breseq  version 0.33.1  revision 8505477f25b3
mutation predictions | marginal predictions | summary statistics | genome diff | command line log

Marginal read alignment evidence (highest frequency 20 of 93 shown, sorted by frequency from high to low)
  seq id position ref new freq score (cons/poly) reads annotation genes product
*W3110S.gb2,669,8380TC73.9% 78.9 / 28.6 46V92A (GTT→GCT) hcaC3‑phenylpropionate dioxygenase, predicted ferredoxin subunit
*W3110S.gb3,861,7510TC73.3% 160.8 / 61.2 90N423S (AAC→AGC) lldPL‑lactate permease
*W3110S.gb47,8280AG73.1% 88.6 / 34.5 53V20V (GTA→GTGkefCpotassium:proton antiporter
*W3110S.gb4,528,9680AG73.0% 61.4 / 22.0 37L242P (CTA→CCA) yjhHpredicted lyase/synthase
*W3110S.gb1,426,6740TC72.4% 93.3 / 41.1 58D393D (GAT→GACtrkGpotassium transporter subunit
*W3110S.gb2,777,4191.A72.4% 58.1 / 26.5 29coding (3964/4581 nt)ypjAadhesin‑like autotransporter
*W3110S.gb3,628,1040GA72.2% 52.7 / 25.0 36V161V (GTG→GTArhtBneutral amino‑acid efflux system
*W3110S.gb1,728,6240GA70.0% 38.5 / 21.4 30W84* (TGG→TGAnemAN‑ethylmaleimide reductase, FMN‑linked
*W3110S.gb2,866,4010GA67.5% 44.2 / 35.2 40Q337* (CAA→TAA) nlpDpredicted outer membrane lipoprotein
*W3110S.gb2,204,4800TC66.7% 17.1 / 12.4 18Y290H (TAT→CAT) yehIconserved hypothetical protein
*W3110S.gb1,461,4790GA63.4% 32.2 / 42.4 41G238S (GGT→AGT) paaH3‑hydroxybutyryl‑CoA dehydrogenase
*W3110S.gb1,495,9661.T62.0% 82.6 / 71.6 50coding (820/924 nt)ydcIpredicted DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator
*W3110S.gb3,566,3030TC59.3% 13.6 / 28.7 27C8C (TGT→TGCyihRpredicted aldose‑1‑epimerase
*W3110S.gb2,971,4010AT58.8% 30.2 / 62.3 51V373E (GTG→GAG) ygeDpredicted inner membrane protein
*W3110S.gb2,874,4610AG54.9% 13.9 / 67.8 51I175I (ATT→ATCcysDsulfate adenylyltransferase, subunit 2
*W3110S.gb2,885,9840CT53.6% 8.7 / 99.6 69intergenic (‑109/+250)ygcB/cysHconserved hypothetical protein, member of DEAD box family/3'‑phosphoadenosine 5'‑phosphosulfate reductase
*W3110S.gb2,504,8840TC52.2% ‑2.1 / 29.9 23V256V (GTT→GTCypdApredicted sensory kinase in two‑component system with YpdB
*W3110S.gb1,032,4910CT50.0% ‑5.3 / 30.2 22intergenic (‑357/‑70)serT/hyaAtRNA‑Ser/hydrogenase 1, small subunit
*W3110S.gb2,239,8800TG50.0% 3.3 / 13.7 14intergenic (+46/+197)yeiA/mglCpredicted oxidoreductase/methyl‑galactoside transporter subunit
*W3110S.gb4,547,4020T.48.0% 66.0 / 95.2 50intergenic (+87/‑395)fimE/fimAtyrosine recombinase/inversion of on/off regulator of fimA/major type 1 subunit fimbrin