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breseq version 0.33.1 revision 8505477f25b3
mutation predictions | marginal predictions | summary statistics | genome diff | command line log |
Predicted mutations | ||||||
evidence | position | mutation | freq | annotation | gene | description |
RA | 11,430 | C→T | 7.8% | T119T (ACG→ACA) | yaaI ← | hypothetical protein |
RA | 50,503 | T→A | 10.5% | I240I (ATA→ATT) | apaH ← | diadenosine tetraphosphatase |
RA | 50,527 | C→T | 8.5% | E232E (GAG→GAA) | apaH ← | diadenosine tetraphosphatase |
RA | 70,434 | C→T | 90.8% | N16N (AAC→AAT) | araC → | DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator |
RA | 70,581 | C→T | 89.5% | V65V (GTC→GTT) | araC → | DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator |
RA | 70,740 | T→G | 93.9% | G118G (GGT→GGG) | araC → | DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator |
RA | 71,079 | C→T | 91.7% | R231R (CGC→CGT) | araC → | DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator |
RA | 71,082 | T→C | 91.3% | I232I (ATT→ATC) | araC → | DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator |
RA | 71,085 | T→C | 89.7% | S233S (AGT→AGC) | araC → | DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator |
RA | 71,109 | T→C | 90.7% | T241T (ACT→ACC) | araC → | DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator |
RA | 71,175 | A→G | 92.8% | R263R (CGA→CGG) | araC → | DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator |
RA | 71,214 | T→C | 88.4% | F276F (TTT→TTC) | araC → | DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator |
RA | 85,767 | A→T | 7.5% | V46V (GTA→GTT) | ilvI → | acetolactate synthase III, large subunit |
RA | 85,776 | T→C | 7.8% | R49R (CGT→CGC) | ilvI → | acetolactate synthase III, large subunit |
RA | 155,463 | A→T | 100% | *247K (TAA→AAA) | ecpD ← | predicted periplasmic pilin chaperone |
RA | 188,973 | A→G | 9.5% | H178H (CAT→CAC) | map ← | methionine aminopeptidase |
RA | 236,101 | A→C | 91.4% | D12A (GAT→GCT) | dnaQ → | DNA polymerase III epsilon subunit |
RA | 236,107 | A→C | 91.7% | E14A (GAA→GCA) | dnaQ → | DNA polymerase III epsilon subunit |
RA | 526,457 | T→A | 5.3% | F1325I (TTT→ATT) | rhsD → | rhsD element protein |
RA | 547,694 | A→G | 100% | pseudogene (114/261 nt) pseudogene (114/1259 nt) |
ylbE → ylbE → |
ECK0512:JW0507:b4507; hypothetical protein, N‑ter fragment ECK0512:JW0508+JW0507:b4572; hypothetical protein |
RA | 547,831:1 | +G | 100% | pseudogene (251/261 nt) pseudogene (251/1259 nt) |
ylbE → ylbE → |
ECK0512:JW0507:b4507; hypothetical protein, N‑ter fragment ECK0512:JW0508+JW0507:b4572; hypothetical protein |
RA | 556,858 | A→T | 100% | L36Q (CTG→CAG) | folD ← | bifunctional 5,10‑methylene‑tetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase and 5,10‑methylene‑tetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase |
RA | 564,435 | C→G | 7.6% | C256S (TGT→TCT) | intD ← | predicted integrase |
RA | 641,942 | C→A | 11.6% | A211E (GCG→GAG) | ybdR → | predicted oxidoreductase, Zn‑dependent and NAD(P)‑binding |
RA | 641,944 | G→A | 11.9% | E212K (GAA→AAA) | ybdR → | predicted oxidoreductase, Zn‑dependent and NAD(P)‑binding |
