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breseq version 0.35.4 revision f352f80f4bc9
mutation predictions | marginal predictions | summary statistics | genome diff | command line log |
Predicted mutations | ||||||
evidence | position | mutation | freq | annotation | gene | description |
RA | 15,318 | G→A | 5.0% | intergenic (+20/‑127) | dnaJ → / → insL1 | chaperone Hsp40, DnaK co‑chaperone/IS186 transposase |
RA | 15,319 | T→C | 5.2% | intergenic (+21/‑126) | dnaJ → / → insL1 | chaperone Hsp40, DnaK co‑chaperone/IS186 transposase |
RA | 83,587 | A→C | 5.6% | intergenic (‑58/+35) | leuA ← / ← leuL | 2‑isopropylmalate synthase/leu operon leader peptide |
RA | 83,590 | G→T | 5.6% | intergenic (‑61/+32) | leuA ← / ← leuL | 2‑isopropylmalate synthase/leu operon leader peptide |
RA | 87,881 | A→G | 5.4% | intergenic (+33/‑147) | ilvH → / → cra | acetolactate synthase 3, small subunit, valine‑sensitive/transcriptional repressor‑activator for carbon metabolism |
RA | 87,887 | C→T | 5.3% | intergenic (+39/‑141) | ilvH → / → cra | acetolactate synthase 3, small subunit, valine‑sensitive/transcriptional repressor‑activator for carbon metabolism |
RA | 120,154 | Δ1 bp | 5.1% | intergenic (+19/+24) | ampE → / ← aroP | ampicillin resistance inner membrane protein; putative signaling protein in beta‑lactamase regulation/aromatic amino acid transporter |
RA | 120,158:1 | +A | 5.3% | intergenic (+23/+20) | ampE → / ← aroP | ampicillin resistance inner membrane protein; putative signaling protein in beta‑lactamase regulation/aromatic amino acid transporter |
RA | 161,947 | A→C | 5.1% | F29V (TTC→GTC) | ligT ← | 2'‑5' RNA ligase |
RA | 164,581 | A→C | 12.4% | intergenic (+47/‑149) | hrpB → / → mrcB | putative ATP‑dependent helicase/fused glycosyl transferase and transpeptidase |
RA | 192,713 | T→C | 6.5% | intergenic (+133/‑159) | pyrH → / → frr | uridylate kinase/ribosome recycling factor |
RA | 252,636 | T→C | 5.3% | A112A (GCT→GCC) | yafO → | mRNA interferase toxin of the YafO‑YafN toxin‑antitoxin system |
MC JC | 257,908 | Δ776 bp | 100% | [crl] | [crl] | |
RA | 349,717 | T→C | 10.9% | intergenic (+145/‑295) | prpB → / → prpC | 2‑methylisocitrate lyase/2‑methylcitrate synthase |
RA | 373,332 | C→G | 5.5% | P138A (CCA→GCA) ‡ | mhpF → | acetaldehyde‑CoA dehydrogenase II, NAD‑binding |
RA | 373,333 | C→G | 5.5% | P138R (CCA→CGA) ‡ | mhpF → | acetaldehyde‑CoA dehydrogenase II, NAD‑binding |
RA | 375,247 | A→G | 5.7% | intergenic (+366/‑212) | mhpE → / → mhpT | 4‑hyroxy‑2‑oxovalerate/4‑hydroxy‑2‑oxopentanoic acid aldolase, class I/3‑hydroxyphenylpropionic transporter |
RA | 464,354 | C→A | 5.0% | intergenic (+46/‑48) | ybaV → / → fadM | putative competence‑suppressing periplasmic helix‑hairpin‑helix DNA‑binding protein/long‑chain acyl‑CoA thioesterase III |
RA | 464,356 | A→T | 5.6% | intergenic (+48/‑46) | ybaV → / → fadM | putative competence‑suppressing periplasmic helix‑hairpin‑helix DNA‑binding protein/long‑chain acyl‑CoA thioesterase III |
RA | 556,019 | T→A | 5.2% | intergenic (+23/+13) | cysS → / ← ybcI | cysteinyl‑tRNA synthetase/DUF457 family inner membrane protein |
RA | 604,752 | G→T | 5.6% | intergenic (‑89/+19) | ybdG ← / ← nfsB | mechanosensitive channel protein, miniconductance/dihydropteridine reductase, NAD(P)H‑dependent, oxygen‑insensitive |
RA | 604,753 | A→C | 5.6% | intergenic (‑90/+18) | ybdG ← / ← nfsB | mechanosensitive channel protein, miniconductance/dihydropteridine reductase, NAD(P)H‑dependent, oxygen‑insensitive |
