breseq  version 0.35.4  revision f352f80f4bc9
mutation predictions | marginal predictions | summary statistics | genome diff | command line log

Predicted mutations
evidence position mutation freq annotation gene description
RA 44,293 Δ1 bp 100% intergenic (+124/‑367) oprD_1 → / → czcR_2 Porin D/Transcriptional activator protein CzcR
RA 120,975 Δ1 bp 100% intergenic (+272/+100) polA → / ← engB DNA polymerase I/putative GTP‑binding protein EngB
RA 169,760 A→C 9.2% intergenic (+724/+2963) PP_RS08750 → / ← fhuA_1 tRNA‑Val/Ferrichrome outer membrane transporter/phagereceptor
RA 169,792 G→A 7.3% intergenic (+756/+2931) PP_RS08750 → / ← fhuA_1 tRNA‑Val/Ferrichrome outer membrane transporter/phagereceptor
RA 179,484 T→C 100% C316R (TGC→CGC)  CJ019_00182 → hypothetical protein
RA 194,699 G→C 5.8% V3186V (GTG→GTC CJ019_00185 → hypothetical protein
RA 260,050 G→A 10.6% R238H (CGC→CAC)  rssB_1 → Regulator of RpoS
RA 299,787 C→A 5.1% H218Q (CAC→CAA hslO → 33 kDa chaperonin
RA 318,084 G→C 19.0% P107P (CCG→CCC oprD_3 → Porin D
RA 365,722 A→C 22.9% intergenic (+92/‑87) stcD_1 → / → CJ019_00339 putative N‑methylproline demethylase/hypothetical protein
RA 397,442 G→A 5.2% D555D (GAC→GAT CJ019_00365 ← hypothetical protein
RA 426,038 A→C 44.2% intergenic (+13/+34) rssB_2 → / ← glcB Regulator of RpoS/Malate synthase G
RA 440,351 T→A 18.0% intergenic (+181/‑121) dmdC_1 → / → CJ019_00398 3‑methylmercaptopropionyl‑CoA dehydrogenase/hypothetical protein
RA 444,535 A→C 16.2% L130V (TTG→GTG)  hdfR_1 ← HTH‑type transcriptional regulator HdfR
RA 478,896 T→G 28.2% D30A (GAC→GCC)  apaH_1 ← Bis(5'‑nucleosyl)‑tetraphosphatase, symmetrical
RA 539,482 A→T 14.6% V87V (GTA→GTT rpsL → 30S ribosomal protein S12
RA 594,746 C→T 6.0% S347S (AGC→AGT ribD → Riboflavin biosynthesis protein RibD
RA 673,246 G→A 7.0% A361A (GCG→GCA fadI → 3‑ketoacyl‑CoA thiolase FadI
RA 690,144 A→G 100% intergenic (+21/‑2438) bauC → / → PP_RS08750 Putative 3‑oxopropanoate dehydrogenase/tRNA‑Val
RA 891,894 G→A 5.9% A64T (GCC→ACC)  CJ019_00856 → hypothetical protein
RA 924,303 T→G 27.0% D4790A (GAC→GCC)  CJ019_00881 ← hypothetical protein
RA 930,475 T→G 14.6% T2733P (ACC→CCC)  CJ019_00881 ← hypothetical protein
RA 932,023 T→G 14.7% T2217P (ACC→CCC)  CJ019_00881 ← hypothetical protein
RA 968,666 C→G 5.4% G175R (GGC→CGC)  suhB ← Inositol‑1‑monophosphatase
RA 1,092,469 A→C 21.9% V50G (GTC→GGC)  kdsD ← Arabinose 5‑phosphate isomerase KdsD
RA 1,123,238 C→A 100% intergenic (‑240/+64) gcvH_1 ← / ← CJ019_01062 Glycine cleavage system H protein/hypothetical protein
