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breseq version 0.33.1 revision 8505477f25b3
mutation predictions | marginal predictions | summary statistics | genome diff | command line log |
Predicted mutations | ||||||
evidence | position | mutation | freq | annotation | gene | description |
RA | 15,318 | G→A | 5.5% | intergenic (+20/‑127) | dnaJ → / → insL1 | chaperone Hsp40, DnaK co‑chaperone/IS186 transposase |
RA | 15,319 | T→C | 5.6% | intergenic (+21/‑126) | dnaJ → / → insL1 | chaperone Hsp40, DnaK co‑chaperone/IS186 transposase |
RA | 53,376 | G→A | 10.2% | P14L (CCC→CTC) | pdxA ← | 4‑hydroxy‑L‑threonine phosphate dehydrogenase, NAD‑dependent |
RA | 53,379 | T→C | 10.3% | E13G (GAG→GGG) | pdxA ← | 4‑hydroxy‑L‑threonine phosphate dehydrogenase, NAD‑dependent |
RA | 83,587 | A→C | 5.4% | intergenic (‑58/+35) | leuA ← / ← leuL | 2‑isopropylmalate synthase/leu operon leader peptide |
RA | 83,590 | G→T | 5.4% | intergenic (‑61/+32) | leuA ← / ← leuL | 2‑isopropylmalate synthase/leu operon leader peptide |
RA | 120,154 | Δ1 bp | 5.7% | intergenic (+19/+24) | ampE → / ← aroP | ampicillin resistance inner membrane protein; putative signaling protein in beta‑lactamase regulation/aromatic amino acid transporter |
RA | 120,158:1 | +A | 5.8% | intergenic (+23/+20) | ampE → / ← aroP | ampicillin resistance inner membrane protein; putative signaling protein in beta‑lactamase regulation/aromatic amino acid transporter |
MC JC | 257,908 | Δ776 bp | 100% | [crl] | [crl] | |
RA | 475,971 | C→G | 6.9% | intergenic (+20/+11) | ybaY → / ← ybaZ | outer membrane lipoprotein/excision repair protein, alkyltransferase‑like protein ATL |
RA | 475,972 | C→G | 6.9% | intergenic (+21/+10) | ybaY → / ← ybaZ | outer membrane lipoprotein/excision repair protein, alkyltransferase‑like protein ATL |
RA | 481,225 | T→G | 8.9% | intergenic (‑517/+29) | tomB ← / ← acrB | Hha toxicity attenuator; conjugation‑related protein/multidrug efflux system protein |
RA | 481,228 | C→A | 8.3% | intergenic (‑520/+26) | tomB ← / ← acrB | Hha toxicity attenuator; conjugation‑related protein/multidrug efflux system protein |
RA | 594,950 | T→G | 5.1% | H165P (CAT→CCT) | cusR ← | response regulator in two‑component regulatory system with CusS |
RA | 604,752 | G→T | 5.1% | intergenic (‑89/+19) | ybdG ← / ← nfsB | mechanosensitive channel protein, miniconductance/dihydropteridine reductase, NAD(P)H‑dependent, oxygen‑insensitive |
RA | 604,753 | A→C | 5.1% | intergenic (‑90/+18) | ybdG ← / ← nfsB | mechanosensitive channel protein, miniconductance/dihydropteridine reductase, NAD(P)H‑dependent, oxygen‑insensitive |
RA | 699,556 | C→T | 8.4% | intergenic (‑379/+18) | asnB ← / ← umpH | asparagine synthetase B/UMP phosphatase |
RA | 699,559 | A→G | 8.6% | intergenic (‑382/+15) | asnB ← / ← umpH | asparagine synthetase B/UMP phosphatase |
RA | 847,214 | T→A | 5.0% | intergenic (‑95/+44) | glnP ← / ← glnH | glutamine transporter subunit/glutamine transporter subunit |