RA | 632,070 | T→G | 7.6% | intergenic (+71/‑112) | cstA → / → ybdD | carbon starvation protein involved in peptide utilization; APC peptide transporter family protein/DUF466 family protein |
RA | 632,075 | G→A | 7.1% | intergenic (+76/‑107) | cstA → / → ybdD | carbon starvation protein involved in peptide utilization; APC peptide transporter family protein/DUF466 family protein |
RA | 632,076 | G→C | 7.6% | intergenic (+77/‑106) | cstA → / → ybdD | carbon starvation protein involved in peptide utilization; APC peptide transporter family protein/DUF466 family protein |
RA | 632,077 | T→C | 7.7% | intergenic (+78/‑105) | cstA → / → ybdD | carbon starvation protein involved in peptide utilization; APC peptide transporter family protein/DUF466 family protein |
RA | 632,082 | C→A | 7.8% | intergenic (+83/‑100) | cstA → / → ybdD | carbon starvation protein involved in peptide utilization; APC peptide transporter family protein/DUF466 family protein |
RA | 710,170 | C→T | 9.7% | intergenic (+54/+30) | chiQ → / ← fur | chitosugar‑induced verified lipoprotein/ferric iron uptake regulon transcriptional repressor; autorepressor |
RA | 710,173 | A→G | 9.8% | intergenic (+57/+27) | chiQ → / ← fur | chitosugar‑induced verified lipoprotein/ferric iron uptake regulon transcriptional repressor; autorepressor |
RA | 756,968 | C→G | 5.7% | H354Q (CAC→CAG) | sdhA → | succinate dehydrogenase, flavoprotein subunit |
RA | 759,250 | G→T | 82.9% | R182L (CGC→CTC) | sucA → | 2‑oxoglutarate decarboxylase, thiamine triphosphate‑binding |
RA | 777,208 | A→C | 15.8% | K289N (AAA→AAC) | tolA → | membrane anchored protein in TolA‑TolQ‑TolR complex |
RA | 780,841:1 | +T | 7.6% | intergenic (+1/‑2) | valT → / → lysW | tRNA‑Val/tRNA‑Lys |
RA | 781,254 | A→T | 9.4% | intergenic (+32/‑115) | lysY → / → lysZ | tRNA‑Lys/tRNA‑Lys |
RA | 781,269 | C→T | 7.1% | intergenic (+47/‑100) | lysY → / → lysZ | tRNA‑Lys/tRNA‑Lys |
RA | 781,668 | C→T | 8.7% | intergenic (+16/‑417) | lysQ → / → nadA | tRNA‑Lys/quinolinate synthase, subunit A |
RA | 781,670 | A→T | 8.2% | intergenic (+18/‑415) | lysQ → / → nadA | tRNA‑Lys/quinolinate synthase, subunit A |
RA | 781,672 | A→G | 8.4% | intergenic (+20/‑413) | lysQ → / → nadA | tRNA‑Lys/quinolinate synthase, subunit A |
RA | 850,993 | T→C | 5.1% | intergenic (+28/+21) | ompX → / ← opgE | outer membrane protein X/OPG biosynthetic transmembrane phosphoethanolamine transferase |
RA | 850,995 | T→G | 5.1% | intergenic (+30/+19) | ompX → / ← opgE | outer membrane protein X/OPG biosynthetic transmembrane phosphoethanolamine transferase |
RA | 850,996 | C→A | 5.1% | intergenic (+31/+18) | ompX → / ← opgE | outer membrane protein X/OPG biosynthetic transmembrane phosphoethanolamine transferase |
RA | 850,998 | G→A | 5.1% | intergenic (+33/+16) | ompX → / ← opgE | outer membrane protein X/OPG biosynthetic transmembrane phosphoethanolamine transferase |
RA | 1,015,912 | T→A | 8.7% | intergenic (+30/+40) | rmf → / ← fabA | ribosome modulation factor/beta‑hydroxydecanoyl thioester dehydrase |
RA | 1,287,007 | G→A | 6.6% | intergenic (+481/+59) | narI → / ← rttR | nitrate reductase 1, gamma (cytochrome b(NR)) subunit/rtT sRNA, processed from tyrT transcript |
RA | 1,287,161 | G→A | 6.4% | noncoding (76/171 nt) Q6* (CAA→TAA) |
rttR ← tpr ← |
rtT sRNA, processed from tyrT transcript protamine‑like protein |
RA | 1,324,837 | A→C | 6.2% | Y31S (TAT→TCT) ‡ | yciQ → | enhancer of membrane protein expression; putative inner membrane protein |
RA | 1,324,838 | T→A | 7.4% | Y31* (TAT→TAA) ‡ | yciQ → | enhancer of membrane protein expression; putative inner membrane protein |