RA | 651,883 | G→T | 10.8% | M142I (ATG→ATT) | citA → | sensory histidine kinase in two‑component regulatory system with citB |
RA | 651,886 | G→C | 10.9% | G143G (GGG→GGC) | citA → | sensory histidine kinase in two‑component regulatory system with citB |
RA | 651,898 | C→T | 8.6% | R147R (CGC→CGT) | citA → | sensory histidine kinase in two‑component regulatory system with citB |
MC JC | 654,214 | Δ1,199 bp | 100% | [dcuC]–[dcuC] | [dcuC], insH, [dcuC] | |
RA | 687,170 | A→T | 6.2% | intergenic (‑79/+91) | gltJ ← / ← gltI | glutamate and aspartate transporter subunit/glutamate and aspartate transporter subunit |
RA | 689,849 | A→T | 10.5% | R485R (CGT→CGA) | lnt ← | apolipoprotein N‑acyltransferase |
RA | 689,858 | T→C | 10.7% | P482P (CCA→CCG) | lnt ← | apolipoprotein N‑acyltransferase |
RA | 689,876 | C→T | 12.5% | P476P (CCG→CCA) | lnt ← | apolipoprotein N‑acyltransferase |
RA | 689,879 | C→T | 11.1% | T475T (ACG→ACA) | lnt ← | apolipoprotein N‑acyltransferase |
RA | 715,548 | C→T | 10.6% | L523L (CTC→CTT) | pgm → | phosphoglucomutase |
RA | 756,245 | T→C | 5.0% | A88A (GCT→GCC) | sdhD → | succinate dehydrogenase, membrane subunit, binds cytochrome b556 |
RA | 807,506 | A→C | 12.4% | A66A (GCT→GCG) | ybhC ← | predicted pectinesterase |
RA | 849,377 | T→C | 6.4% | intergenic (‑44/+255) | dps ← / ← rhtA | Fe‑binding and storage protein/threonine and homoserine efflux system |
RA | 1,017,036 | C→T | 6.1% | A562A (GCG→GCA) | ycbZ ← | predicted peptidase |
RA | 1,040,233 | C→T | 9.2% | C172C (TGC→TGT) | appB → | cytochrome bd‑II oxidase, subunit II |
RA | 1,040,245 | C→T | 9.1% | S176S (AGC→AGT) | appB → | cytochrome bd‑II oxidase, subunit II |
RA | 1,056,856 | T→C | 7.2% | Y58Y (TAT→TAC) | torT → | periplasmic sensory protein associated with the TorRS two‑component regulatory system |
RA | 1,069,131 | G→C | 10.4% | V377V (GTC→GTG) | ycdG ← | predicted transporter |
RA | 1,069,149 | T→G | 11.4% | I371I (ATA→ATC) | ycdG ← | predicted transporter |
RA | 1,093,686 | T→C | 100% | V130A (GTA→GCA) | ycdT → | predicted diguanylate cyclase |
MC JC | 1,301,041 | Δ1,336 bp | 100% | insC–insD | insC, insD | |
RA | 1,303,631 | C→T | 100% | Q246Y (CAG→TAT) | oppA → | oligopeptide transporter subunit |
RA | 1,303,633 | G→T | 100% | Q246Y (CAG→TAT) | oppA → | oligopeptide transporter subunit |
RA | 1,326,354 | G→A | 6.9% | P181P (CCG→CCA) | yciO → | conserved hypothetical protein |
RA | 1,326,372 | T→C | 8.5% | L187L (CTT→CTC) | yciO → | conserved hypothetical protein |
RA | 1,467,504 | G→C | 8.3% | pseudogene (399/2559 nt) pseudogene (399/8622 nt) |
ydbA → ydbA → |
ECK1398:JW5802:b1401; predicted outer membrane protein, N‑ter fragment ECK1398:JW5802+JW1402:b4492; predicted outer membrane protein |
RA | 1,467,507 | T→G | 8.3% | pseudogene (402/2559 nt) pseudogene (402/8622 nt) |
ydbA → ydbA → |
ECK1398:JW5802:b1401; predicted outer membrane protein, N‑ter fragment ECK1398:JW5802+JW1402:b4492; predicted outer membrane protein |
RA | 1,491,906 | C→T | 6.2% | pseudogene (522/1001 nt) pseudogene (522/753 nt) |
gapC ← gapC ← |
ECK1409:JW5906+JW1413:b4493; glyceraldehyde‑3‑phosphate dehydrogenase C ECK1409:JW5906:b1417; glyceraldehyde‑3‑phosphate dehydrogenase C, C‑ter fragment |
