repressor; autorepressor
?NC_000913 4554993 = 108 (0.960)coding (418/774 nt) uxuR fructuronate‑inducible hexuronate regulon transcriptional repressor; autorepressor
* ? NC_000913 4541922 =136 (1.100)8 (0.070) 8/170 NT 5.9% intergenic (+363/‑115) fimB/fimE tyrosine recombinase/inversion of on/off regulator of fimA/tyrosine recombinase/inversion of on/off regulator of fimA
?NC_000913 4541952 = 126 (1.070)intergenic (+393/‑85) fimB/fimE tyrosine recombinase/inversion of on/off regulator of fimA/tyrosine recombinase/inversion of on/off regulator of fimA