RA | 847,215 | A→T | 5.1% | intergenic (‑96/+43) | glnP ← / ← glnH | glutamine transporter subunit/glutamine transporter subunit |
RA | 857,576 | T→C | 7.6% | intergenic (+21/+220) | ybiT → / ← ybiU | ABC‑F family putative regulatory ATPase/DUF1479 family protein |
RA | 857,578 | C→G | 7.7% | intergenic (+23/+218) | ybiT → / ← ybiU | ABC‑F family putative regulatory ATPase/DUF1479 family protein |
RA | 857,580 | G→A | 7.6% | intergenic (+25/+216) | ybiT → / ← ybiU | ABC‑F family putative regulatory ATPase/DUF1479 family protein |
RA | 983,117 | G→A | 13.7% | G15S (GGT→AGT) | ycbK → | M15A protease‑related family periplasmic protein |
RA | 987,560 | G→C | 10.3% | intergenic (‑578/+25) | ompF ← / ← asnS | outer membrane porin 1a (Ia;b;F)/asparaginyl tRNA synthetase |
RA | 987,561 | G→C | 10.2% | intergenic (‑579/+24) | ompF ← / ← asnS | outer membrane porin 1a (Ia;b;F)/asparaginyl tRNA synthetase |
RA | 1,018,983 | A→T | 7.2% | intergenic (+46/+30) | matP → / ← ompA | Ter macrodomain organizer matS‑binding protein/outer membrane protein A (3a;II*;G;d) |
RA | 1,018,986 | A→T | 7.2% | intergenic (+49/+27) | matP → / ← ompA | Ter macrodomain organizer matS‑binding protein/outer membrane protein A (3a;II*;G;d) |
RA | 1,155,440 | A→G | 12.0% | Q106R (CAG→CGG) | tmk → | thymidylate kinase |
RA | 1,174,077 | G→A | 6.2% | intergenic (‑113/+15) | mfd ← / ← ycfT | transcription‑repair coupling factor/inner membrane protein |
RA | 1,174,080 | T→C | 6.1% | intergenic (‑116/+12) | mfd ← / ← ycfT | transcription‑repair coupling factor/inner membrane protein |
RA | 1,260,901 | C→T | 7.0% | intergenic (‑98/+27) | dauA ← / ← prs | C4‑dicarboxylic acid transporter/phosphoribosylpyrophosphate synthase |
RA | 1,260,904 | A→G | 6.9% | intergenic (‑101/+24) | dauA ← / ← prs | C4‑dicarboxylic acid transporter/phosphoribosylpyrophosphate synthase |
RA | 1,292,473 | C→G | 5.2% | intergenic (+108/+36) | galU → / ← hns | glucose‑1‑phosphate uridylyltransferase/global DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator H‑NS |
JC JC | 1,293,015 | IS1 (+) +8 bp | 39.8% | intergenic (‑93/‑505) | hns ← / → tdk | global DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator H‑NS/thymidine kinase/deoxyuridine kinase |
MC JC | 1,299,499 | Δ1,199 bp | 100% | intergenic (+254/‑485) | ychE → / → oppA | UPF0056 family inner membrane protein/oligopeptide ABC transporter periplasmic binding protein |
RA | 1,311,830 | A→G | 5.3% | intergenic (+22/+18) | tonB → / ← yciA | membrane spanning protein in TonB‑ExbB‑ExbD transport complex/acyl‑CoA esterase |
RA | 1,311,831 | C→T | 5.1% | intergenic (+23/+17) | tonB → / ← yciA | membrane spanning protein in TonB‑ExbB‑ExbD transport complex/acyl‑CoA esterase |
RA | 1,324,837 | A→C | 7.4% | Y31S (TAT→TCT) ‡ | yciQ → | enhancer of membrane protein expression; putative inner membrane protein |
RA | 1,324,838 | T→A | 7.4% | Y31* (TAT→TAA) ‡ | yciQ → | enhancer of membrane protein expression; putative inner membrane protein |
RA | 1,324,839 | G→T | 6.8% | E32* (GAA→TAA) | yciQ → | enhancer of membrane protein expression; putative inner membrane protein |