RA | 1,324,839 | G→T | 6.6% | E32* (GAA→TAA) | yciQ → | enhancer of membrane protein expression; putative inner membrane protein |
RA | 1,466,201 | T→C | 7.8% | pseudogene (810/2513 nt) | ydbA → | pseudogene, autotransporter homolog; interrupted by IS2 and IS30 |
RA | 1,466,210 | G→A | 5.4% | pseudogene (819/2513 nt) | ydbA → | pseudogene, autotransporter homolog; interrupted by IS2 and IS30 |
RA | 1,466,336 | C→G | 6.1% | pseudogene (945/2513 nt) | ydbA → | pseudogene, autotransporter homolog; interrupted by IS2 and IS30 |
RA | 1,466,504 | A→G | 6.6% | pseudogene (1113/2513 nt) | ydbA → | pseudogene, autotransporter homolog; interrupted by IS2 and IS30 |
RA | 1,466,562 | G→A | 9.7% | pseudogene (1171/2513 nt) | ydbA → | pseudogene, autotransporter homolog; interrupted by IS2 and IS30 |
RA | 1,466,630 | G→C | 11.1% | pseudogene (1239/2513 nt) | ydbA → | pseudogene, autotransporter homolog; interrupted by IS2 and IS30 |
RA | 1,466,639 | C→T | 8.7% | pseudogene (1248/2513 nt) | ydbA → | pseudogene, autotransporter homolog; interrupted by IS2 and IS30 |
RA | 1,498,892 | A→T | 5.0% | intergenic (+17/‑46) | ydcH → / → rimL | DUF465 family protein/ribosomal‑protein‑L7/L12‑serine acetyltransferase |
RA | 1,498,896 | A→T | 5.3% | intergenic (+21/‑42) | ydcH → / → rimL | DUF465 family protein/ribosomal‑protein‑L7/L12‑serine acetyltransferase |
RA | 1,544,868 | G→A | 5.9% | pseudogene (847/951 nt) | yddK ← | pseudogene, leucine‑rich protein; putative glycoportein |
RA | 1,546,696 | A→T | 6.3% | S158R (AGT→AGA) | yddG ← | aromatic amino acid exporter |
RA | 1,597,272 | T→A | 6.2% | pseudogene (716/3861 nt) | yneO ← | pseudogene, AidA homolog |
RA | 1,597,281 | A→G | 6.0% | pseudogene (707/3861 nt) | yneO ← | pseudogene, AidA homolog |
RA | 1,629,435 | G→A | 5.1% | intergenic (+17/+18) | ydfZ → / ← ydfI | selenoprotein, function unknown/putative NAD‑dependent D‑mannonate oxidoreductase |
RA | 1,708,709 | T→A | 7.7% | R597R (CGT→CGA) | rsxC → | SoxR iron‑sulfur cluster reduction factor component; putative membrane‑associated NADH oxidoreductase of electron transport complex |
RA | 1,708,844 | C→G | 10.7% | A642A (GCC→GCG) | rsxC → | SoxR iron‑sulfur cluster reduction factor component; putative membrane‑associated NADH oxidoreductase of electron transport complex |
RA | 1,708,847 | G→A | 6.4% | E643E (GAG→GAA) | rsxC → | SoxR iron‑sulfur cluster reduction factor component; putative membrane‑associated NADH oxidoreductase of electron transport complex |
RA | 1,823,335 | G→C | 6.8% | intergenic (+50/‑180) | nadE → / → cho | NAD synthetase, NH3/glutamine‑dependent/endonuclease of nucleotide excision repair |
RA | 1,823,338 | G→C | 6.5% | intergenic (+53/‑177) | nadE → / → cho | NAD synthetase, NH3/glutamine‑dependent/endonuclease of nucleotide excision repair |
RA | 1,938,410 | T→C | 5.2% | G254G (GGT→GGC) | pykA → | pyruvate kinase II |
RA | 1,939,994 | A→G | 5.2% | L67S (TTA→TCA) | lpxM ← | myristoyl‑acyl carrier protein (ACP)‑dependent acyltransferase |
MC JC | 1,978,503 | Δ776 bp | 100% | insB1–insA | insB1, insA | |
JC JC | 1,979,486 | IS5 (+) +4 bp | 100% | intergenic (‑271/‑264) | insA ← / → uspC | IS1 repressor TnpA/universal stress protein |
RA | 1,985,112 | C→G | 6.2% | intergenic (‑43/+27) | araG ← / ← araF | L‑arabinose ABC transporter ATPase/L‑arabinose ABC transporter periplasmic binding protein |
RA | 2,044,725 | T→A | 5.4% | intergenic (+101/‑213) | asnT → / → yeeJ | tRNA‑Asn/putative adhesin |