RA 1,138,494 T→G 43.0% intergenic (‑108/+33) pigA_1 ← / ← hemR Heme oxygenase PigA/Hemin receptor
RA 1,157,983 A→C 22.3% S162A (TCG→GCG)  hexR_1 ← HTH‑type transcriptional regulator HexR
RA 1,166,043 G→A 5.5% L21L (CTC→CTT xseA ← Exodeoxyribonuclease 7 large subunit
RA 1,195,943 T→G 11.9% V236G (GTT→GGT)  CJ019_01125 → hypothetical protein
RA 1,313,950 T→G 33.8% R612R (AGG→CGG)  CJ019_01235 ← hypothetical protein
RA 1,339,139 T→G 20.9% *269C (TGA→TGC udh ← Uronate dehydrogenase
RA 1,348,419 T→G 26.4% D4A (GAC→GCC)  CJ019_01261 ← hypothetical protein
RA 1,388,322 T→G 46.5% L336V (TTG→GTG)  ruvB_1 → Holliday junction ATP‑dependent DNA helicaseRuvB
RA 1,468,051 A→C 35.4% intergenic (‑777/+24) algD ← / ← yaaA GDP‑mannose 6‑dehydrogenase/Peroxide stress resistance protein YaaA
RA 1,508,400 C→G 5.3% R93R (CGC→CGG ftsI → Peptidoglycan D,D‑transpeptidase FtsI
RA 1,522,272 A→C 22.4% Q80P (CAG→CCG)  ftsZ → Cell division protein FtsZ
RA 1,523,476 A→C 24.7% D45A (GAC→GCC)  lpxC → UDP‑3‑O‑acyl‑N‑acetylglucosamine deacetylase
RA 1,528,308 A→C 24.7% P87P (CCA→CCC argJ → Arginine biosynthesis bifunctional protein ArgJ
JC 1,543,310 Δ3 bp 5.3% coding (654‑656/1641 nt) groL → 60 kDa chaperonin
RA 1,544,643 T→G 33.0% Q412P (CAG→CCG)  pykA ← Pyruvate kinase II
RA 1,567,478 A→G 6.1% V126V (GTA→GTG CJ019_01477 → hypothetical protein
RA 1,584,539 A→C 23.4% G137G (GGT→GGG rhaS_1 ← HTH‑type transcriptional activator RhaS
RA 1,630,540 A→C 31.0% L419R (CTG→CGG)  czcS ← Sensor protein CzcS
RA 1,670,685 A→C 31.2% intergenic (+22/‑109) thrC_2 → / → CJ019_01569 Threonine synthase/hypothetical protein
RA 1,670,690 A→C 29.0% intergenic (+27/‑104) thrC_2 → / → CJ019_01569 Threonine synthase/hypothetical protein
RA 1,716,354 T→C 5.5% L644P (CTG→CCG)  mdtB_1 → Multidrug resistance protein MdtB
RA 1,718,463 T→G 36.3% Q65P (CAG→CCG)  CJ019_01614 ← hypothetical protein
RA 1,721,870 A→C 30.9% V98G (GTC→GGC)  CJ019_01617 ← hypothetical protein
RA 1,763,975 A→C 13.4% N556T (AAC→ACC)  CJ019_01678 → hypothetical protein
RA 1,791,678 T→G 31.9% L182R (CTG→CGG)  lpxB → Lipid‑A‑disaccharide synthase
RA 1,791,684 T→G 22.8% L184R (CTG→CGG)  lpxB → Lipid‑A‑disaccharide synthase
RA 1,804,932 C→T 100% S181N (AGC→AAC)  dmlR_4 ← HTH‑type transcriptional regulator DmlR
RA 1,834,917 T→G 27.3% T35P (ACC→CCC)  ldhA ← D‑lactate dehydrogenase
RA 1,934,465 C→G 17.0% intergenic (‑156/‑54) CJ019_01849 ← / → CJ019_01850 hypothetical protein/hypothetical protein