RA | 1,537,075 | G→A | 5.7% | I166I (ATC→ATT) | yddE ← | conserved hypothetical protein |
RA | 1,764,980 | G→A | 9.6% | V248V (GTC→GTT) | sufB ← | component of SufBCD complex |
RA | 1,770,916 | G→A | 8.1% | T43T (ACG→ACA) | ydiK → | predicted inner membrane protein |
RA | 1,796,459 | G→A | 11.6% | A136A (GCC→GCT) | btuC ← | vitamin B12 transporter subunit |
RA | 1,840,838 | T→G | 6.7% | A126A (GCT→GCG) | ynjD → | predicted transporter subunit |
RA | 1,866,685 | G→A | 6.0% | S222S (AGC→AGT) | yeaE ← | predicted oxidoreductase |
RA | 1,969,214 | G→A | 8.2% | S334S (AGC→AGT) | cheB ← | fused chemotaxis regulator and protein‑glutamate methylesterase in two‑component regulatory system with CheA |
RA | 2,079,831 | T→G | 5.3% | P42P (CCT→CCG) | yeeV → | toxin of the YeeV‑YeeU toxin‑antitoxin system |
MC JC | 2,176,983 | Δ1,199 bp | 100% | [gatA]–[gatA] | [gatA], insH, [gatA] | |
RA | 2,193,567 | G→A | 9.0% | R226R (CGC→CGT) | yehB ← | predicted outer membrane protein |
MC JC | 2,320,795 | Δ1,336 bp | 100% | insD–[rcsC] | insD, insC, [rcsC] | |
RA | 2,341,910 | A→G | 8.6% | G727G (GGT→GGC) | gyrA ← | DNA gyrase (type II topoisomerase), subunit A |
RA | 2,341,916 | G→A | 8.0% | R725R (CGC→CGT) | gyrA ← | DNA gyrase (type II topoisomerase), subunit A |
RA | 2,341,925 | G→A | 8.9% | R722R (CGC→CGT) | gyrA ← | DNA gyrase (type II topoisomerase), subunit A |
RA | 2,643,819 | C→T | 12.8% | G721G (GGG→GGA) | pbpC ← | fused transglycosylase and transpeptidase |
RA | 2,696,316 | A→G | 12.0% | G77G (GGT→GGC) | tadA ← | tRNA‑specific adenosine deaminase |
RA | 2,696,325 | C→T | 11.5% | L74L (CTG→CTA) | tadA ← | tRNA‑specific adenosine deaminase |
RA | 2,747,549 | T→C | 7.1% | H10H (CAT→CAC) | yfjD → | predicted inner membrane protein |
RA | 2,747,558 | A→G | 6.2% | K13K (AAA→AAG) | yfjD → | predicted inner membrane protein |
RA | 2,809,581 | G→A | 91.1% | G52G (GGG→GGA) | mprA → | DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator |
RA | 2,866,110 | T→A | 100% | intergenic (‑20/+160) | rpoS ← / ← nlpD | RNA polymerase, sigma S (sigma 38) factor/predicted outer membrane lipoprotein |
RA | 2,893,190 | A→G | 5.2% | S113S (TCA→TCG) | ygcP → | predicted anti‑terminator regulatory protein |
RA | 2,897,694 | T→C | 7.7% | E127E (GAA→GAG) | ygcU ← | predicted FAD containing dehydrogenase |
RA | 2,897,706 | A→G | 9.7% | G123G (GGT→GGC) | ygcU ← | predicted FAD containing dehydrogenase |
RA | 2,897,721 | C→G | 7.8% | A118A (GCG→GCC) | ygcU ← | predicted FAD containing dehydrogenase |
RA | 3,083,446 | A→C | 9.5% | S374S (TCT→TCG) | speA ← | biosynthetic arginine decarboxylase, PLP‑binding |
RA | 3,089,611 | G→A | 5.6% | P203P (CCG→CCA) | endA → | DNA‑specific endonuclease I |
RA | 3,089,635 | C→T | 6.1% | R211R (CGC→CGT) | endA → | DNA‑specific endonuclease I |
RA | 3,138,489 | T→C | 6.1% | L44L (CTA→CTG) | hybG ← | hydrogenase 2 accessory protein |
RA | 3,138,531 | A→G | 7.6% | D30D (GAT→GAC) | hybG ← | hydrogenase 2 accessory protein |
RA | 3,143,614 | A→G | 5.5% | N61N (AAT→AAC) | hybA ← | hydrogenase 2 4Fe‑4S ferredoxin‑type component |
RA | 3,249,944 | C→A | 11.2% | P89T (CCG→ACG) | yqjG → | predicted S‑transferase |
MC JC | 3,261,134 | Δ1,199 bp | 100% | insH–[tdcD] | insH, [tdcD] | |