RA | 2,047,198 | A→G | 6.2% | E754G (GAG→GGG) | yeeJ → | putative adhesin |
RA | 2,068,407 | A→G | 5.6% | pseudogene (13/159 nt) | yoeH ← | pseudogene, CP4‑44 putative prophage remnant;Phage or Prophage Related |
RA | 2,068,408 | T→A | 7.3% | pseudogene (12/159 nt) | yoeH ← | pseudogene, CP4‑44 putative prophage remnant;Phage or Prophage Related |
RA | 2,068,409 | G→C | 7.1% | pseudogene (11/159 nt) | yoeH ← | pseudogene, CP4‑44 putative prophage remnant;Phage or Prophage Related |
RA | 2,068,410 | T→A | 6.6% | pseudogene (10/159 nt) | yoeH ← | pseudogene, CP4‑44 putative prophage remnant;Phage or Prophage Related |
RA | 2,068,411 | C→T | 5.5% | pseudogene (9/159 nt) | yoeH ← | pseudogene, CP4‑44 putative prophage remnant;Phage or Prophage Related |
RA | 2,139,709 | G→A | 5.6% | intergenic (+224/+50) | yegH → / ← asmA | inner membrane protein/suppressor of OmpF assembly mutants; putative outer membrane protein assembly factor; inner membrane‑anchored periplasmic protein |
RA | 2,139,710 | C→A | 5.6% | intergenic (+225/+49) | yegH → / ← asmA | inner membrane protein/suppressor of OmpF assembly mutants; putative outer membrane protein assembly factor; inner membrane‑anchored periplasmic protein |
RA | 2,154,847 | A→G | 5.7% | S278G (AGT→GGT) | mdtA → | multidrug efflux system, subunit A |
RA | 2,173,361 | Δ2 bp | 100% | pseudogene (1‑2/442 nt) | gatC ← | pseudogene, galactitol‑specific enzyme IIC component of PTS;transport; Transport of small molecules: Carbohydrates, organic acids, alcohols; PTS system galactitol‑specific enzyme IIC |
RA | 2,177,245 | G→T | 11.4% | intergenic (‑41/+267) | gatY ← / ← fbaB | D‑tagatose 1,6‑bisphosphate aldolase 2, catalytic subunit/fructose‑bisphosphate aldolase class I |
RA | 2,219,632 | G→A | 8.4% | intergenic (‑151/+60) | osmF ← / ← bglX | putative ABC transporter periplasmic binding protein/beta‑D‑glucoside glucohydrolase, periplasmic |
RA | 2,219,633 | C→A | 8.2% | intergenic (‑152/+59) | osmF ← / ← bglX | putative ABC transporter periplasmic binding protein/beta‑D‑glucoside glucohydrolase, periplasmic |
RA | 2,219,639 | G→T | 10.3% | intergenic (‑158/+53) | osmF ← / ← bglX | putative ABC transporter periplasmic binding protein/beta‑D‑glucoside glucohydrolase, periplasmic |
RA | 2,219,640 | A→C | 10.3% | intergenic (‑159/+52) | osmF ← / ← bglX | putative ABC transporter periplasmic binding protein/beta‑D‑glucoside glucohydrolase, periplasmic |
RA | 2,219,646 | T→G | 6.0% | intergenic (‑165/+46) | osmF ← / ← bglX | putative ABC transporter periplasmic binding protein/beta‑D‑glucoside glucohydrolase, periplasmic |
RA | 2,219,647 | T→C | 6.1% | intergenic (‑166/+45) | osmF ← / ← bglX | putative ABC transporter periplasmic binding protein/beta‑D‑glucoside glucohydrolase, periplasmic |
RA | 2,229,177 | A→C | 15.4% | intergenic (+112/+261) | yohP → / ← dusC | uncharacterized protein/tRNA‑dihydrouridine synthase C |
RA | 2,270,602 | T→C | 5.1% | intergenic (+57/‑124) | mepS → / → rtn | murein DD‑endopeptidase, space‑maker hydrolase, mutational suppressor of prc thermosensitivity, outer membrane lipoprotein, weak murein LD‑carboxypeptidase/resistance protein for phages lambda and N4, putative membrane‑anchored cyclic‑di‑GMP phosphodiesterase |
RA | 2,304,649 | C→T | 5.7% | intergenic (+256/+459) | eco → / ← mqo | ecotin, a serine protease inhibitor/malate dehydrogenase, FAD/NAD(P)‑binding domain |
RA | 2,305,013 | A→G | 9.1% | intergenic (+620/+95) | eco → / ← mqo | ecotin, a serine protease inhibitor/malate dehydrogenase, FAD/NAD(P)‑binding domain |