RA 1,947,503 G→A 5.4% R257H (CGC→CAC)  CJ019_01861 → Polyphosphate:AMP phosphotransferase
RA 2,016,038 A→G 6.5% S5G (AGC→GGC)  tld → GDP‑6‑deoxy‑D‑talose 4‑dehydrogenase
RA 2,048,228 G→A 5.6% P104P (CCG→CCA aroC → Chorismate synthase
RA 2,085,482 C→G 24.4% intergenic (+71/+20) deaD → / ← ygiD ATP‑dependent RNA helicase DeaD/4,5‑DOPA dioxygenase extradiol
RA 2,086,880 C→G 13.1% V170V (GTC→GTG tpm → Thiopurine S‑methyltransferase
RA 2,094,808 A→C 53.6% L186R (CTG→CGG)  CJ019_01995 ← hypothetical protein
RA 2,094,817 T→G 43.4% Q183P (CAG→CCG)  CJ019_01995 ← hypothetical protein
RA 2,103,046 C→T 6.5% A1433T (GCC→ACC)  CJ019_02004 ← hypothetical protein
RA 2,131,359 T→G 27.5% R135R (CGT→CGG yadG → putative ABC transporter ATP‑binding proteinYadG
RA 2,299,276 T→G 20.3% N113T (AAC→ACC)  CJ019_02179 ← hypothetical protein
RA 2,358,743 T→G 25.3% L41R (CTG→CGG)  CJ019_02230 → hypothetical protein
RA 2,364,172 C→G 6.6% T1311T (ACC→ACG gdhB → NAD‑specific glutamate dehydrogenase
RA 2,379,994 T→G 20.4% Q56P (CAG→CCG)  nrtA ← Nitrate/nitrite binding protein NrtA
RA 2,416,103 C→T 5.6% R377H (CGC→CAC)  CJ019_02281 ← hypothetical protein
RA 2,526,900 C→T 5.4% Q88Q (CAG→CAA CJ019_02384 ← hypothetical protein
RA 2,569,872 A→C 38.2% L518R (CTG→CGG)  acoR_3 ← Acetoin catabolism regulatory protein
RA 2,770,096 A→C 27.9% W156G (TGG→GGG)  CJ019_02613 ← hypothetical protein
RA 2,847,475 A→T 6.4% Q62L (CAG→CTG)  CJ019_02703 → hypothetical protein
RA 2,856,886 T→G 100% S297A (TCG→GCG)  hdfR_4 → HTH‑type transcriptional regulator HdfR
RA 2,965,146 T→G 27.0% intergenic (+37/+72) CJ019_02796 → / ← kstD_1 hypothetical protein/3‑oxosteroid 1‑dehydrogenase
RA 3,204,513 G→C 29.4% E165Q (GAA→CAA)  CJ019_03009 → hypothetical protein
RA 3,218,100 C→T 6.8% A126T (GCG→ACG)  nodD2_2 ← Nodulation protein D 2
RA 3,238,596 C→A 6.2% intergenic (‑45/‑171) CJ019_03036 ← / → xerC_2 hypothetical protein/Tyrosine recombinase XerC
RA 3,255,897 A→C 28.4% intergenic (‑152/+72) pnuC ← / ← mcpP Nicotinamide riboside transporter PnuC/Methyl‑accepting chemotaxis protein McpP
RA 3,267,810 T→G 33.6% L171V (TTG→GTG)  eamA → putative amino‑acid metabolite efflux pump
RA 3,300,105 A→C 30.4% L184R (CTC→CGC)  glaR ← HTH‑type transcriptional repressor GlaR
RA 3,312,451 A→C 46.7% L251R (CTG→CGG)  cynR_3 ← HTH‑type transcriptional regulator CynR
RA 3,312,455 A→C 24.3% S250A (TCG→GCG)  cynR_3 ← HTH‑type transcriptional regulator CynR
RA 3,338,755 A→T 6.7% Y268N (TAT→AAT)  rssB_4 ← Regulator of RpoS