RA | 1,597,272 | T→A | 5.7% | pseudogene (716/3861 nt) | yneO ← | pseudogene, AidA homolog |
RA | 1,613,461 | C→T | 10.1% | G415S (GGT→AGT) | sad ← | succinate semialdehyde dehydrogenase, NAD(P)+‑dependent |
RA | 1,631,023 | C→T | 6.6% | pseudogene (1263/1284 nt) | ydfJ ← | pseudogene, MFS transporter family; interrupted by Qin prophage;Phage or Prophage Related; putative transport protein |
RA | 1,684,016 | A→G | 6.5% | S379G (AGC→GGC) | rstB → | sensory histidine kinase of RstAB two‑component system |
RA | 1,684,019 | C→T | 6.1% | R380W (CGG→TGG) | rstB → | sensory histidine kinase of RstAB two‑component system |
RA | 1,685,527 | A→G | 100% | G354G (GGT→GGC) | fumC ← | fumarate hydratase (fumarase C),aerobic Class II |
RA | 1,736,100 | T→A | 5.1% | intergenic (+141/+21) | sodB → / ← ydhP | superoxide dismutase, Fe/putative MFS transporter, inner membrane protein |
RA | 1,865,682 | G→C | 5.4% | intergenic (‑46/+44) | yeaE ← / ← mipA | aldo‑keto reductase, methylglyoxal to acetol, NADPH‑dependent/scaffolding protein for murein synthesizing machinery |
RA | 1,881,543 | C→A | 5.0% | V89V (GTG→GTT) | dmlR ← | transcriptional activator of dmlA |
MC JC | 1,978,503 | Δ776 bp | 100% | insB1–insA | insB1, insA | |
RA | 1,985,112 | C→G | 5.3% | intergenic (‑43/+27) | araG ← / ← araF | L‑arabinose ABC transporter ATPase/L‑arabinose ABC transporter periplasmic binding protein |
RA | 2,145,313 | C→A | 100% | S683Y (TCC→TAC) | yegE → | putative diguanylate cyclase |
RA | 2,173,361 | Δ2 bp | 100% | pseudogene (1‑2/442 nt) | gatC ← | pseudogene, galactitol‑specific enzyme IIC component of PTS;transport; Transport of small molecules: Carbohydrates, organic acids, alcohols; PTS system galactitol‑specific enzyme IIC |
RA | 2,305,209 | G→A | 14.1% | L516L (CTG→TTG) | mqo ← | malate dehydrogenase, FAD/NAD(P)‑binding domain |
RA | 2,311,616 | C→T | 5.2% | intergenic (‑82/+30) | apbE ← / ← ompC | putative thiamine‑synthetic flavin transferase lipoprotein/outer membrane porin protein C |
RA | 2,314,800 | A→C | 5.8% | Q438P (CAG→CCG) ‡ | rcsD → | phosphotransfer intermediate protein in two‑component regulatory system with RcsBC |
RA | 2,314,801 | G→T | 5.4% | Q438H (CAG→CAT) ‡ | rcsD → | phosphotransfer intermediate protein in two‑component regulatory system with RcsBC |
RA | 2,318,095 | C→G | 100% | L594F (TTG→TTC) | rcsC ← | hybrid sensory kinase in two‑component regulatory system with RcsB and YojN |
RA | 2,391,414 | C→G | 7.1% | R31P (CGA→CCA) | nuoN ← | NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase, membrane subunit N |
RA | 2,391,417 | C→G | 7.3% | W30S (TGG→TCG) | nuoN ← | NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase, membrane subunit N |
RA | 2,521,504 | A→G | 5.4% | intergenic (+176/+89) | lysV → / ← xapR | tRNA‑Lys/transcriptional activator of xapAB |
RA | 2,560,317 | A→C | 5.6% | N21H (AAT→CAT) | yffL → | CPZ‑55 prophage; uncharacterized protein |
RA | 2,560,321 | C→T | 5.7% | A22V (GCT→GTT) | yffL → | CPZ‑55 prophage; uncharacterized protein |