RA | 2,375,193 | A→G | 5.1% | L257P (CTG→CCG) | menC ← | O‑succinylbenzoyl‑CoA synthase |
RA | 2,428,423 | A→G | 7.4% | I68I (ATT→ATC) | ubiX ← | 3‑octaprenyl‑4‑hydroxybenzoate carboxy‑lyase |
RA | 2,496,268 | C→G | 5.8% | S208R (AGC→AGG) | lpxP → | palmitoleoyl‑acyl carrier protein (ACP)‑dependent acyltransferase |
RA | 2,644,954 | T→C | 5.9% | intergenic (‑90/+59) | ndk ← / ← pbpC | multifunctional nucleoside diphosphate kinase and apyrimidinic endonuclease and 3'‑phosphodiesterase/penicillin‑insensitive murein repair transglycosylase; inactive transpeptidase domain protein |
RA | 2,750,073 | G→T | 6.4% | intergenic (+13/+42) | yfjD → / ← grpE | UPF0053 family inner membrane protein/heat shock protein |
RA | 2,750,078 | T→G | 7.0% | intergenic (+18/+37) | yfjD → / ← grpE | UPF0053 family inner membrane protein/heat shock protein |
RA | 2,750,081 | C→A | 6.6% | intergenic (+21/+34) | yfjD → / ← grpE | UPF0053 family inner membrane protein/heat shock protein |
RA | 2,750,086 | A→C | 7.3% | intergenic (+26/+29) | yfjD → / ← grpE | UPF0053 family inner membrane protein/heat shock protein |
RA | 2,761,620 | T→G | 6.6% | K641Q (AAG→CAG) | yfjK ← | radiation resistance protein; DEAD/H helicase‑like protein; CP4‑57 putative defective prophage |
RA | 2,761,623 | C→A | 6.6% | V640L (GTA→TTA) | yfjK ← | radiation resistance protein; DEAD/H helicase‑like protein; CP4‑57 putative defective prophage |
RA | 2,767,667 | T→G | 6.5% | intergenic (+312/‑43) | rnlB → / → yfjP | CP4‑57 prophage; uncharacterized protein/CP4‑57 prophage; 50S ribosome‑binding GTPase family protein |
RA | 2,767,670 | C→A | 6.5% | intergenic (+315/‑40) | rnlB → / → yfjP | CP4‑57 prophage; uncharacterized protein/CP4‑57 prophage; 50S ribosome‑binding GTPase family protein |
RA | 2,817,916 | T→G | 11.3% | intergenic (‑56/+143) | argQ ← / ← argZ | tRNA‑Arg/tRNA‑Arg |
RA | 2,818,046 | A→G | 9.6% | intergenic (‑186/+13) | argQ ← / ← argZ | tRNA‑Arg/tRNA‑Arg |
RA | 2,818,049 | T→A | 8.0% | intergenic (‑189/+10) | argQ ← / ← argZ | tRNA‑Arg/tRNA‑Arg |
RA | 2,856,832 | T→A | 5.1% | intergenic (‑26/‑261) | ygbA ← / → mutS | uncharacterized protein/methyl‑directed mismatch repair protein |
RA | 2,856,834 | T→A | 5.1% | intergenic (‑28/‑259) | ygbA ← / → mutS | uncharacterized protein/methyl‑directed mismatch repair protein |
RA | 2,856,836 | T→A | 5.1% | intergenic (‑30/‑257) | ygbA ← / → mutS | uncharacterized protein/methyl‑directed mismatch repair protein |
RA | 2,856,838 | T→A | 5.0% | intergenic (‑32/‑255) | ygbA ← / → mutS | uncharacterized protein/methyl‑directed mismatch repair protein |
RA | 2,945,970 | A→G | 7.7% | intergenic (‑128/+111) | tcdA ← / ← mltA | tRNA threonylcarbamoyladenosine dehydratase; sulfur acceptor for CsdA/membrane‑bound lytic murein transglycosylase A |
RA | 2,945,971 | A→C | 8.1% | intergenic (‑129/+110) | tcdA ← / ← mltA | tRNA threonylcarbamoyladenosine dehydratase; sulfur acceptor for CsdA/membrane‑bound lytic murein transglycosylase A |
RA | 2,945,977 | T→G | 9.6% | intergenic (‑135/+104) | tcdA ← / ← mltA | tRNA threonylcarbamoyladenosine dehydratase; sulfur acceptor for CsdA/membrane‑bound lytic murein transglycosylase A |
RA | 2,945,978 | C→A | 9.6% | intergenic (‑136/+103) | tcdA ← / ← mltA | tRNA threonylcarbamoyladenosine dehydratase; sulfur acceptor for CsdA/membrane‑bound lytic murein transglycosylase A |
RA | 2,945,984 | G→T | 8.3% | intergenic (‑142/+97) | tcdA ← / ← mltA | tRNA threonylcarbamoyladenosine dehydratase; sulfur acceptor for CsdA/membrane‑bound lytic murein transglycosylase A |