RA 3,389,709 T→G 32.4% L121R (CTG→CGG)  yfdE → Acetyl‑CoA:oxalate CoA‑transferase
RA 3,432,092 C→G 17.8% intergenic (+51/‑44) CJ019_03257 → / → gpFI hypothetical protein/Putative prophage major tail sheath protein
RA 3,465,424 T→G 22.9% A41A (GCA→GCC fcuA_1 ← Ferrichrome receptor FcuA
RA 3,473,321 G→T 5.5% Q319K (CAG→AAG)  ompA_2 ← Outer membrane protein A
RA 3,491,319 A→C 35.7% intergenic (‑681/+40) CJ019_03306 ← / ← CJ019_03307 hypothetical protein/hypothetical protein
RA 3,494,162 G→A 6.7% intergenic (‑324/‑162) CJ019_03310 ← / → CJ019_03311 hypothetical protein/hypothetical protein
RA 3,584,770 G→T 6.8% W303C (TGG→TGT CJ019_03397 → hypothetical protein
RA 3,626,095 T→G 47.8% G170G (GGT→GGG hcf136_3 → Ycf48‑like protein
RA 3,697,188 G→A 5.4% P624L (CCG→CTG)  paaZ_2 ← Bifunctional protein PaaZ
RA 3,761,329 A→C 26.6% E96A (GAG→GCG)  CJ019_03574 → hypothetical protein
RA 3,773,715 C→A 5.8% T370K (ACA→AAA)  nikA → Nickel‑binding periplasmic protein
RA 3,912,334 A→C 26.6% E824A (GAG→GCG)  mexB_2 → Multidrug resistance protein MexB
RA 3,937,715 C→T 6.2% R109H (CGC→CAC)  CJ019_03722 ← hypothetical protein
RA 3,944,425 T→G 28.3% E86A (GAG→GCG)  CJ019_03729 ← hypothetical protein
RA 3,957,240 C→T 100% G137R (GGG→AGG)  dmlR_13 ← HTH‑type transcriptional regulator DmlR
RA 3,969,760 A→C 51.6% A251A (GCT→GCG CJ019_03750 ← putative protein
RA 3,974,886 A→C 21.6% V154G (GTC→GGC)  CJ019_03752 ← hypothetical protein
RA 3,986,089 A→G 5.5% Y209H (TAT→CAT)  CJ019_03763 ← hypothetical protein
RA 3,986,621 A→C 33.2% D31E (GAT→GAG) ‡ CJ019_03763 ← hypothetical protein
RA 3,986,622 T→G 32.4% D31A (GAT→GCT) ‡ CJ019_03763 ← hypothetical protein
RA 4,029,454 A→C 27.3% D287A (GAC→GCC)  mcpU_3 → Methyl‑accepting chemotaxis protein McpU
RA 4,029,468 A→C 17.8% T292P (ACC→CCC)  mcpU_3 → Methyl‑accepting chemotaxis protein McpU
RA 4,111,471 A→C 16.5% T172T (ACA→ACC iorB_2 → Isoquinoline 1‑oxidoreductase subunit beta
RA 4,135,592 A→C 24.3% N27T (AAC→ACC)  tgnC → (Z)‑2‑((N‑methylformamido)methylene)‑5‑hydroxybu tyrolactone dehydrogenase
RA 4,135,607 A→C 37.0% Q32P (CAG→CCG)  tgnC → (Z)‑2‑((N‑methylformamido)methylene)‑5‑hydroxybu tyrolactone dehydrogenase
RA 4,135,612 T→G 33.4% W34G (TGG→GGG)  tgnC → (Z)‑2‑((N‑methylformamido)methylene)‑5‑hydroxybu tyrolactone dehydrogenase
RA 4,151,792 G→A 5.3% G53S (GGT→AGT)  CJ019_03909 → hypothetical protein
RA 4,245,134 A→C 27.9% L182V (TTG→GTG)  CJ019_03982 ← Crotonyl‑CoA hydratase
RA 4,245,145 A→C 43.5% L178R (CTG→CGG)  CJ019_03982 ← Crotonyl‑CoA hydratase