RA | 2,560,326 | A→G | 6.1% | T24A (ACA→GCA) | yffL → | CPZ‑55 prophage; uncharacterized protein |
RA | 2,560,330 | G→T | 5.3% | C25F (TGC→TTC) | yffL → | CPZ‑55 prophage; uncharacterized protein |
RA | 2,653,367 | G→A | 7.1% | intergenic (+28/‑488) | sseA → / → ryfA | 3‑mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase/novel sRNA, function unknown |
RA | 2,653,372 | T→C | 8.5% | intergenic (+33/‑483) | sseA → / → ryfA | 3‑mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase/novel sRNA, function unknown |
RA | 2,716,030 | T→G | 5.6% | intergenic (+20/+36) | eamB → / ← grcA | cysteine and O‑acetylserine exporter/autonomous glycyl radical cofactor |
RA | 2,724,095 | C→A | 5.6% | intergenic (+13/‑33) | pssA → / → yfiM | phosphatidylserine synthase; CDP‑diacylglycerol‑serine O‑phosphatidyltransferase/putative lipoprotein |
RA | 2,724,097 | T→A | 5.0% | intergenic (+15/‑31) | pssA → / → yfiM | phosphatidylserine synthase; CDP‑diacylglycerol‑serine O‑phosphatidyltransferase/putative lipoprotein |
RA | 2,750,078 | T→G | 5.1% | intergenic (+18/+37) | yfjD → / ← grpE | UPF0053 family inner membrane protein/heat shock protein |
RA | 2,750,081 | C→A | 5.6% | intergenic (+21/+34) | yfjD → / ← grpE | UPF0053 family inner membrane protein/heat shock protein |
RA | 2,800,515 | C→A | 6.2% | intergenic (+40/‑208) | ygaM → / → nrdH | putative membrane‑anchored DUF883 family ribosome‑binding protein/hydrogen donor for NrdEF electron transport system; glutaredoxin‑like protein |
RA | 2,800,517 | T→A | 6.3% | intergenic (+42/‑206) | ygaM → / → nrdH | putative membrane‑anchored DUF883 family ribosome‑binding protein/hydrogen donor for NrdEF electron transport system; glutaredoxin‑like protein |
RA | 2,800,519 | T→G | 6.5% | intergenic (+44/‑204) | ygaM → / → nrdH | putative membrane‑anchored DUF883 family ribosome‑binding protein/hydrogen donor for NrdEF electron transport system; glutaredoxin‑like protein |
RA | 2,817,977 | A→T | 5.5% | intergenic (‑117/+82) | argQ ← / ← argZ | tRNA‑Arg/tRNA‑Arg |
RA | 2,817,978 | A→T | 5.9% | intergenic (‑118/+81) | argQ ← / ← argZ | tRNA‑Arg/tRNA‑Arg |
RA | 2,866,487 | G→C | 5.6% | intergenic (+22/+72) | ygbN → / ← rpoS | putative transporter/RNA polymerase, sigma S (sigma 38) factor |
RA | 2,866,488 | G→C | 5.5% | intergenic (+23/+71) | ygbN → / ← rpoS | putative transporter/RNA polymerase, sigma S (sigma 38) factor |
RA | 2,873,915 | A→G | 6.9% | H26H (CAT→CAC) ‡ | cysC ← | adenosine 5'‑phosphosulfate kinase |
RA | 2,873,917 | G→C | 6.5% | H26D (CAT→GAT) ‡ | cysC ← | adenosine 5'‑phosphosulfate kinase |
RA | 2,873,919 | C→T | 6.4% | G25D (GGT→GAT) | cysC ← | adenosine 5'‑phosphosulfate kinase |
RA | 2,893,400 | G→A | 11.4% | L248L (CTG→CTA) | ygcN → | putative oxidoreductase |
RA | 3,020,510 | G→T | 5.3% | intergenic (+21/‑30) | ssnA → / → ygfM | putative chlorohydrolase/aminohydrolase/putative oxidoreductase |
RA | 3,020,511 | C→G | 5.5% | intergenic (+22/‑29) | ssnA → / → ygfM | putative chlorohydrolase/aminohydrolase/putative oxidoreductase |