RA | 2,945,985 | C→T | 9.0% | intergenic (‑143/+96) | tcdA ← / ← mltA | tRNA threonylcarbamoyladenosine dehydratase; sulfur acceptor for CsdA/membrane‑bound lytic murein transglycosylase A |
RA | 2,990,927 | T→A | 11.0% | pseudogene (374/396 nt) | ygeF → | pseudogene |
RA | 3,057,349 | C→G | 5.1% | L354L (CTG→CTC) | serA ← | D‑3‑phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase |
RA | 3,269,956 | T→C | 7.5% | intergenic (+354/+260) | yhaC → / ← rnpB | pentapetide repeats‑related protein/RNase P, M1 RNA component |
RA | 3,270,143 | C→T | 9.5% | intergenic (+541/+73) | yhaC → / ← rnpB | pentapetide repeats‑related protein/RNase P, M1 RNA component |
RA | 3,368,189 | A→G | 5.4% | A121A (GCA→GCG) | yhcG → | DUF1016 family protein in the PD‑(D/E)XK nuclease superfamily |
RA | 3,458,110 | C→A | 100% | T578T (ACC→ACA) | gspD → | general secretory pathway component, cryptic |
RA | 3,482,325 | G→A | 100% | R346H (CGC→CAC) | yheS → | ABC‑F family protein predicted regulatory ATPase |
RA | 3,489,998 | A→G | 5.5% | P61P (CCT→CCC) | argD ← | bifunctional acetylornithine aminotransferase and succinyldiaminopimelate aminotransferase |
RA | 3,504,880 | A→C | 8.5% | intergenic (+97/+55) | frlR → / ← yhfS | putative DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator/FNR‑regulated pyridoxal phosphate‑dependent aminotransferase family protein |
RA | 3,560,455:1 | +G | 100% | intergenic (‑2/+1) | glpR ← / ← glpR | pseudogene, DNA‑binding transcriptional repressor;regulator; Energy metabolism, carbon: Anaerobic respiration; repressor of the glp operon/pseudogene, DNA‑binding transcriptional repressor;regulator; Energy metabolism, carbon: Anaerobic respiration; repressor of the glp operon |
RA | 3,657,599 | T→A | 6.1% | intergenic (+32/+387) | hdeD → / ← arrS | acid‑resistance membrane protein/antisense sRNA ArrS, function unknown |
RA | 3,657,601 | G→C | 5.6% | intergenic (+34/+385) | hdeD → / ← arrS | acid‑resistance membrane protein/antisense sRNA ArrS, function unknown |
RA | 3,657,603 | T→A | 5.7% | intergenic (+36/+383) | hdeD → / ← arrS | acid‑resistance membrane protein/antisense sRNA ArrS, function unknown |
RA | 3,658,002 | C→T | 7.9% | noncoding (53/69 nt) | arrS ← | antisense sRNA ArrS, function unknown |
RA | 3,658,003 | C→G | 7.9% | noncoding (52/69 nt) | arrS ← | antisense sRNA ArrS, function unknown |
RA | 3,658,004 | A→G | 7.9% | noncoding (51/69 nt) | arrS ← | antisense sRNA ArrS, function unknown |
JC | 3,815,859 | Δ82 bp | 100% | [rph]–[rph] | [rph], [rph] | |
RA | 3,906,826 | T→C | 7.1% | intergenic (‑259/+27) | bglG ← / ← phoU | transcriptional antiterminator of the bgl operon/negative regulator of PhoR/PhoB two‑component regulator |
RA | 3,906,828 | A→T | 6.9% | intergenic (‑261/+25) | bglG ← / ← phoU | transcriptional antiterminator of the bgl operon/negative regulator of PhoR/PhoB two‑component regulator |
RA | 3,906,830 | G→A | 6.8% | intergenic (‑263/+23) | bglG ← / ← phoU | transcriptional antiterminator of the bgl operon/negative regulator of PhoR/PhoB two‑component regulator |
RA | 3,959,515 | T→A | 8.6% | intergenic (+70/+17) | ilvC → / ← ppiC | ketol‑acid reductoisomerase, NAD(P)‑binding/peptidyl‑prolyl cis‑trans isomerase C (rotamase C) |
RA | 4,051,259 | G→T | 10.4% | noncoding (224/245 nt) | csrC → | CsrC sRNA sequesters CsrA, a carbon flux regulator |
RA | 4,114,536 | C→T | 5.3% | intergenic (‑64/+33) | fpr ← / ← glpX | ferredoxin‑NADP reductase; flavodoxin reductase/fructose 1,6‑bisphosphatase II |