RA | 3,415,880 | A→T | 7.0% | P331P (CCA→CCT) | acrF → | multidrug efflux system protein |
RA | 3,438,027 | T→G | 6.1% | A313A (GCA→GCC) | hemE ← | uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase |
RA | 3,438,038 | T→A | 7.5% | T310S (ACT→TCT) | hemE ← | uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase |
RA | 3,438,042 | T→C | 7.5% | V308V (GTA→GTG) | hemE ← | uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase |
MC JC | 3,742,938 | Δ1,336 bp | 100% | insD–insC | insD, insC | |
MC JC | 3,746,913 | Δ1,199 bp | 100% | [tnaB]–[tnaB] | [tnaB], insH, [tnaB] | |
MC JC | 3,750,593 | Δ1,199 bp | 100% | insH | insH | |
RA | 3,799,697 | A→G | 11.9% | K395K (AAA→AAG) | yicM → | predicted transporter |
RA | 3,799,700 | C→T | 11.3% | A396A (GCC→GCT) | yicM → | predicted transporter |
RA | 3,799,703 | G→A | 11.6% | G397G (GGG→GGA) | yicM → | predicted transporter |
RA | 3,824,280 | T→C | 100% | pseudogene (413/687 nt) | rph → | ECK3633:JW3618:b3643; ribonuclease PH |
RA | 3,824,326 | T→C | 100% | pseudogene (459/687 nt) | rph → | ECK3633:JW3618:b3643; ribonuclease PH |
RA | 3,824,362 | A→T | 100% | pseudogene (495/687 nt) | rph → | ECK3633:JW3618:b3643; ribonuclease PH |
RA | 3,824,368 | G→A | 100% | pseudogene (501/687 nt) | rph → | ECK3633:JW3618:b3643; ribonuclease PH |
RA | 3,824,374 | C→T | 100% | pseudogene (507/687 nt) | rph → | ECK3633:JW3618:b3643; ribonuclease PH |
RA | 3,824,380 | 2 bp→AA | 100% | pseudogene (513‑514/687 nt) | rph → | ECK3633:JW3618:b3643; ribonuclease PH |
RA | 3,824,410 | T→A | 100% | pseudogene (543/687 nt) | rph → | ECK3633:JW3618:b3643; ribonuclease PH |
RA | 3,824,514 | T→C | 100% | pseudogene (647/687 nt) | rph → | ECK3633:JW3618:b3643; ribonuclease PH |
RA | 3,824,524 | T→G | 100% | pseudogene (657/687 nt) | rph → | ECK3633:JW3618:b3643; ribonuclease PH |
RA | 3,824,533:1 | +G | 100% | pseudogene (666/687 nt) | rph → | ECK3633:JW3618:b3643; ribonuclease PH |
RA | 3,936,024 | C→T | 6.7% | A123A (GCC→GCT) | dppC → | dipeptide transporter |
RA | 3,936,039 | C→T | 7.6% | G128G (GGC→GGT) | dppC → | dipeptide transporter |
RA | 4,013,464 | C→T | 6.3% | Y862Y (TAC→TAT) | rbbA → | fused ribosome‑associated ATPases |
RA | 4,034,547 | T→C | 8.8% | L40L (TTA→TTG) | yhhN ← | conserved inner membrane protein |
RA | 4,177,230 | C→T | 8.2% | D89N (GAT→AAT) | gspK ← | general secretory pathway component, cryptic |
RA | 4,177,249 | T→C | 10.9% | P82P (CCA→CCG) | gspK ← | general secretory pathway component, cryptic |
RA | 4,177,252 | C→T | 10.0% | Q81Q (CAG→CAA) | gspK ← | general secretory pathway component, cryptic |
RA | 4,190,513 | G→A | 7.4% | R110H (CGC→CAC) | rplV → | 50S ribosomal subunit protein L22 |
RA | 4,218,735 | G→T | 8.5% | W288C (TGG→TGT) | metA → | homoserine transsuccinylase |
RA | 4,267,116 | G→C | 7.0% | V236V (GTC→GTG) | qor ← | quinone oxidoreductase, NADPH‑dependent |
MC JC | 4,310,365 | Δ1,199 bp | 100% | insH–[alsK] | insH, [alsK] | |
RA | 4,371,273 | Δ2 bp | 100% | intergenic (‑6/+299) | dcuA ← / ← aspA | C4‑dicarboxylate antiporter/aspartate ammonia‑lyase |
RA | 4,563,589 | T→A | 100% | K207M (AAG→ATG) | iadA ← | isoaspartyl dipeptidase |