RA | 3,020,512 | A→C | 5.6% | intergenic (+23/‑28) | ssnA → / → ygfM | putative chlorohydrolase/aminohydrolase/putative oxidoreductase |
RA | 3,042,403 | A→T | 6.0% | intergenic (+110/+86) | ygfZ → / ← yqfA | iron‑sulfur cluster repair protein, plumbagin resistance/hemolysin III family HylIII inner membrane protein |
RA | 3,042,404 | A→C | 6.3% | intergenic (+111/+85) | ygfZ → / ← yqfA | iron‑sulfur cluster repair protein, plumbagin resistance/hemolysin III family HylIII inner membrane protein |
RA | 3,042,410 | T→G | 6.3% | intergenic (+117/+79) | ygfZ → / ← yqfA | iron‑sulfur cluster repair protein, plumbagin resistance/hemolysin III family HylIII inner membrane protein |
RA | 3,042,411 | C→A | 6.0% | intergenic (+118/+78) | ygfZ → / ← yqfA | iron‑sulfur cluster repair protein, plumbagin resistance/hemolysin III family HylIII inner membrane protein |
RA | 3,057,145 | G→C | 5.1% | intergenic (+157/+33) | sibC → / ← serA | sRNA antisense regulator of toxic IbsC protein/D‑3‑phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase |
RA | 3,057,150 | C→T | 5.2% | intergenic (+162/+28) | sibC → / ← serA | sRNA antisense regulator of toxic IbsC protein/D‑3‑phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase |
RA | 3,061,817 | G→C | 5.3% | W323S (TGG→TCG) ‡ | scpA → | methylmalonyl‑CoA mutase |
RA | 3,061,818 | G→C | 5.4% | W323C (TGG→TGC) ‡ | scpA → | methylmalonyl‑CoA mutase |
RA | 3,180,505 | G→T | 5.3% | E29* (GAG→TAG) ‡ | ygiC → | ATP‑Grasp family ATPase |
RA | 3,180,506 | A→C | 5.1% | E29A (GAG→GCG) ‡ | ygiC → | ATP‑Grasp family ATPase |
RA | 3,183,345:1 | +T | 6.2% | intergenic (+22/+468) | zupT → / ← ribB | zinc transporter/3,4‑dihydroxy‑2‑butanone‑4‑phosphate synthase |
RA | 3,183,350 | Δ1 bp | 6.0% | intergenic (+27/+463) | zupT → / ← ribB | zinc transporter/3,4‑dihydroxy‑2‑butanone‑4‑phosphate synthase |
RA | 3,239,609 | T→G | 5.6% | intergenic (+64/‑335) | alx → / → sstT | putative membrane‑bound redox modulator/sodium:serine/threonine symporter |
RA | 3,239,610 | C→G | 5.3% | intergenic (+65/‑334) | alx → / → sstT | putative membrane‑bound redox modulator/sodium:serine/threonine symporter |
RA | 3,239,611 | C→A | 5.4% | intergenic (+66/‑333) | alx → / → sstT | putative membrane‑bound redox modulator/sodium:serine/threonine symporter |
RA | 3,256,441 | T→G | 5.1% | T71P (ACG→CCG) | yhaM ← | putative L‑serine dehydratase alpha chain |
RA | 3,256,443 | C→A | 5.1% | G70V (GGC→GTC) | yhaM ← | putative L‑serine dehydratase alpha chain |
RA | 3,331,979 | T→C | 5.2% | T253A (ACG→GCG) | yhbE ← | EamA family inner membrane putative transporter |
RA | 3,331,983 | G→C | 5.2% | I251M (ATC→ATG) | yhbE ← | EamA family inner membrane putative transporter |
RA | 3,331,987 | G→A | 5.7% | A250V (GCG→GTG) | yhbE ← | EamA family inner membrane putative transporter |
RA | 3,332,822 | G→A | 5.6% | intergenic (‑87/+40) | yhbE ← / ← rpmA | EamA family inner membrane putative transporter/50S ribosomal subunit protein L27 |
RA | 3,332,823 | T→C | 5.6% | intergenic (‑88/+39) | yhbE ← / ← rpmA | EamA family inner membrane putative transporter/50S ribosomal subunit protein L27 |
