breseq  version 0.35.4  revision f352f80f4bc9
mutation predictions | marginal predictions | summary statistics | genome diff | command line log

Marginal read alignment evidence (highest frequency 20 of 41 shown, sorted by frequency from high to low)
  seq id position ref new freq score (cons/poly) reads annotation genes product
*KT24401,935,4180CA59.1% ‑1.8 / 19.8 22intergenic (+39/‑166)CJ019_01850/yjcH_1hypothetical protein/Inner membrane protein YjcH
*KT24403,440,3480TG53.6% ‑5.0 / 12.6 32A19A (GCT→GCGCJ019_03266hypothetical protein
*KT2440690,1620GC53.3% ‑0.6 / 14.5 15intergenic (+39/‑2420)bauC/PP_RS08750Putative 3‑oxopropanoate dehydrogenase/tRNA‑Val
*KT24405,914,0460AC52.4% 9.1 / 19.9 22K266T (AAG→ACG) CJ019_05537hypothetical protein
*KT24405,503,7340TG51.8% ‑2.6 / 10.1 27L36R (CTC→CGC) CJ019_05179hypothetical protein
*KT24401,935,4410AT44.0% 12.8 / 13.9 25intergenic (+62/‑143)CJ019_01850/yjcH_1hypothetical protein/Inner membrane protein YjcH
*KT24405,689,8240TG43.9% 36.8 / 14.9 58R238R (CGT→CGGpyrC'Dihydroorotase‑like protein
*KT24405,764,9690TG42.5% 31.7 / 11.9 40E610A (GAG→GCG) caiTL‑carnitine/gamma‑butyrobetaine antiporter
*KT24405,999,7510AC39.1% 52.4 / 13.4 46H260P (CAC→CCC) CJ019_05617putative protein
*KT24401,113,7580CG38.2% 74.2 / 19.3 56F49L (TTC→TTGlptFLipopolysaccharide export system permeaseprotein LptF
*KT24405,806,2610TG37.9% 60.4 / 18.5 58V585G (GTG→GGG) priAPrimosomal protein N'
*KT24403,134,5670TG37.0% 45.6 / 11.4 54L143V (TTG→GTG) CJ019_02952hypothetical protein
*KT24405,384,2760CG35.0% 58.1 / 18.7 41intergenic (+539/‑319)CJ019_05064/CJ019_05067putative protein/hypothetical protein
*KT24402,308,3210CG34.9% 75.1 / 21.9 64A230P (GCC→CCC) fucAL‑fuculose phosphate aldolase
*KT2440828,8590AC33.8% 88.5 / 12.7 70P90P (CCT→CCGCJ019_00791putative sulfate transporter
*KT2440916,6960TG33.3% 76.0 / 11.6 63Q516P (CAG→CCG) ltxBLeukotoxin export ATP‑binding protein LtxB
*KT24402,308,3230TG32.8% 83.5 / 10.1 65E229A (GAG→GCG) fucAL‑fuculose phosphate aldolase
*KT24406,126,3980AT32.6% 58.6 / 12.4 52H430Q (CAT→CAAcopA_4Copper resistance protein A
*KT24402,583,3160CA32.5% 58.7 / 11.5 40I113I (ATC→ATACJ019_02435hypothetical protein
*KT24404,350,3600TG31.7% 185.0 / 19.9 121R28R (CGT→CGGCJ019_04090hypothetical protein

Marginal new junction evidence (sorted from low to high skew)
  seq id position reads (cov) reads (cov) score skew freq annotation gene product
* ? KT2440 2748358 =82 (1.110)4 (0.060) 4/234 7.0 5.1% coding (1627/3147 nt) czcA_2 Cobalt‑zinc‑cadmium resistance protein CzcA
?KT2440 = 2748354 73 (1.090)coding (1623/3147 nt) czcA_2 Cobalt‑zinc‑cadmium resistance protein CzcA
* ? KT2440 = 2545747NA (NA)5 (0.070) 5/258 7.0 6.9% intergenic (+2217/‑1402) PP_RS08750/bacA tRNA‑Val/Vitamin B12 transport ATP‑binding protein BacA
?KT2440 3247082 = 67 (0.900)coding (1713/2202 nt) mdoB_1 Phosphoglycerol transferase I
* ? KT2440 = 598260640 (0.540)4 (0.060) 4/242 7.2 9.9% intergenic (+65/‑624) kefC_3/CJ019_05604 Glutathione‑regulated potassium‑efflux systemprotein KefC/hypothetical protein
?KT2440 5982798 = 35 (0.500)intergenic (+257/‑432) kefC_3/CJ019_05604 Glutathione‑regulated potassium‑efflux systemprotein KefC/hypothetical protein
* ? KT2440 = 257969263 (0.850)3 (0.040) 3/258 8.2 4.1% intergenic (+795/‑1) PP_RS08755/CJ019_02433 tRNA‑Asp/hypothetical protein
?KT2440 2618880 = 78 (1.050)intergenic (+1/‑563) xerC_1/CJ019_02478 Tyrosine recombinase XerC/hypothetical protein