RA | 4,598,634 | A→G | 5.3% | R257R (CGT→CGC) | yjiZ ← | predicted transporter |
Unassigned missing coverage evidence | ||||||||||
seq id | start | end | size | ←reads | reads→ | gene | description | |||
* | * | ÷ | W3110S.gb | 282995 | 283277 | 283 | 9 [8] | [8] 9 | yagF | predicted dehydratase |
* | * | ÷ | W3110S.gb | 573874–575008 | 575999 | 992–2126 | 9 [8] | [0] 145 | insH–[nmpC] | insH,[nmpC] |
* | * | ÷ | W3110S.gb | 721521 | 721537 | 17 | 9 [6] | [5] 10 | kdpE | DNA‑binding response regulator in two‑component regulatory system with KdpD |
* | * | ÷ | W3110S.gb | 1328320 | 1328353 | 34 | 10 [8] | [8] 10 | yciQ | predicted inner membrane protein |
* | * | ÷ | W3110S.gb | 1371182 | 1371230 | 49 | 9 [8] | [8] 9 | pspD | peripheral inner membrane phage‑shock protein |
* | * | ÷ | W3110S.gb | 1421310 | 1421333 | 24 | 10 [7] | [8] 9 | ydaG/racR | hypothetical protein/predicted DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator |
* | * | ÷ | W3110S.gb | 2041775 | 2041827 | 53 | 9 [6] | [8] 9 | yedY | predicted reductase |
* | * | ÷ | W3110S.gb | 2569108 | 2569136 | 29 | 9 [8] | [8] 9 | eutE | predicted aldehyde dehydrogenase, ethanolamine utilization protein |
* | * | ÷ | W3110S.gb | 2827386 | 2827427 | 42 | 9 [7] | [8] 9 | gutM | DNA‑binding transcriptional activator |
* | * | ÷ | W3110S.gb | 3799034 | 3799082 | 49 | 9 [8] | [8] 9 | yicM | predicted transporter |
* | * | ÷ | W3110S.gb | 4213620–4216710 | 4216710 | 1–3091 | 9 [8] | [8] 9 | rrlE–[rrfE] | rrlE,[rrfE] |
Unassigned new junction evidence | |||||||||||
seq id | position | reads (cov) | reads (cov) | score | skew | freq | annotation | gene | product | ||
* | ? | W3110S.gb | 70061 = | 45 (0.950) | 404 (10.900) +CGCGTACAACT |
85/80 | NT | 91.5% | intergenic (‑13/‑326) | araB/araC | L‑ribulokinase/DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator |
? | W3110S.gb | 236044 = | 51 (1.070) | intergenic (‑42/‑23) | rnhA/dnaQ | ribonuclease HI, degrades RNA of DNA‑RNA hybrids/DNA polymerase III epsilon subunit | |||||
* | ? | W3110S.gb | = 71265 | 44 (0.930) | 178 (5.200) +AGGGTCCCTAAGTC |
57/74 | NT | 90.8% | coding (879/879 nt) | araC | DNA‑binding transcriptional dual regulator |
? | W3110S.gb | 3464879 = | 6 (0.130) | intergenic (‑255/+46) | murB/rrfB | UDP‑N‑acetylenolpyruvoylglucosamine reductase, FAD‑binding/5S ribosomal RNA | |||||
* | ? | W3110S.gb | 205097 = | 42 (0.880) | 58 (1.650) +TTATAACATTTTA |
15/76 | NT | 64.0% | intergenic (+8/‑29) | rnhB/dnaE | ribonuclease HII, degrades RNA of DNA‑RNA hybrids/DNA polymerase III alpha subunit |
? | W3110S.gb | 4139149 = | 46 (0.970) | coding (2/1023 nt) | frlB | fructoselysine‑6‑P‑deglycase | |||||
* | ? | W3110S.gb | = 236798 | 35 (0.740) | 185 (8.460) +27 bp |
46/48 | NT | 91.5% | coding (732/732 nt) | dnaQ | DNA polymerase III epsilon subunit |
? | W3110S.gb | 4124504 = | 40 (0.840) | intergenic (+106/‑1) | damX/dam | hypothetical protein/DNA adenine methylase | |||||
* | ? | W3110S.gb | 253065 = | 45 (0.950) | 5 (0.130) +GACCAACAC |
3/84 | NT | 9.4% | coding (357/453 nt) | yafP | predicted acyltransferase with acyl‑CoA N‑acyltransferase domain |
? | W3110S.gb | 3313367 = | 72 (1.510) | coding (2503/2673 nt) | infB | fused protein chain initiation factor 2, IF2 | |||||