RA | 3,333,058 | A→G | 5.3% | L21P (CTG→CCG) | rpmA ← | 50S ribosomal subunit protein L27 |
RA | 3,334,703 | A→G | 7.2% | intergenic (+22/‑206) | ispB → / → sfsB | octaprenyl diphosphate synthase/malPQ operon transcriptional activator |
RA | 3,334,704 | G→C | 7.8% | intergenic (+23/‑205) | ispB → / → sfsB | octaprenyl diphosphate synthase/malPQ operon transcriptional activator |
RA | 3,334,705 | C→T | 7.8% | intergenic (+24/‑204) | ispB → / → sfsB | octaprenyl diphosphate synthase/malPQ operon transcriptional activator |
RA | 3,339,828:1 | +T | 5.3% | coding (238/810 nt) | mlaF ← | ABC transporter maintaining OM lipid asymmetry, ATP‑binding protein |
RA | 3,354,537 | C→G | 6.3% | intergenic (‑487/‑188) | yhcC ← / → gltB | putative Fe‑S oxidoreductase, Radical SAM superfamily protein/glutamate synthase, large subunit |
RA | 3,360,643 | T→A | 6.0% | intergenic (+27/‑533) | gltD → / → gltF | glutamate synthase, 4Fe‑4S protein, small subunit/periplasmic protein |
RA | 3,360,644 | G→C | 5.7% | intergenic (+28/‑532) | gltD → / → gltF | glutamate synthase, 4Fe‑4S protein, small subunit/periplasmic protein |
RA | 3,360,645 | T→A | 5.7% | intergenic (+29/‑531) | gltD → / → gltF | glutamate synthase, 4Fe‑4S protein, small subunit/periplasmic protein |
RA | 3,560,455:1 | +G | 100% | intergenic (‑2/+1) | glpR ← / ← glpR | pseudogene, DNA‑binding transcriptional repressor;regulator; Energy metabolism, carbon: Anaerobic respiration; repressor of the glp operon/pseudogene, DNA‑binding transcriptional repressor;regulator; Energy metabolism, carbon: Anaerobic respiration; repressor of the glp operon |
RA | 3,657,599 | T→A | 7.1% | intergenic (+32/+387) | hdeD → / ← arrS | acid‑resistance membrane protein/antisense sRNA ArrS, function unknown |
RA | 3,657,601 | G→C | 7.0% | intergenic (+34/+385) | hdeD → / ← arrS | acid‑resistance membrane protein/antisense sRNA ArrS, function unknown |
RA | 3,657,603 | T→A | 7.4% | intergenic (+36/+383) | hdeD → / ← arrS | acid‑resistance membrane protein/antisense sRNA ArrS, function unknown |
RA | 3,781,051 | C→G | 6.7% | intergenic (+34/‑164) | lldD → / → trmL | L‑lactate dehydrogenase, FMN‑linked/tRNA Leu mC34,mU34 2'‑O‑methyltransferase, SAM‑dependent |
RA | 3,959,515 | T→A | 7.9% | intergenic (+70/+17) | ilvC → / ← ppiC | ketol‑acid reductoisomerase, NAD(P)‑binding/peptidyl‑prolyl cis‑trans isomerase C (rotamase C) |
RA | 3,991,459 | A→G | 8.3% | S103G (AGC→GGC) | cyaA → | adenylate cyclase |
RA | 3,991,844 | A→T | 78.5% | D231V (GAT→GTT) | cyaA → | adenylate cyclase |
JC JC | 3,992,705 | IS5 (+) +4 bp | 5.3% | coding (1553‑1556/2547 nt) | cyaA → | adenylate cyclase |
RA | 4,060,261 | G→T | 7.1% | intergenic (+31/‑186) | typA → / → yihL | GTP‑binding protein/putative DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator |
RA | 4,060,264 | A→C | 6.5% | intergenic (+34/‑183) | typA → / → yihL | GTP‑binding protein/putative DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator |
RA | 4,082,696 | G→C | 5.9% | Q22E (CAG→GAG) | fdoH ← | formate dehydrogenase‑O, Fe‑S subunit |
RA | 4,116,937 | T→G | 81.7% | K96Q (AAG→CAG) | glpK ← | glycerol kinase |
RA | 4,117,050 | C→T | 9.4% | S58N (AGC→AAC) | glpK ← | glycerol kinase |
RA | 4,296,060 | C→T | 16.4% | intergenic (+266/+376) | gltP → / ← yjcO | glutamate/aspartate:proton symporter/Sel1 family TPR‑like repeat protein |
RA | 4,296,268 | T→C | 21.7% | intergenic (+474/+168) | gltP → / ← yjcO | glutamate/aspartate:proton symporter/Sel1 family TPR‑like repeat protein |
RA | 4,296,380:1 | +CG | 100% | intergenic (+586/+56) | gltP → / ← yjcO | glutamate/aspartate:proton symporter/Sel1 family TPR‑like repeat protein |
RA | 4,307,294 | A→T | 7.5% | L169Q (CTG→CAG) | alsK ← | D‑allose kinase |
RA | 4,307,298 | G→A | 7.6% | P168S (CCC→TCC) | alsK ← | D‑allose kinase |
RA | 4,356,445 | A→T | 5.2% | intergenic (‑34/+25) | dtpC ← / ← cadA | dipeptide and tripeptide permease/lysine decarboxylase, acid‑inducible |
RA | 4,356,446 | A→T | 5.3% | intergenic (‑35/+24) | dtpC ← / ← cadA | dipeptide and tripeptide permease/lysine decarboxylase, acid‑inducible |
RA | 4,366,854 | T→G | 5.2% | intergenic (‑81/+37) | dcuA ← / ← aspA | C4‑dicarboxylate antiporter/aspartate ammonia‑lyase |
RA | 4,366,855 | C→A | 5.1% | intergenic (‑82/+36) | dcuA ← / ← aspA | C4‑dicarboxylate antiporter/aspartate ammonia‑lyase |
RA | 4,392,617 | C→G | 7.8% | noncoding (35/76 nt) | glyY → | tRNA‑Gly |
RA | 4,398,580 | G→A | 12.3% | W390* (TGG→TAG) | mutL → | methyl‑directed mismatch repair protein |
RA | 4,470,951 | A→C | 5.2% | intergenic (‑38/+35) | ridA ← / ← pyrI | enamine/imine deaminase, reaction intermediate detoxification/aspartate carbamoyltransferase, regulatory subunit |
RA | 4,470,952 | T→C | 5.2% | intergenic (‑39/+34) | ridA ← / ← pyrI | enamine/imine deaminase, reaction intermediate detoxification/aspartate carbamoyltransferase, regulatory subunit |
RA | 4,470,957 | G→A | 5.5% | intergenic (‑44/+29) | ridA ← / ← pyrI | enamine/imine deaminase, reaction intermediate detoxification/aspartate carbamoyltransferase, regulatory subunit |
RA | 4,470,958 | G→T | 5.5% | intergenic (‑45/+28) | ridA ← / ← pyrI | enamine/imine deaminase, reaction intermediate detoxification/aspartate carbamoyltransferase, regulatory subunit |
RA | 4,520,500 | Δ1 bp | 8.6% | intergenic (‑176/+171) | yjhU ← / ← yjhF | putative DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator; KpLE2 phage‑like element/putative transporter |
RA | 4,520,504:1 | +T | 8.1% | intergenic (‑180/+167) | yjhU ← / ← yjhF | putative DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator; KpLE2 phage‑like element/putative transporter |
Unassigned new junction evidence | |||||||||||
seq id | position | reads (cov) | reads (cov) | score | skew | freq | annotation | gene | product | ||
* | ? | NC_000913 | 274674 = | NA (NA) | 6 (0.030) | 5/314 | NT | NA | noncoding (476/1195 nt) | IS5 | repeat region |
? | NC_000913 | 274711 = | NA (NA) | noncoding (439/1195 nt) | IS5 | repeat region | |||||