JC 4,257,351 +CGCGGCCG 100% intergenic (‑280/+8) CJ019_03991 ← / ← CJ019_03994 putative ABC transporter ATP‑binding protein/hypothetical protein
RA 4,277,043 T→G 36.0% G278G (GGT→GGG hbd → 3‑hydroxybutyryl‑CoA dehydrogenase
RA 4,329,199 G→T 5.8% V75V (GTG→GTT aes → Acetyl esterase
RA 4,350,051 A→G 6.5% L26S (TTG→TCG)  tcrX ← putative transcriptional regulatory proteinTcrX
RA 4,359,633 C→T 6.1% R10H (CGC→CAC)  CJ019_04105 ← Beta‑peptidyl aminopeptidase BapA
RA 4,373,169 G→A 7.3% A412V (GCG→GTG)  CJ019_04121 ← hypothetical protein
RA 4,500,221 A→C 33.9% G58G (GGT→GGG cysG_1 ← Siroheme synthase
RA 4,500,241 A→C 32.0% L52V (TTG→GTG)  cysG_1 ← Siroheme synthase
RA 4,681,221 A→C 29.4% Q162P (CAG→CCG)  yejF → putative ABC transporter ATP‑binding proteinYejF
RA 4,845,620 T→G 51.1% intergenic (+47/+72) apt → / ← recR Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase/Recombination protein RecR
RA 4,874,709 A→C 34.2% intergenic (+13/‑174) CJ019_04568 → / → uacT_1 hypothetical protein/Uric acid transporter UacT
RA 4,880,375 T→G 33.5% E92A (GAG→GCG)  CJ019_04574 ← hypothetical protein
RA 4,894,035 T→G 32.8% intergenic (+31/‑467) lrpC → / → pucI_2 HTH‑type transcriptional regulator LrpC/putative allantoin permease
RA 4,917,312 C→T 7.1% E283E (GAG→GAA CJ019_04613 ← hypothetical protein
RA 5,003,043 G→A 7.1% R5K (AGA→AAA)  CJ019_04696 → hypothetical protein
RA 5,097,064 C→G 40.6% intergenic (+28/‑162) CJ019_04792 → / → CJ019_04793 Putative pterin‑4‑alpha‑carbinolaminedehydratase/hypothetical protein
RA 5,171,928 A→G 6.9% Y15H (TAC→CAC)  CJ019_04861 ← hypothetical protein
RA 5,252,157 T→G 25.8% D323A (GAC→GCC)  fabV ← Enoyl‑[acyl‑carrier‑protein] reductase [NADH]
RA 5,262,927 T→G 54.0% intergenic (+27/+9) uacT_2 → / ← radA Uric acid transporter UacT/DNA repair protein RadA
RA 5,267,395 A→C 19.2% S192R (AGC→CGC)  rlmG → Ribosomal RNA large subunit methyltransferase G
RA 5,478,784 G→A 5.4% M299I (ATG→ATA purD → Phosphoribosylamine‑‑glycine ligase
RA 5,562,303 A→C 17.8% L220R (CTG→CGG)  nnr ← Bifunctional NAD(P)H‑hydrate repair enzyme Nnr
RA 5,684,640 T→G 33.1% P120P (CCT→CCG CJ019_05336 → hypothetical protein
RA 5,756,055 Δ1 bp 100% coding (776/834 nt) CJ019_05400 → hypothetical protein
RA 5,762,814 C→T 5.5% L228L (CTG→CTA CJ019_05404 ← hypothetical protein
RA 5,778,681 C→T 5.5% T343T (ACC→ACT selO → Protein adenylyltransferase SelO
RA 5,798,711 A→C 18.1% N215T (AAC→ACC)  mrcA → Penicillin‑binding protein 1A