* | ? | W3110S.gb | = 274373 | NA (NA) | 69 (1.450) | 42/102 | NT | 100% | intergenic (‑32/‑176) | insH/mmuP | IS5 transposase and trans‑activator/predicted S‑methylmethionine transporter |
? | W3110S.gb | 576000 = | 0 (0.000) | pseudogene (109/1128 nt) | nmpC | DLP12 prophage region; ECK0544:JW5078:b0553; truncated outer membrane porin | |||||
* | ? | W3110S.gb | 314453 = | 45 (0.950) | 61 (1.370) +TCA |
42/96 | NT | 74.3% | coding (873/888 nt) | eaeH | attaching and effacing protein, pathogenesis factor |
? | W3110S.gb | = 3920281 | 0 (0.000) | coding (88/213 nt) | cspA | major cold shock protein | |||||
* | ? | W3110S.gb | 314453 = | 45 (0.950) | 49 (1.070) +TC |
27/98 | NT | 69.4% | coding (873/888 nt) | eaeH | attaching and effacing protein, pathogenesis factor |
? | W3110S.gb | 3932930 = | 0 (0.000) | coding (219/1608 nt) | dppA | dipeptide transporter | |||||
* | ? | W3110S.gb | = 315707 | NA (NA) | 64 (1.350) | 40/102 | NT | 98.5% | coding (654/687 nt) | ykgA | predicted DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator |
? | W3110S.gb | 576911 = | 1 (0.020) | coding (76/498 nt) | ybcS | predicted lysozyme | |||||
* | ? | W3110S.gb | 566000 = | NA (NA) | 60 (1.260) | 29/102 | NT | 98.4% | intergenic (+90/‑56) | ybcD/insE | DLP12 prophage region; ECK0532:JW0527:b4508; predicted replication protein fragment/IS3 element protein InsE |
? | W3110S.gb | = 576913 | 1 (0.020) | coding (78/498 nt) | ybcS | predicted lysozyme | |||||
* | ? | W3110S.gb | = 641963 | 30 (0.630) | 21 (0.480) +AGAA |
5/94 | NT | 36.3% | coding (653/1239 nt) | ybdR | predicted oxidoreductase, Zn‑dependent and NAD(P)‑binding |
? | W3110S.gb | = 4186745 | 50 (1.050) | coding (255/420 nt) | pioO | part of gsp divergon involved in type II protein secretion | |||||
* | ? | W3110S.gb | 713380 = | 41 (0.860) | 356 (8.140) | 84/94 | NT | 90.7% | intergenic (‑156/‑29) | ybfF/seqA | conserved hypothetical protein/regulatory protein for replication initiation |
? | W3110S.gb | = 4125340 | 35 (0.800) | coding (836/837 nt) | dam | DNA adenine methylase | |||||
* | ? | W3110S.gb | = 713954 | 60 (1.260) | 478 (10.060) | 90/102 | NT | 89.7% | coding (546/546 nt) | seqA | regulatory protein for replication initiation |
? | W3110S.gb | 2809398 = | 50 (1.050) | intergenic (+63/‑28) | ygaH/mprA | predicted inner membrane protein/DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator | |||||
* | ? | W3110S.gb | 1209367 = | 7 (0.150) | 41 (1.270) | 22/70 | NT | 88.4% | coding (290/630 nt) | ycfK | hypothetical protein |
? | W3110S.gb | 1211196 = | 6 (0.190) | pseudogene (37/537 nt) | stfE | ECK1143:JW5172:b1157; e14 prophage region; predicted side tail fiber protein fragment | |||||
* | ? | W3110S.gb | = 1209382 | 7 (0.150) | 14 (0.430) | 11/70 | NT | 72.2% | coding (305/630 nt) | ycfK | hypothetical protein |
? | W3110S.gb | = 1211179 | 6 (0.190) | pseudogene (54/537 nt) | stfE | ECK1143:JW5172:b1157; e14 prophage region; predicted side tail fiber protein fragment | |||||
* | ? | W3110S.gb | = 1435474 | NA (NA) | 5 (0.110) | 4/96 | NT | NA | intergenic (‑86/+231) | pinR/ynaE | predicted site‑specific recombinase/predicted DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator |
? | W3110S.gb | = 1435496 | NA (NA) | intergenic (‑108/+209) | pinR/ynaE | predicted site‑specific recombinase/predicted DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator | |||||
* | ? | W3110S.gb | = 1499913 | 41 (0.860) | 13 (0.340) +ATATCACCAG |
4/82 | NT | 24.5% | coding (1314/1626 nt) | mdoD | glucan biosynthesis protein, periplasmic |
? | W3110S.gb | 1787483 = | 59 (1.240) | coding (1344/2379 nt) | pps | phosphoenolpyruvate synthase | |||||
* | ? | W3110S.gb | 2018571 = | 5 (0.110) | 39 (0.870) | 26/96 | NT | 89.2% | coding (567/687 nt) | fliH | flagellar biosynthesis protein |
? | W3110S.gb | 2519723 = | NA (NA) | intergenic (+33/‑54) | nupC/insL | nucleoside (except guanosine) transporter/predicted transposase | |||||
* | ? | W3110S.gb | = 2018583 | 1 (0.020) | 38 (0.830) | 30/98 | NT | 97.5% | coding (579/687 nt) | fliH | flagellar biosynthesis protein |
? | W3110S.gb | = 2521059 | NA (NA) | intergenic (+170/+30) | insL/yfeA | predicted transposase/predicted diguanylate cyclase | |||||
* | ? | W3110S.gb | = 2173564 | NA (NA) | 68 (1.460) | 36/100 | NT | 100% | pseudogene (307/2041 nt) pseudogene (307/339 nt) |
gatR gatR |
DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator; ECK2083:JW5340+JW2074:b4498 DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator, C‑ter fragment; ECK2083:JW2074:b2090 |
? | W3110S.gb | 3920278 = | 0 (0.000) | coding (91/213 nt) | cspA | major cold shock protein | |||||
* | ? | W3110S.gb | = 2173565 | NA (NA) | 38 (0.800) | 28/102 | NT | 100% | pseudogene (306/2041 nt) pseudogene (306/339 nt) |
gatR gatR |
DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator; ECK2083:JW5340+JW2074:b4498 DNA‑binding transcriptional regulator, C‑ter fragment; ECK2083:JW2074:b2090 |
? | W3110S.gb | = 3932933 | 0 (0.000) | coding (222/1608 nt) | dppA | dipeptide transporter | |||||
* | ? | W3110S.gb | 2390659 = | 86 (1.810) | 4 (0.100) | 3/90 | NT | 5.3% | coding (130/972 nt) | yfbL | predicted peptidase |
? | W3110S.gb | 2390685 = | 67 (1.600) | coding (156/972 nt) | yfbL | predicted peptidase | |||||
* | ? | W3110S.gb | = 2412225 | NA (NA) | 76 (1.600) | 41/102 | NT | 90.5% | intergenic (‑55/‑782) | insA/yfbQ | IS1 element protein/predicted aminotransferase |
? | W3110S.gb | = 3748807 | 8 (0.170) | coding (176/984 nt) | tnaB | tryptophan transporter of low affinity | |||||
* | ? | W3110S.gb | 3091524 = | 53 (1.120) | 3 (0.080) | 3/84 | NT | 6.9% | intergenic (+40/‑69) | gshB/yqgE | glutathione synthetase/hypothetical protein |
? | W3110S.gb | 3091559 = | 37 (0.950) | intergenic (+75/‑34) | gshB/yqgE | glutathione synthetase/hypothetical protein | |||||
* | ? | W3110S.gb | 3748799 = | 3 (0.060) | 62 (1.300) | 43/102 | NT | 95.4% | coding (184/984 nt) | tnaB | tryptophan transporter of low affinity |
? | W3110S.gb | 4056222 = | NA (NA) | intergenic (‑564/+15) | yrhB/insB | hypothetical protein/IS1 transposase InsAB' | |||||
* | ? | W3110S.gb | 3873994 = | 95 (2.000) | 4 (0.090) | 3/94 | NT | 5.1% | coding (87/843 nt) | yibA | lyase containing HEAT‑repeat |
? | W3110S.gb | 4016463 = | 63 (1.440) | pseudogene (68/246 nt) | yrhC | ECK3468:JW5678:b4552; hypothetical protein fragment |