* | ? | NC_000913 | 497914 = | NA (NA) | 4 (0.020) | 4/312 | NT | NA | intergenic (+95/‑141) | adk/hemH | adenylate kinase/ferrochelatase |
? | NC_000913 | 497936 = | NA (NA) | intergenic (+117/‑119) | adk/hemH | adenylate kinase/ferrochelatase | |||||
* | ? | NC_000913 | 1207790 = | 80 (0.390) | 104 (0.560) | 82/292 | NT | 60.5% | coding (290/630 nt) | stfP | e14 prophage; uncharacterized protein |
? | NC_000913 | 1209619 = | 64 (0.340) | pseudogene (1/501 nt) | stfE | pseudogene, e14 prophage; side tail fiber protein fragment family;Phage or Prophage Related | |||||
* | ? | NC_000913 | = 1207805 | 81 (0.390) | 118 (0.630) | 88/292 | NT | 63.3% | coding (305/630 nt) | stfP | e14 prophage; uncharacterized protein |
? | NC_000913 | = 1209602 | 64 (0.340) | pseudogene (18/501 nt) | stfE | pseudogene, e14 prophage; side tail fiber protein fragment family;Phage or Prophage Related | |||||
* | ? | NC_000913 | 2726200 = | NA (NA) | 39 (0.200) | 15/312 | NT | NA | intergenic (‑12/+81) | rrfG/rrlG | 5S ribosomal RNA of rrnG operon/23S ribosomal RNA of rrnG operon |
? | NC_000913 | 2726224 = | NA (NA) | intergenic (‑36/+57) | rrfG/rrlG | 5S ribosomal RNA of rrnG operon/23S ribosomal RNA of rrnG operon | |||||
* | ? | NC_000913 | 3423376 = | 151 (0.730) | 17 (0.080) | 8/320 | NT | 8.7% | intergenic (+182/+47) | yhdZ/rrfF | putative amino acid ABC transporter ATPase/5S ribosomal RNA of rrnD operon |
? | NC_000913 | = 4213162 | 207 (1.020) | intergenic (+3/‑72) | rrfE/yjaA | 5S ribosomal RNA of rrnE operon/stress‑induced protein | |||||
* | ? | NC_000913 | = 3620220 | NA (NA) | 3 (0.020) | 3/312 | NT | 100% | coding (1029/4236 nt) | rhsB | Rhs protein with DUF4329 family putative toxin domain; putative neighboring cell growth inhibitor |
? | NC_000913 | = 3620255 | 0 (0.000) | coding (1064/4236 nt) | rhsB | Rhs protein with DUF4329 family putative toxin domain; putative neighboring cell growth inhibitor | |||||
* | ? | NC_000913 | 3721045 = | 277 (1.340) | 675 (3.290) | 263/322 | NT | 73.1% | noncoding (413/1443 nt) | IS150 | repeat region |
? | NC_000913 | = 3839774 | 222 (1.080) | coding (220/819 nt) | nlpA | cytoplasmic membrane lipoprotein‑28 | |||||
* | ? | NC_000913 | = 3962703 | NA (NA) | 7 (0.040) | 7/312 | NT | NA | noncoding (4/36 nt) | REP286 (repetitive extragenic palindromic) element; contains 1 REP sequences | REP286 (repetitive extragenic palindromic) element; contains 1 REP sequences |
? | NC_000913 | = 3962735 | NA (NA) | noncoding (36/36 nt) | REP286 (repetitive extragenic palindromic) element; contains 1 REP sequences | REP286 (repetitive extragenic palindromic) element; contains 1 REP sequences | |||||
* | ? | NC_000913 | = 4612024 | 195 (0.940) | 13 (0.070) | 11/308 | NT | 6.4% | intergenic (+23/‑104) | osmY/ytjA | salt‑inducible putative ABC transporter periplasmic binding protein/uncharacterized protein |
? | NC_000913 | = 4612030 | 194 (0.990) | intergenic (+29/‑98) | osmY/ytjA | salt‑inducible putative ABC transporter periplasmic binding protein/uncharacterized protein |