RA | 4,114,537 | G→T | 5.7% | intergenic (‑65/+32) | fpr ← / ← glpX | ferredoxin‑NADP reductase; flavodoxin reductase/fructose 1,6‑bisphosphatase II |
RA | 4,114,539 | A→G | 5.2% | intergenic (‑67/+30) | fpr ← / ← glpX | ferredoxin‑NADP reductase; flavodoxin reductase/fructose 1,6‑bisphosphatase II |
RA | 4,153,435 | T→C | 5.0% | intergenic (‑337/+261) | ppc ← / ← argE | phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase/acetylornithine deacetylase |
RA | 4,153,447 | A→G | 7.4% | intergenic (‑349/+249) | ppc ← / ← argE | phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase/acetylornithine deacetylase |
RA | 4,162,150 | T→G | 5.5% | intergenic (+20/+20) | yijD → / ← trmA | DUF1422 family inner membrane protein/tRNA m(5)U54 methyltransferase, SAM‑dependent; tmRNA m(5)U341 methyltransferase |
RA | 4,162,151 | G→C | 5.4% | intergenic (+21/+19) | yijD → / ← trmA | DUF1422 family inner membrane protein/tRNA m(5)U54 methyltransferase, SAM‑dependent; tmRNA m(5)U341 methyltransferase |
RA | 4,162,152 | G→C | 5.5% | intergenic (+22/+18) | yijD → / ← trmA | DUF1422 family inner membrane protein/tRNA m(5)U54 methyltransferase, SAM‑dependent; tmRNA m(5)U341 methyltransferase |
RA | 4,162,153 | C→A | 5.3% | intergenic (+23/+17) | yijD → / ← trmA | DUF1422 family inner membrane protein/tRNA m(5)U54 methyltransferase, SAM‑dependent; tmRNA m(5)U341 methyltransferase |
RA | 4,296,060 | C→T | 33.6% | intergenic (+266/+376) | gltP → / ← yjcO | glutamate/aspartate:proton symporter/Sel1 family TPR‑like repeat protein |
RA | 4,296,380:1 | +CG | 100% | intergenic (+586/+56) | gltP → / ← yjcO | glutamate/aspartate:proton symporter/Sel1 family TPR‑like repeat protein |
RA | 4,325,948 | A→G | 8.8% | intergenic (‑207/+451) | yjdN ← / ← yjdM | metalloprotein superfamily protein/zinc‑ribbon family protein |
RA | 4,366,854 | T→G | 9.2% | intergenic (‑81/+37) | dcuA ← / ← aspA | C4‑dicarboxylate antiporter/aspartate ammonia‑lyase |
RA | 4,366,855 | C→A | 9.0% | intergenic (‑82/+36) | dcuA ← / ← aspA | C4‑dicarboxylate antiporter/aspartate ammonia‑lyase |
RA | 4,460,476 | A→G | 6.1% | intergenic (‑112/+46) | nrdG ← / ← nrdD | anaerobic ribonucleotide reductase activating protein/anaerobic ribonucleoside‑triphosphate reductase |
RA | 4,460,477 | A→C | 6.1% | intergenic (‑113/+45) | nrdG ← / ← nrdD | anaerobic ribonucleotide reductase activating protein/anaerobic ribonucleoside‑triphosphate reductase |
RA | 4,460,483 | T→A | 6.2% | intergenic (‑119/+39) | nrdG ← / ← nrdD | anaerobic ribonucleotide reductase activating protein/anaerobic ribonucleoside‑triphosphate reductase |
RA | 4,460,484 | T→A | 6.3% | intergenic (‑120/+38) | nrdG ← / ← nrdD | anaerobic ribonucleotide reductase activating protein/anaerobic ribonucleoside‑triphosphate reductase |
RA | 4,473,927 | C→A | 100% | A43S (GCC→TCC) | bdcA ← | c‑di‑GMP‑binding biofilm dispersal mediator protein |
RA | 4,520,500 | Δ1 bp | 5.6% | intergenic (‑176/+171) | yjhU ← / ← yjhF | putative DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator; KpLE2 phage‑like element/putative transporter |
RA | 4,520,504:1 | +T | 5.4% | intergenic (‑180/+167) | yjhU ← / ← yjhF | putative DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator; KpLE2 phage‑like element/putative transporter |
RA | 4,549,932 | T→A | 9.7% | intergenic (+222/+21) | fimH → / ← gntP | minor component of type 1 fimbriae/fructuronate transporter |
RA | 4,614,321 | A→G | 5.6% | intergenic (+61/+359) | yjjV → / ← yjjW | putative DNase/putative pyruvate formate lyase activating enzyme |