RA 5,859,935 C→T 6.4% E143K (GAG→AAG)  thyA ← Thymidylate synthase
RA 5,921,203 G→A 8.2% L168L (CTG→TTG)  CJ019_05543 ← putative binding protein component of ABC iron transporter
RA 5,974,074 A→C 63.9% Q688P (CAG→CCG)  sasA_19 → Adaptive‑response sensory‑kinase SasA
RA 6,001,307 A→C 28.0% S313R (AGC→CGC)  mdtK → Multidrug resistance protein MdtK
RA 6,020,335 T→G 39.7% S60R (AGC→CGC)  ycaD_4 ← putative MFS‑type transporter YcaD
RA 6,020,340 A→C 35.1% L58R (CTG→CGG)  ycaD_4 ← putative MFS‑type transporter YcaD
RA 6,048,901 C→G 6.5% I124M (ATC→ATG oxyR → Hydrogen peroxide‑inducible genes activator
RA 6,072,767 A→G 6.1% I19V (ATC→GTC)  yeaD_2 → Putative glucose‑6‑phosphate 1‑epimerase
RA 6,084,764 A→C 22.5% N178T (AAC→ACC)  paiB → Protease synthase and sporulation protein PAI 2

Unassigned missing coverage evidence
   seq id start end size ←reads reads→ gene description
* * ÷ ACB122 87964 88060 97 25 [23] [16] 27 [CJ019_00094]–[CJ019_00095] [CJ019_00094],[CJ019_00095]
* * ÷ ACB122 161217 161447–161316 100–231 24 [23] [22] 29 [uctC_1] [uctC_1]
* * ÷ ACB122 346095 346218 124 24 [19] [23] 24 [btuD_1] [btuD_1]
* * ÷ ACB122 517190 517317 128 34 [21] [23] 24 tyrS/birA Tyrosine‑‑tRNA ligase/Bifunctional ligase/repressor BirA
* * ÷ ACB122 674232 674386 155 25 [21] [22] 28 [nimR_1]–[mcpH_2] [nimR_1],[mcpH_2]
* * ÷ ACB122 1304748 1304869 122 24 [22] [22] 24 [rapA] [rapA]
* * ÷ ACB122 1376253 1376336 84 24 [22] [22] 25 CJ019_01289 hypothetical protein
* * ÷ ACB122 1585608 1585732 125 29 [23] [23] 24 [CJ019_01493]–[CJ019_01494] [CJ019_01493],[CJ019_01494]
* * ÷ ACB122 1697641 1697739 99 24 [22] [21] 28 [CJ019_01593] [CJ019_01593]
* * ÷ ACB122 1705082 1705206 125 24 [23] [22] 25 ppc/adk Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase/Adenylate kinase
* * ÷ ACB122 1914545 1914659 115 27 [22] [21] 24 [ppsC_1]–[CJ019_01830] [ppsC_1],[CJ019_01830]
* * ÷ ACB122 2288817 2288934 118 25 [21] [20] 27 CJ019_02171/CJ019_02172 hypothetical protein/hypothetical protein
* * ÷ ACB122 2467207 2467225 19 29 [0] [11] 41 CJ019_02325/tal hypothetical protein/Transaldolase
* * ÷ ACB122 2944350 2944449 100 27 [8] [22] 25 [CJ019_02782] [CJ019_02782]
* * ÷ ACB122 3046177 3046347 171 24 [19] [22] 26 [rcsC_5]–[degU_2] [rcsC_5],[degU_2]
* * ÷ ACB122 3280231 3280373 143 26 [22] [23] 26 [CJ019_03085]–[xthA_2] [CJ019_03085],[xthA_2]
* * ÷ ACB122 3459854 3459932 79 28 [23] [22] 28 CJ019_03284 hypothetical protein
* * ÷ ACB122 3769383 3769491 109 25 [23] [23] 25 CJ019_03581/CJ019_03582 hypothetical protein/hypothetical protein