RA | 4,632,323 | C→T | 8.6% | H531Y (CAT→TAT) | slt → | lytic murein transglycosylase, soluble |
Unassigned missing coverage evidence | ||||||||||
seq id | start | end | size | ←reads | reads→ | gene | description | |||
* | * | ÷ | NC_000913 | 448623 | 450707 | 2085 | 75 [71] | [72] 80 | [cyoC]–[cyoA] | [cyoC],cyoB,[cyoA] |
* | * | ÷ | NC_000913 | 1166028 | 1167447 | 1420 | 78 [68] | [73] 74 | ndh | ndh |
* | * | ÷ | NC_000913 | 3423750–3424234 | 3424564–3424238 | 5–815 | 74 [73] | [71] 75 | [rrfD]–[rrlD] | [rrfD],[rrlD] |
Unassigned new junction evidence | |||||||||||
seq id | position | reads (cov) | reads (cov) | score | skew | freq | annotation | gene | product | ||
* | ? | NC_000913 | 1207790 = | 34 (0.220) | 107 (0.790) | 56/246 | NT | 78.4% | coding (290/630 nt) | stfP | e14 prophage; uncharacterized protein |
? | NC_000913 | 1209619 = | 29 (0.210) | pseudogene (1/501 nt) | stfE | pseudogene, e14 prophage; side tail fiber protein fragment family;Phage or Prophage Related | |||||
* | ? | NC_000913 | = 1207805 | 26 (0.170) | 108 (0.800) | 57/246 | NT | 80.6% | coding (305/630 nt) | stfP | e14 prophage; uncharacterized protein |
? | NC_000913 | = 1209602 | 29 (0.210) | pseudogene (18/501 nt) | stfE | pseudogene, e14 prophage; side tail fiber protein fragment family;Phage or Prophage Related | |||||
* | ? | NC_000913 | = 1299498 | 0 (0.000) | 118 (0.790) | 62/270 | NT | 100% | intergenic (+253/‑1684) | ychE/oppA | UPF0056 family inner membrane protein/oligopeptide ABC transporter periplasmic binding protein |
? | NC_000913 | 1300698 = | 0 (0.000) | intergenic (+1453/‑484) | ychE/oppA | UPF0056 family inner membrane protein/oligopeptide ABC transporter periplasmic binding protein | |||||
* | ? | NC_000913 | = 2270096 | 117 (0.760) | 7 (0.050) | 4/258 | NT | 5.6% | coding (118/567 nt) | mepS | murein DD‑endopeptidase, space‑maker hydrolase, mutational suppressor of prc thermosensitivity, outer membrane lipoprotein, weak murein LD‑carboxypeptidase |
? | NC_000913 | = 2270134 | 126 (0.890) | coding (156/567 nt) | mepS | murein DD‑endopeptidase, space‑maker hydrolase, mutational suppressor of prc thermosensitivity, outer membrane lipoprotein, weak murein LD‑carboxypeptidase | |||||
* | ? | NC_000913 | = 2700568 | 83 (0.540) | 6 (0.050) | 3/240 | NT | 7.2% | noncoding (49/77 nt) | ohsC | sRNA antisense regulator of shoB toxin |
? | NC_000913 | = 2700581 | 84 (0.640) | noncoding (62/77 nt) | ohsC | sRNA antisense regulator of shoB toxin | |||||
* | ? | NC_000913 | = 2817942 | 100 (0.650) | 13 (0.100) | 10/238 | NT | 11.9% | intergenic (‑82/+117) | argQ/argZ | tRNA‑Arg/tRNA‑Arg |
? | NC_000913 | 2818492 = | 107 (0.820) | noncoding (58/77 nt) | argV | tRNA‑Arg | |||||
* | ? | NC_000913 | 4542682 = | 121 (0.790) | 21 (0.150) | 16/260 | NT | 14.1% | intergenic (+49/‑433) | fimE/fimA | tyrosine recombinase/inversion of on/off regulator of fimA/major type 1 subunit fimbrin (pilin) |
? | NC_000913 | 4542996 = | 143 (1.000) | intergenic (+363/‑119) | fimE/fimA | tyrosine recombinase/inversion of on/off regulator of fimA/major type 1 subunit fimbrin (pilin) | |||||
* | ? | NC_000913 | = 4542690 | 117 (0.760) | 21 (0.150) | 13/260 | NT | 14.3% | intergenic (+57/‑425) | fimE/fimA | tyrosine recombinase/inversion of on/off regulator of fimA/major type 1 subunit fimbrin (pilin) |
? | NC_000913 | = 4542986 | 143 (1.000) | intergenic (+353/‑129) | fimE/fimA | tyrosine recombinase/inversion of on/off regulator of fimA/major type 1 subunit fimbrin (pilin) |