* * ÷ ACB122 4163782 4163883 102 25 [23] [23] 24 katG/leuO_2 Catalase‑peroxidase/HTH‑type transcriptional regulator LeuO
* * ÷ ACB122 4330052 4330138 87 26 [18] [22] 24 [CJ019_04068] [CJ019_04068]
* * ÷ ACB122 4344767 4344824 58 25 [22] [22] 24 nmoA Nitronate monooxygenase
* * ÷ ACB122 4521596 4521718 123 24 [23] [23] 25 [CJ019_04289] [CJ019_04289]
* * ÷ ACB122 4666890 4667019 130 29 [23] [22] 24 [btuB_4] [btuB_4]
* * ÷ ACB122 4732392 4732543 152 24 [20] [23] 24 [CJ019_04468] [CJ019_04468]
* * ÷ ACB122 4944873 4944992 120 24 [23] [23] 25 [CJ019_04642] [CJ019_04642]
* * ÷ ACB122 4955866 4977755 21890 95 [0] [1] 72 [atoC_3]–flgB [atoC_3],atoS,norR_4,CJ019_04655,fliS,fliD,CJ019_04658,CJ019_04659,fabH,CJ019_04661,CJ019_04662,CJ019_04663,flgI,flgH,flgG,flgF,CJ019_04668,flgE,flgD,flgC,flgB
* * ÷ ACB122 5156434 5156595 162 24 [22] [23] 25 [CJ019_04852] [CJ019_04852]
* * ÷ ACB122 5188763 5188938 176 26 [23] [23] 24 [CJ019_04882]–[pxpC_2] [CJ019_04882],[pxpC_2]
* * ÷ ACB122 5193565 5193688 124 24 [23] [23] 24 [gltR_4]–[CJ019_04888] [gltR_4],[CJ019_04888]
* * ÷ ACB122 5550429 5550603 175 24 [23] [23] 24 CJ019_05227/purA hypothetical protein/Adenylosuccinate synthetase
* * ÷ ACB122 5645604 5645681 78 33 [16] [23] 25 CJ019_05302/CJ019_05303 hypothetical protein/hypothetical protein
* * ÷ ACB122 5890354 5890489 136 25 [23] [22] 24 CJ019_05517/czcA_3 hypothetical protein/Cobalt‑zinc‑cadmium resistance protein CzcA
* * ÷ ACB122 5895772 5895862 91 24 [23] [21] 25 [CJ019_05521] [CJ019_05521]

Unassigned new junction evidence
  seq id position reads (cov) reads (cov) score skew freq annotation gene product
* ? ACB122 3359610 =47 (0.710)66 (1.000) 43/234 NT 73.7% intergenic (+219/‑151) pikAII_1/CJ019_03160 Narbonolide/10‑deoxymethynolide synthase PikA2,modules 3 and 4/Tn3 family transposase ISPa42
?ACB122 4977756 = 0 (0.000)intergenic (‑238/+84) flgB/cheR2 Flagellar basal body rod protein FlgB/Chemotaxis protein methyltransferase Cher2
* ? ACB122 = 337662264 (0.970)83 (1.290) 44/228 NT 72.7% coding (501/546 nt) CJ019_03184 hypothetical protein
?ACB122 = 4955865 0 (0.000)coding (538/1356 nt) atoC_3 Regulatory protein AtoC
* ? ACB122 = 598142741 (0.620)6 (0.100) 6/218 NT 16.9% intergenic (+65/‑624) kefC_3/CJ019_05604 Glutathione‑regulated potassium‑efflux systemprotein KefC/hypothetical protein
?ACB122 5981619 = 21 (0.340)intergenic (+257/‑432) kefC_3/CJ019_05604 Glutathione‑regulated potassium‑efflux systemprotein KefC/hypothetical protein